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DCSA TNT - Track & Trace

Building and Running the project,

[RECOMMENDED] Setup a Github Personal Access Token as mentioned here, then skip to step 3.

If you would like to build required DCSA packages individually, begin with step 1.

  1. Build DCSA-Core as described in DCSA-Core/, then

  2. Build DCSA-Event-Core as described in DCSA-Event-Core/, then

  3. Clone DCSA-TNT (with --recurse-submodules option.) and Build using, mvn package

  4. Initialize your local postgresql database as described in datamodel/
    or If you have docker installed, you may skip this step and use the docker-compose command mentioned below to set it up (This will initialize the application along with the database).

  5. Run application,

mvn spring-boot:run [options]

options:"--DB_HOSTNAME=localhost:5432 --LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"

OR using docker-compose

docker-compose up -d -V --build
  1. Verify if the application is running,
curl http://localhost:9090/v1/actuator/health

Security considerations

This reference implementation does not do any authentication/authorization and should not be used in production as is. Using this as is in production would expose data for all parties to all other parties with out checking weather they should have access.