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Dominic Ford edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 11 revisions

Installing 4GP

4GP is distributed with a standard setuptools installation script which allows you to install its constituent modules into your local python environment.

Note that 4GP is currently only tested against python 3.5.

We recommended that you install them in a python virtual environment, rather than tampering with your system-wide python installation.

Follow these steps in a Linux shell to do this:

# Check out code from GitHub
git clone

# Sometimes this line is necessary, if your locale settings are broken
export LC_ALL=C
# Set up a python 3 virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate

# Install some of the python packages we required
pip install numpy scipy astropy mysqlclient flask matplotlib tables

# Install 4GP code
cd 4most-4gp/src/pythonModules/fourgp_speclib
python develop
cd ../fourgp_cannon
python develop
cd ../fourgp_degrade
python develop
cd ../fourgp_rv
python develop
cd ../fourgp_specsynth
python develop
cd ../fourgp_telescope_data
python develop
cd ../fourgp_fourfs
python develop
cd ../fourgp_payne
python develop
cd ../fourgp_pipeline
python develop

4GP API documentation

4GP includes a set of scripts which produce auto-generated HTML documentation of its programmatic API.

These use a tool called Sphinx to automatically extract comments from the 4GP source code, and turn them into documentation of the methods which are available within each Python class.

After running the commands above, you can create the API documentation as follows:

# Create API documentation using sphinx
pip install Sphinx
cd ../../../docs
make html

After doing this, a directory _build will have appeared within the docs directory containing HTML documentation. To view its contents, you should open a web browser and enter the address:


Next steps

Once you have completed these steps, and have 4GP installed, you will probably want to install some of the tools which 4GP wraps.

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