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yarn add @dborysov/md-table
# or
npm i -S @dborysov/md-table


Of course, you can use plain old (java|type)script to create an array of objects:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  phoneNumber: string;
  lastName: string;
  email: string;

const users: User[] = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    email: '',
    middleName: 'SomeMiddleName',
    phoneNumber: '123-456-78-910',
    id: 2,
    name: 'Jane',
    middleName: 'SomeOtherMiddleName',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    email: '',
    phoneNumber: '56-47-78-910',

But it can be done in a more readable way:

import { parseTable } from '@dborysov/md-table';

const users = parseTable(`
  | id  | name | middleName          | lastName | email                | phoneNumber    |
  | --- | ---- | ------------------- | -------- | -------------------- | -------------- |
  | 1   | John | SomeMiddleName      | Doe      | | 123-456-78-910 |
  | 2   | Jane | SomeOtherMiddleName | Doe      | | 56-47-78-910   |

If the table is getting wider, you can transpose it. No delimiter is needed in that case:

import { parseTable } from '@dborysov/md-table';

const users = parseTable(
  | id          | 1                    | 2                    |
  | name        | John                 | Jane                 |
  | middleName  | SomeMiddleName       | SomeOtherMiddleName  |
  | lastName    | Doe                  | Doe                  |
  | email       | | |
  | phoneNumber | 123-456-78-910       | 56-47-78-910         |
  { transpose: true },

Yeah, but typings?..

I love typescript for so many things, for example for working with string literals. In the previous examples the type of users is Record<"id" | "name" | "middleName" | "lastName" | "email" | "phoneNumber", string>[]