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Tool for detection of commented code in C++, C, Java (and any other language after some setup).


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Commented Code Detector

The tool detects commented code using heuristics based on usage of Halstead code metrics. In general, it can be used for all programming languages after updating the lists of keywords, operators and comment marks. Currently the script is fine-tuned for C++ and successfully tested (with C++ settings!) with C and Java as well.

Please note that the tool uses heuristic algorithm - it is neither guaranteed that each snipped of the commented code will be found nor that there will not be some false-positives. However, about 75% of the hits really contain commented code.

The tool can be used for calculating Halstead metrics for the given file as well.

============================================================================= CONTENT:

src: - Script for detecting commented code. Please try -h to see arguments lists. This script accepts a singular file as an input. - Script for running commentedCodeDetector on each C++ file found in the given directory. results: Contain some example results of running on sources of a few well-known programs: C++: Doom3, LLVM and Firefox Java (with C++ settings for the script): Vuze C (with C++ setting for the script): Quake 3 Arena.

============================================================================= ALGORITHM DETAILS

Halstead metrics are: Operators count, Distinct operators, Operands count, Distinct operand, Program length, Program vocabulary, Volume, Difficulty, Effort (see

  1. Find comments. If two comments are adjacent, merge them into one comment.
  2. For each comment: a) Calculate Halstead metrics (as though the comment was a plain code) b) Calculate Halstead metrics for joined comment and its context. Context of the comment are N lines of code directly before and directly after the comment. N depends on the length (in lines) of the comment (see --context-multiplier and --min-context arguments). c) Compare each metric calculated for a) and b) (Volume with Volume, Effort with Effort etc.). Comparison uses relative values of metrics - value of each metric is divided by the number of lines of code on which it was computed. If the percentage difference between the relative value of a metric for a) and b) is lower than COMMENTED_CODE_MAX_TRESHOLDS, give one Max Point, if the value is higher than COMMENTED_CODE_MIN_TRESHOLDS, give one Min Point. If the number of Min Points is higher than (or equals) COMMENTED_CODE_MIN_TRESHOLDS_EXPECTED_PASSES and the number of Max Points is higher than (or equals) COMMENTED_CODE_MAX_TRESHOLDS_EXPECTED_PASSES, comment contains (with high probability) commented code. Report it.

Description of the step c) may be a little bit incomprehensible - please look into the code (function analyzeComment) for more concise version :)

============================================================================= CONFIGURING FOR OTHER LANGUAGES


  2. Some tunning of the COMMENTED_CODE_MAX_TRESHOLDS and COMMENTED_CODE_MIN_TRESHOLDS may be need (although current settings should be good enough for all imperative and object-oriented languages). Using higher verbosity levels may be useful in case of tuning. Please note that initial tunning for C++ took about 10 minutes, so it is rather easy and quick process.

If you configure the script for other languages, please let me know about this fact and about the results of your code analysis.

============================================================================= VARIOUS REMARKS

The script has been prepared as a project for Advanced program analysis course during my Computer Science studies at University of Warsaw. Lack of tests and poor comments are caused by the haste during preparation of it - student's life :)

Script was prepared for Python 2.7.3.

Dominik Borowiec January 2013


Tool for detection of commented code in C++, C, Java (and any other language after some setup).







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