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Assorted collection of jumpboxes

Goal: To provide an easy, go to selection, of jumpboxes with the bare minimum on them.

TL;DR: These are *NIX VMs or images (for Kubernetes) with ssh access locked to use:

  1. A public key
  2. MFA such as an Yubikey
  3. Password (optional)

Every file that makes the solution are here, including the Dockerfiles for the images, and they should serve as a base for further experimentation.

I encourage you to clone this repo and the examples here. All of the commands below will be referenced in relation to the base cloned directory.

Virtual Machines

Currently available VMs:

Operating System Version
FreeBSD 11.1

Using MFA - Yubikey

Here are the steps needed:

  1. Go to and grab an API key.

  2. Open the yubikey.tfvars file and add the following:

  3. Save the Client ID to the client_id variable

  4. Save the Secret key to the secretkey variable

  5. Press your Yubikey, and copy the first 12 characters from there. save the output into token_id variable.**

** You can also do this on a terminal:

$ token_id_base=[press your YUBIKEY now]
$ echo $token_id_base | cut -c '1-12'


Currently there are two options: CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04.

Using MFA - Yubikey

Here are the steps needed:

  1. Go to and grab an API key.
  2. Save the Client ID to the yubikeyfiles/client_id file
  3. Save the Secret key to the yubikeyfiles/secretkey file
  4. On a text editor, press your Yubikey, and copy the first 12 characters from there. save the output into yubikeyfiles/token_id.**
  5. Open yubikeyfiles/yubikey_mappings file and substitute the token_id there.

** You can also do this on a terminal:

$ token_id_base=[press your YUBIKEY now]
$ token_id=$(echo $token_id_base | cut -c '1-12' | tee yubikeyfiles/token_id)
$ echo root:$token_id > yubikeyfiles/yubikey_mappings

Sharing the files with Kubernetes Secret

Create the secret to hold the Yubikey files:

kubectl create secret generic yubikey-secrets --from-file=./yubikeyfiles

We also need to authorize our public key. For that, do the following:

kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret --from-file=authorized_keys=/home/${USER}/.ssh/

Deploy to Kubernetes and test

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Finally, test by connecting to the jumpbox with ssh:

  1. Identify the LoadBalancer public IP

    $ kubectl get svc                                            
    NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
    jumpbox-loadbalancer   LoadBalancer   22:31535/TCP   4h
    kubernetes             ClusterIP       <none>         443/TCP        4d
  2. Connect

    $ ssh root@
    YubiKey for `root':		[PRESS YOUR YUBIKEY HERE]
    Last login: Thu Apr 12 21:33:50 2018 from gateway
    [root@centos-jumpbox ~]#


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