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Trim ISO 2022 Character Sets using Coercions

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Replaces single code for Single-Byte Character Sets with Code Extensions by code for Single-Byte Character Sets without Code Extensions in (received) composite objects.

replace by
ISO 2022 IR 6 <none>
ISO 2022 IR 100 ISO_IR 100
ISO 2022 IR 101 ISO_IR 101
ISO 2022 IR 109 ISO_IR 109
ISO 2022 IR 110 ISO_IR 110
ISO 2022 IR 144 ISO_IR 144
ISO 2022 IR 127 ISO_IR 127
ISO 2022 IR 126 ISO_IR 126
ISO 2022 IR 138 ISO_IR 138
ISO 2022 IR 148 ISO_IR 148
ISO 2022 IR 13 ISO_IR 13
ISO 2022 IR 166 ISO_IR 166

applicable for :

References :

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