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Phil Barker edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 2 revisions


In this example, the basic design is the work (and perhaps the work and the expression combined in the black and white drawing); the color design is a manifestation; the actual quilt is the item.

In this case it is hard to separate the work from the expression. However, you could treat the work as very abstract, with a title and a creator, which is consistent with how work is defined. Then drawing of the design would be the expression. What strikes me is that where Work is very important for things like books/stories it is much harder to define them for visual and manufactured items. We don't have a good vocabulary for things that don't use a vocabulary. However, we do have a creator and in essence the Work, as something created, can be represented primarily by the creator of that creation, and maybe a title or a description.

@prefix q: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

ex:quilt1 a q:quiltWork ;
    dct:title "Big EZ Quilt Pattern" ;
    dct:creator <> .

ex:quilt2 a q:quiltExpression ;
    q:qexpresses ex:quilt1 ;
    q:quiltDesign <ccc.pdf> .

ex:quilt3 a q:quiltManifestation ;
    q:qmanifests ex:quilt2 ;
    q:quiltPattern <ddd.pdf> .

ex:quilt4 a q:quiltItem ;
    q:instantiates ex:quilt3 ;
    dct:creator "Karen Coyle" ;
    schema:image <> ;
    dct:date "2022"^^xsd:gYear .
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