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hello world with mpi_f08 module.

dc-fukuoka@myubuntu:~/git/hello_mpi_f08$ make
mpif90  -g -O3 -mavx hello.F90 -o hello_mpi  
mpif90 -fopenmp  -g -O3 -mavx hello.F90 -o hello_hyb

dc-fukuoka@myubuntu:~/git/hello_mpi_f08$ grep "core id" /proc/cpuinfo 
core id		: 0
core id		: 1
core id		: 2
core id		: 3
core id		: 0
core id		: 1
core id		: 2
core id		: 3

dc-fukuoka@myubuntu:~/git/hello_mpi_f08$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 KMP_AFFINITY=compact mpirun -bind-to hwthread --display-map -np 8 ./hello_hyb 
 Data for JOB [5657,1] offset 0 Total slots allocated 8

 ========================   JOB MAP   ========================

 Data for node: myubuntu	Num slots: 8	Max slots: 0	Num procs: 8
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 0 Bound: socket 0[core 0[hwt 0]]:[B./../../..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 1 Bound: socket 0[core 0[hwt 1]]:[.B/../../..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 2 Bound: socket 0[core 1[hwt 0]]:[../B./../..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 3 Bound: socket 0[core 1[hwt 1]]:[../.B/../..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 4 Bound: socket 0[core 2[hwt 0]]:[../../B./..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 5 Bound: socket 0[core 2[hwt 1]]:[../../.B/..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 6 Bound: socket 0[core 3[hwt 0]]:[../../../B.]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [5657,1] App: 0 Process rank: 7 Bound: socket 0[core 3[hwt 1]]:[../../../.B]

myubuntu: MPI:   0/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  0
myubuntu: MPI:   1/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  4
myubuntu: MPI:   2/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  1
myubuntu: MPI:   3/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  5
myubuntu: MPI:   4/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  2
myubuntu: MPI:   5/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  6
myubuntu: MPI:   6/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  3
myubuntu: MPI:   7/  8 OMP:   0/  1 cpu:  7

dc-fukuoka@myubuntu:~/git/hello_mpi_f08$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 KMP_AFFINITY=compact mpirun --map-by socket:pe=2 --display-map -np 2 ./hello_hyb
[myubuntu:03246] SETTING BINDING TO CORE
 Data for JOB [7664,1] offset 0 Total slots allocated 4

 ========================   JOB MAP   ========================

 Data for node: myubuntu	Num slots: 4	Max slots: 0	Num procs: 2
 	Process OMPI jobid: [7664,1] App: 0 Process rank: 0 Bound: socket 0[core 0[hwt 0-1]], socket 0[core 1[hwt 0-1]]:[BB/BB/../..]
 	Process OMPI jobid: [7664,1] App: 0 Process rank: 1 Bound: socket 0[core 2[hwt 0-1]], socket 0[core 3[hwt 0-1]]:[../../BB/BB]

myubuntu: MPI:   0/  2 OMP:   1/  4 cpu:  0
myubuntu: MPI:   0/  2 OMP:   0/  4 cpu:  4
myubuntu: MPI:   0/  2 OMP:   3/  4 cpu:  5
myubuntu: MPI:   0/  2 OMP:   2/  4 cpu:  1
myubuntu: MPI:   1/  2 OMP:   3/  4 cpu:  3
myubuntu: MPI:   1/  2 OMP:   1/  4 cpu:  6
myubuntu: MPI:   1/  2 OMP:   0/  4 cpu:  2
myubuntu: MPI:   1/  2 OMP:   2/  4 cpu:  3


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