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CHANGES.txt for Hobo 1.3
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bryanlarsen committed Nov 14, 2011
1 parent 955b5af commit 141cd88
Showing 1 changed file with 382 additions and 0 deletions.
382 changes: 382 additions & 0 deletions hobo/CHANGES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
Hobo 1.3 Changes

Hobo 1.3 is a significant update to Hobo. The biggest change is that it now uses Rails 3.0 rather than Rails 2.X, but many other enhancements are included.


- contents

# Binary Apps

There are 2 binary apps: hobo and hobofields. They have been rewritten from scratch and they accepts different options. Run the help for more details.

$ hobo --help
$ hobofields --help


This is a variable used only by hobo developers. You can set it to
your local hobo git repository and the Gemfile will point to the local
copy of your gems. It work even without git, because it adds the path
to each gem root to the Gemfile.


$ HOBODEV=./hobo3 ./hobo3/hobo/bin/hobo new hobo_app

# Configuration Variables #

They are set by the hobo engine at startup, and they can be overwrited by adding in `config/application.rb`:

config.hobo.<variable_name> = <value>

variable name|type|description|default
`app_name`|string|sets the application name|computed from the `application_module_name` generated by rails at the app creation
`developer_features`|boolean|enables routes and actions for the dev controller|true in development and test env
`routes_path`|Pathname object|sets the path of the auto generated routes file|`config/hobo_routes.rb`
`rapid_generators_path`|Pathname object|sets the path of the generators rapid directory|`lib/hobo/rapid/generators`
`auto_taglibs_path`|Pathname object|sets the path of the auto taglibs|app/views/taglibs/auto
`read_only_file_system`|boolean|skips the generation of auto generated files (hobo routes, auto taglibs)|true only for Heroku deployed apps
`show_translation_keys`|boolean|enable inline annotation of translated output|false
`dryml_only_templates`|boolean|skips the generation of helper files|false

## Notes

### `read_only_file_system`

You don't need to mess with `read_only_file_system` if you use heroku:
it will be set automatically only when the application is run in the
heroku environment.

### `show_translation_keys`

When `show_translation_key` is true it will show a label before each translated string, reporting the translation key used. The label is dryml friendly, i.e. does not contain any `<span>` tags (which are nicely styleable but mess everything up when inserted in the wrong place).

It is omnipresent: it will just appear everywhere there is a key lookup, even in select-menu, so it is a real support for translation, debugging and overriding.

It also shows how to override any hobo default strings for a specific
model, (for example titles or heading for pages) since it shows both
the called key and the fallback for each key passed to the ht method
(sorry for the complicated explanation, but just try it and it will be
self explanatory).

# Application Name

In previous Hobo, the app-name tag was generated by hobo and written into `application.dryml` and `<subsite>_site.dryml` and the canonical way to change it was just changing the string into the tag itself. Not anymore. The app-name tag in hobo has (almost) gone. Now it is a helper method that returns a combined string of application name and subsite name when present.

The helper method takes the application name from a configuration variable: `config.hobo.app_name` that is set at startup by extracting it from the `<your_application_module_name>::Application`, which is a class that all rails 3 application (and engines) use in order to configure a lot of things. The `your_application_module_name` part is generated by the `rails new <your_application_module_name>` command.

Although adding a custom app-name tag is possible and supported, it is reserved to local overriding (e.g. if you want to override just a subsite name for a specific subsite). If you want to override it application-wide, you should just set the `config.hobo.app_name` configuration variable in your `application.rb` (or somwhere else like in any environment file).

config.hobo.app_name = "Alternative Name"

# Field Types

The logic of sanitizing/escaping/marking-html-safe field types has changed as follow:

The `to_html` method of a field type must always return a `html_safe?` string. Depending on the type itself and its common use, the result will be one of the following:

- escaped string (html tags get escaped as html entities)
- sanitized string (unsafe html tags get filtered out)
- raw string (no changes)

In detail:

### HTML content fields

* HtmlString : sanitized
* RawHtmlString : raw
* MarkdownString : sanitized
* RawMarkdownString : raw
* TextileString : sanitized

### Non HTML content fields:

* Text : escaped and `\n` translated to `<br/>`
* EmailAddress : escaped and formatted as a "human-only" readable address
* PasswordString : literal "\[password hidden\]" I18n translated

### Internal content fields:

* EnumString : raw and I18n translated
* LifecycleState : raw and I18n translated

# Generators

Generators have been rewritten from scratch because rails 3 generators have been refactored a lot. The hobo generators have also been reorganized to fit to the new setup_wizard, and to be more DRY: indeed they often invoke each other from the inside. The section in the books that are referring to generators have to be rewritten almost completely.

If you are used to the old hobo/rails syntax, please, noticed how these commands and names have changed:

old command|new command
`ruby script/generate hobo_migration`|`hobo g migration`
`ruby script/generate hobo_model_resource`|`hobo g resource`
`ruby script/generate hobo_model`|`hobo g model`

old generator|new generator

## hobo generators

The following command in a hobo/rails dir shows all the generators available:

$ hobo g --help


$ rails g --help

Under the *Hobo* group we find the hobo generators:


You can have more help about any generator (e.g. the 'hobo:resource' generator) by doing:

$ hobo g resource --help

(which is the same as)

$ rails g hobo:resource --help

As you may notice, if you use the hobo command you can omit the `hobo:` namespace prepended to hobo generators.

The following options are common options for all the generators:

-q, [--quiet] # Supress status output
-f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist
-s, [--skip] # Skip files that already exist
-p, [--pretend] # Run but do not make any changes

# Mailers

Mailers have been rewritten in rails 3. They are now simpler than before, and hobo adds a couple of useful helpers.

`Hobo::MailerHelper` supplies the `app_name` (self explanatory) and `host` mailer-helpers: they are available as class and instance methods and as instance variables already set.

The host helper is very useful when a mailer is called from a controller. This allows the `url_for` method to work without the `:host` option (or if you set `default_url_options`). If your mailer runs in another context, the host helper returns the default host.

The mailers become VERY simple with rails 3 and the hobo helpers. Take a look at the user mailer:

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "no-reply@#{host}"

def forgot_password(user, key)
@user, @key = user, key
mail( :subject => "#{app_name} -- forgotten password",
:to => user.email_address )


You can use the host helper in the class (as a class method), but you could do the same in any instance method like we do with `app_name`. Alternatively, in the template you can use `@app_name` and `@host` without the need to set them in the mailer.

# Routes

Routes have changed a lot in rails 3 and the automatic routing system in Hobo has been rewritten almost from scratch. The main changes compared to previous versions are:

- Routes are now written in a file for easy user inspection and to make them work as they should in a regular app
- The path file is a configuration variable (`routes_path`) and can be overwritten by the user in the application block in config.application.rb
- The hobo engine paths (`dryml_support` and `dev_support`) are written in `hobo/config/routes.rb` and added by rails automatically
- The user can override the hobo routes in the regular application `config/routes.rbfile`
- The engine has a regular rails generator that generates the routes when needed, no monkey patch required.
- No need to run the generator manually even the first time after deployment
- The generation of the `hobo_routes.rb` file at startup is skipped when the read_only_file_system config variable is true (which it is when run in Heroku)

# View Hints Alternatives

In Hobo >= 1.3.* view hints are not files anymore, but their functionality has been moved elsewhere. Viewhints are now a subclass of `Hobo::Model::ViewHints` instead of `Hobo::ViewHints`. The class has been aliased so the old way is still supported. If you create a `viewhints` directory and put some old style view hints file in there they will work as before.

## Renaming

View hints no longer are responsible for translating machine names into human readable strings; this now the responsibility of the i18n mechanism, also known as locales. Hobo uses the Rails' i18n mechanisms and conventions.

Here is the uncommented default config/locale/app.en.yml file.

hello: "Hello world"

created_at: Created at
updated_at: Updated at

one: User
other: Users
created_at: Created at
name: Name
password: Password
password_confirmation: Password Confirmation
email_address: Email Address
email_address: We will never share your address with third parties

Please, note the following:

- YAML files use a fixed number of spaces (2) to indent levels.
- Tabs are illegal
- Quote marks are not mandatory

The locale file structure is a rails convention. For more information see the [rails 3 i18n guide](

You can rename models and attributes by changing or adding key/values in the specific `activerecord.models` and `activerecord.attributes` sections, and adding attribute help you might need in the `activerecord.attribute_help` section (which is a hobo specific section). For example:

hello: "Hello world"

created_at: Created at
updated_at: Updated at

one: User
other: Users
one: Friend
other: Friends
created_at: Created at
name: Name
password: Password
password_confirmation: Password Confirmation
email_address: eAddress
name: Nickname
email_address: eAddress
email_address: We will never share your address with third parties
name: This is the nickname

Just be careful: don't mess up the indentation!

Notice: the key/values inside the first `attributes` group is used as the default for all the models.

## Hints

The `ViewHints.children` and the `ViewHints.inline_booleans` methods have been moved into the model, but they are used in the exactly same way they were used before.

You can always reach the view_hints class by accessing the `Model.view_hints` method, so for example `User.view_hints.children` will return the children of the User model. `parent`, `parent_defined`, `sortable?` and `paginate?` are also similarly accessible.

## Deprecated methods

- `model_name`
- `model_name_plural`
- `field_name`
- `field_names`

When called they raise an error, explaining the reason.

# Internationalization

The Hobo i18n framework has been completely rewritten. See the [i18n
manual chapter](/manual/i18n/) for more details

# Other Changes

## Hobo Installation

You can install all the development dependencies of hobo by using the --development gem option

## Rake Tasks

Most of the old rake tasks have been replaced with generators. There
is a new rake task useful to install and/or publish all the hobo gems
to rubygems:

$ rake gems[install]
$ rake gems[push]

## Lifecycles

Added the :subsite lifecycle option which will generate the
creator/transition route only in that subsite. E.g. if you don'set the
:subsite option Hobo will generate a regular front controller route,
while `:subsite => 'any_subsite'` will generate the route only in that subsite.

## Front Controller

Normalized the front controller form for first user with admin flag
(now the first signed up user get active and get admin rights in a
before_create handler)

## `page_path` param

The page_path parameter added to forms now contains the
request.fullpath (and it's reversed with
ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path). There are also 3
helpers to manage it (these helpers are used internally so they are
less interesting for users):

- recognize_page_path
- url_for_page_path
- controller_action_from_page_path

## Array#safe_join

`Array#safe_join` is a hobo_support extension useful to deal with
arrays of strings and html_safe strings. It always returns an
html_safe? string preserving the already html_safe? items and
separator, excaping the rest.

## `hobo_model_*`

`hobo_model_*` no longer accepts an argument.

## Custom resource names
A few generators allow more flexibility to the developer. You can assign a custom name to the `user_resource`, `front_controller` and `admin_subsite`.

## dryml

render :something

renders the tag 'something-page' thanks to the page_tag_resolver appended to the view_paths

All the .dryml files in `app/views/taglibs/application/` and in each `app/views/taglibs/<subsite>_site/` will be auto included.

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