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Halvade Preprocessing

Dries Decap edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 6 revisions



Hadoop jar HalvadeUploaderWithLibs.jar –1 /dir/to/input.manifest -O /halvade/out/ –t 8

Hadoop jar HalvadeUploaderWithLibs.jar –1 /dir/to/reads1.fastq -2 /dir/to/reads2.fastq -O /halvade/out/ –t 8

Hadoop jar HalvadeUploaderWithLibs.jar –1 /dir/to/input.manifest -O s3://bucketname/halvade/out/ -cred /dir/to/credentials.txt –t 8


Preprocessing the fastq files will interleave the paired-end reads and split the files in pieces of 60MB (by default, can be changed with the -size option). The Halvade Uploader will automatically upload these preprocessed files to HDFS or S3 depending on the output directory.


For better performance it is advised to increase the Java heap memory for the hadoop command, depending on the Hadoop version set these to e.g. 32GB:

export HADOOP_OPTS="-Xmx32g"
export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=32768


Argument   | Description

------------- | ------------- -O STR | Output directory. Required. This string gives the directory where the output files will be put. This can be both HDFS or S3 where a directory on S3 requires the S3://bucketname/ prefix -1 STR | Manifest/Input file. Required. This string gives the absolute path of the Manifest file or the first input fastq file. This manifest file contains a line per file pair, separated by a tab: /dir/to/fastq1.fastq /dir/to/fastq2.fastq. If this is equal to '-' then the fastq reads are read from standard input. -2 STR | Input file 2. This gives the second pair of paired-end reads in a fastq file. -cred STR | Credentials file. Gives the path of the credentials file used to acces S3. This should be configured when installing the Amazon EMR command line interface. -i | Interleaved. This is used when one fastq input file is given, the input file is assumed to have both pairs of paired-end reads and the reads are interleaved. -lz4 | Lz4 compression. This enables lz4 compression, this is faster than gzip but will require more disk space. The lz4 compression library needs to be enabled in the Hadoop distribution for this to work. -size INT | Size. This sets the maximum file size (in bytes) of each interleaved file [60MB]. -snappy | Snappy compression. This enables snappy compression, this is faster than gzip but will require more disk space. Snappy requires less disk space than lz4 and is comparable in compression speed. The snappy compression library needs to be enabled in the Hadoop distribution for this to work. -t INT | Threads. This sets the number of threads used to preprocess the input data.