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Get Out

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Background and Overview

Get Out is a single screen browser game where the user tries to escape. The game starts with the player on a ledge near the left hand side of the screen. The user can use his mouse to click on a point on the screen to release a hook that can attach to parts of the ceilings to swing him across the screen. The player wins when the the chicken reaches the coop or loses when he either falls into the bottom of the screen or swings to the bottom of the screen.



  • Players can navigate through the map by swinging on a hook that they release on mouse click.
  • Players win when the reach the door.
  • Players lose when they fall into the fire.
  • Distance/score traveled will be displayed.
  • Add effects on winning/losing.
  • Adding music and sound effects for hook release.

Architecture & Technologies

This technologies used are

  • Vanilla JavaScript for overall logic.
  • HTML 5 Canvas for DOM rendering.

The scripts needed for this project are.

  • map.js to render the canvas elements.
  • chicken.js for the chicken logic including gravity, swing speed.
  • hook.js for the hook logic that will determine the swing speed. and collision logic with the ceiling.
  • main.js for handling canvas and event listeners.
  • game.js to run the game.
  • sound.js to add sound effects to the game.


The biggest challenge for this project was creating the algorithm for the pendulum swing motion when the chicken is attached to the ceiling. Below is the solution that I eventually came to.

  this.x = hook.xEnd - Math.sin(hook.radian) * hook.length;
  this.y = hook.yEnd + Math.cos(hook.radian) * hook.length;
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.radian= this.radian || Math.atan((this.xEnd-x)/Math.abs(this.yEnd-y));
  this.length = this.length || Math.sqrt(Math.pow((this.xEnd-x),2)+Math.pow((this.yEnd-y),2));

Since the pendulum swing motion is dependent on the hooks attached positions, the angle it makes with the ceiling, and the length, the two are deeply intertwined. Before when I did not use the or operator, the radian and and length would constantly change due to the fact that the x,y start position of the hook was dependent on the chickens position and that would always differ. By using the OR operator I was able to set the radian and length to the first initial hook attachment to give me a proper pendulum motion.

Another challenge was getting the canvas to move with the chicken. The solution I implemented was creating a div to hold the canvas and hide the overflow. I had the canvas scroll with the chicken with a left padding like so :

  let canvasHolder = document.getElementById("canvas-holder");
  canvasHolder.scrollLeft = this.chicken.x - 100;

Additional Resources

See proposal folder for wireframe and project timeline.

Future Implementation

  • Allow a faster velocity/swing motion.
  • Create a ceiling collision affect with the chicken.
  • Add more chicken sprites to select from.


A vanilla JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas game.






No releases published
