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DNS Service

Accept DNS queries and perform encrpyted lookups via Cloudflares HTTPS DNS api

Standalone DNS Server

Bind to port 53 and translate local dns queries

Running a pre-compiled binary

To run the DNS server locally run the compiled binary. You may need admin priveleges as the program binds to port 53 to accept queries

sudo ./dns-service
> 2022-04-04T22:53:28+01:00: [INFO] listening on port [53]

Once running you can test the server with dig

dig @localhost

To see more verbose information

sudo OUTPUT_LEVEL=0 ./dns-service

Filtering requests by domain

The server has the ability to redirect domains to a custom IP, often used for ad-blocking or internal hosts. To setup a filter list create a text file like below, with each record on a new line

Then start the server with the following environment variable set

sudo FILTER_FILE=myfilters.txt ./dns-service

DNS Library

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