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Automate releases to Homebrew, Chocolatey, and AUR, fixes #2213 (#2301)
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rfay committed Jun 9, 2020
1 parent 93b4008 commit 1d64b85
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Showing 7 changed files with 252 additions and 74 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions .circleci/

This file was deleted.

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .circleci/aur-checker-Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# This can be built and pushed with
# cat aur-checker-Dockerfile | docker build -t "drud/arch-aur-builder:latest" - && docker push "drud/arch-aur-builder:latest"
# - Edit PKGBUILD to change the version and hash or anything else
# - Then run it with
# docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=/tmp/ddev-bin --workdir=/tmp/ddev-bin drud/arch-aur-builder bash -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO && makepkg -s"
# Then `git add -u` and commit and push
FROM archlinux:latest
RUN echo | pacman -Sy sudo binutils fakeroot docker docker-compose
RUN useradd builder
USER builder
CMD bash
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions .circleci/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@

# Requires $AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, a private key in environment variable
# This environment variable must be a single line, with \n replaced by "<SPLIT>"

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset

if [ -z "${AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY:-}" ]; then
printf "\$AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY must be set in the environment. It should be a single line with \n replaced by <SPLIT>" && exit 101
if [ "$#" != "3" ]; then
printf "Arguments: AUR_REPO (AUR repo ddev-bin or ddev-edge-bin) \nVERSION_NUMBER (like v1.14.2) \nARTIFACTS_DIR (like /home/circleci/artifacts)\n" && exit 102

# For testing, you can change GITHUB_USERNAME to, for example, rfay so releases can be tested
# without bothering people.
NO_V_VERSION=$(echo ${VERSION_NUMBER} | awk -F"-" '{ OFS="-"; sub(/^./, "", $1); printf $0; }')
LINUX_HASH=$(cat $ARTIFACTS_DIR/ddev_linux.${VERSION_NUMBER}.tar.gz.sha256.txt | awk '{print $1;}' )
if [ ! -z "${LINUX_TARBALL_OVERRIDE:-}" ]; then
LINUX_HASH=$(curl -sSL "${LINUX_TARBALL_URL}.sha256.txt" | awk '{print $1}')

if [ ${AUR_REPO} = "ddev-edge-bin" ] ; then EDGE_DESCRIPTION=" (edge channel)"; fi

# Add temporary private key provided by CircleCI context
echo $AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | perl -p -e 's/<SPLIT>/\n/g' >/tmp/id_rsa_aur && chmod 600 /tmp/id_rsa_aur

ssh-add /tmp/id_rsa_aur
rm -rf ${AUR_REPO}
git config --global core.sshCommand 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
git clone ssh://${AUR_REPO}.git && pushd ${AUR_REPO} && touch .BUILDINFO && chmod -R ugo+w .

pkgver=$(echo ${VERSION_NUMBER} | tr '-' '_')
pkgdesc='DDEV-Local: a local PHP development environment system${EDGE_DESCRIPTION}'
depends=('docker' 'docker-compose')
optdepends=('bash-completion: subcommand completion support')
package() {
install -D -m 0755 ddev "\$pkgdir/usr/bin/ddev"
install -D -m 0755 "\$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ddev"

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=/tmp/ddev-bin --workdir=/tmp/ddev-bin drud/arch-aur-builder bash -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO && makepkg -s"

git config ""
git config "ddev-releaser"

git commit -am "AUR bump to ${VERSION_NUMBER}"

git push
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions .circleci/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

# Requires $DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN, a token with public repo power

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset

if [ $# != 4 ]; then
printf "Arguments: GITHUB_REPO (homebrew repo like drud/homebrew-ddev) \nPROJECT_NAME (like ddev) \nVERSION_NUMBER (like v1.14.2) \nARTIFACTS_DIR (like /home/circleci/artifacts)\n" && exit 101

# For testing, you can change GITHUB_USERNAME to, for example, rfay so releases can be tested
# without bothering people.
NO_V_VERSION=$(echo ${VERSION_NUMBER} | awk -F"-" '{ OFS="-"; sub(/^./, "", $1); printf $0; }')
SOURCE_SHA=$(curl -sSL ${SOURCE_URL} | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}')

LINUX_BOTTLE_SHA=$(awk '{print $1}' <"${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-${NO_V_VERSION}.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz.sha256.txt")
MACOS_BOTTLE_SHA=$(awk '{print $1}' <${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-${NO_V_VERSION}.sierra.bottle.tar.gz.sha256.txt)

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
cd ${TMPDIR} && git clone${GITHUB_REPO} && cd $(basename ${GITHUB_REPO})

cat >Formula/${PROJECT_NAME}.rb <<END
class Ddev < Formula
desc "ddev: a local development environment management system"
homepage ""
url "${SOURCE_URL}"
sha256 "${SOURCE_SHA}"
# depends_on "docker" => :run
# depends_on "docker-compose" => :run
depends_on "docker" => :build
depends_on "go" => :build
depends_on "mkcert" => :run
depends_on "nss" => :run
bottle do
root_url "${VERSION_NUMBER}/"
cellar :any_skip_relocation
sha256 "${LINUX_BOTTLE_SHA}" => :x86_64_linux
sha256 "${MACOS_BOTTLE_SHA}" => :sierra
def install
system "make", "VERSION=v#{version}", "COMMIT=v#{version}"
system "mkdir", "-p", "#{bin}"
if OS.mac?
system "cp", ".gotmp/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev", "#{bin}/ddev"
system ".gotmp/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev_gen_autocomplete"
system "cp", ".gotmp/bin/ddev", "#{bin}/ddev"
system ".gotmp/bin/ddev_gen_autocomplete"
bash_completion.install ".gotmp/bin/" => "ddev"
zsh_completion.install ".gotmp/bin/" => "ddev"
test do
system "#{bin}/ddev", "--version"
def caveats
Make sure to do a 'mkcert -install' if you haven't done it before, it may require your sudo password.
ddev requires docker and docker-compose.
Docker installation instructions at

git config ""
git config "rfay"
git add -u
git commit -m "Homebrew bump to ${VERSION_NUMBER}"

git push -q https://${GITHUB_USERNAME}:${DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN}${GITHUB_REPO}.git master
100 changes: 42 additions & 58 deletions .circleci/config.yml
Expand Up @@ -357,45 +357,7 @@ jobs:
path: ~/artifacts
name: Artifact storage

# 'tag_build' automatically builds a tag .
# tag_build:
# machine:
# image: ubuntu-1604:201903-01
# working_directory: ~/ddev
# environment:
# DDEV_DEBUG: "true"
# steps:
# - checkout
# - run: sudo mkdir /home/linuxbrew && sudo chown $(id -u) /home/linuxbrew
# - restore_cache:
# keys:
# - linux-v12
# - run:
# command: ./.circleci/
# name: TAG BUILD Circle VM setup - tools, docker, golang
# - save_cache:
# key: linux-v12
# paths:
# - /home/linuxbrew
# - ~/.ddev/testcache
# # Now build using the regular ddev-only technique - this results in a fully clean set of executables.
# - run:
# command: make -s clean linux darwin windows_install EXTRA_PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin
# name: Build the ddev executables
# # We only build the xz version of the docker images on tag build.
# - run:
# # Do not build the docker tarballs at simple tag build time
# command: ./.circleci/ ~/artifacts false false
# name: tar/zip up artifacts and make hashes
# no_output_timeout: "40m"
# - store_artifacts:
# path: ~/artifacts
# name: Artifact storage

# 'tag_build' is used to push a full release
xcode: "11.3.1"
Expand All @@ -406,8 +368,8 @@ jobs:
- checkout
- run:
command: ./.circleci/
name: TAG BUILD (macOS) Circle VM setup

name: RELEASE BUILD (macOS) Circle VM setup
- run: echo "version=$(make version) CIRCLE_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG}"
- run:
command: make -s clean linux windows_install chocolatey

Expand All @@ -424,37 +386,59 @@ jobs:
- run:
command: |
if [ ! -z "${DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]; then
version=$(make version)
version="${version#*:}" # Remove the VERSION: in front of make version
echo "DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN provided, pushing release ${version}"
echo "DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN provided, pushing release ${CIRCLE_TAG}"
ghr \
-prerelease \
-b "$(cat ./.github/" \
"${version}" ~/artifacts
"${CIRCLE_TAG}" ~/artifacts
echo "DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN not provided, not pushing release $CIRCLE_TAG"
name: Upload artifacts to GitHub release page
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/artifacts
name: Artifact storage
# When fixed, this will have to be done after push to github, so it can use
# the real github release artifact.
# - run:
# name: Upload chocolatey windows release
# command: |
# if [ ! -z "${CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY:-}" ]; then
# echo "Pushing release to chocolatey..."
# pushd .gotmp/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey
# docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp/chocolatey -w /tmp/chocolatey linuturk/mono-choco push -s --api-key "${CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY}"
# popd
# else
# echo "NOT pushing release to chocolatey because no CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY was provided"
# fi

- run:
name: "Bump homebrew edge release"
command: ".circleci/ ${HOMEBREW_EDGE_REPOSITORY} ddev ${CIRCLE_TAG} ~/artifacts"
- run:
name: "Bump homebrew main release if necessary"
command: |
if [ ${CIRCLE_TAG%-*} = ${CIRCLE_TAG} ]; then
.circleci/ ${HOMEBREW_STABLE_REPOSITORY} ddev ${CIRCLE_TAG} ~/artifacts
echo "Skipping homebrew main release because ${CIRCLE_TAG} is an edge/prerelease"
- run:
name: Push AUR ddev-bin if necessary
command: |
if [ ! -z "${AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" ] && [ "${CIRCLE_TAG%-*}" = "${CIRCLE_TAG}" ] ; then
.circleci/ ddev-bin ${CIRCLE_TAG} ~/artifacts
echo "Skipping AUR ddev-bin push"
- run:
name: Push AUR ddev-edge-bin
command: |
if [ ! -z "${AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" ] ; then
.circleci/ ddev-edge-bin ${CIRCLE_TAG} ~/artifacts
echo "Skipping AUR ddev-edge-bin push"
- run:
name: Upload chocolatey windows release
command: |
if [ ! -z "${CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY:-}" ]; then
echo "Pushing release to chocolatey..."
pushd .gotmp/bin/windows_amd64/chocolatey
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp/chocolatey -w /tmp/chocolatey linuturk/mono-choco push -s --api-key "${CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY}"
echo "NOT pushing release to chocolatey because no CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY was provided"
version: 2
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .circleci/
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ GOTESTSUM_VERSION=0.3.2
curl -sSL "$GOTESTSUM_VERSION/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz" | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin gotestsum && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gotestsum

# Install ghr
curl -fsL -o /tmp/ghr.tar.gz${GHR_RELEASE}/ghr_${GHR_RELEASE}_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin --strip-components=1 -xzf /tmp/ghr.tar.gz ghr_${GHR_RELEASE}_linux_amd64/ghr
ghr -v
50 changes: 40 additions & 10 deletions docs/developers/
@@ -1,17 +1,47 @@
# DDEV-Local Release Checklist

1. Create provisional tagged images. `git fetch upstream && git checkout upstream/master && cd containers` and `for item in *; do pushd $item; make push VERSION=<release_version> DOCKER_ARGS=--no-cache ; popd; done`
## CircleCI Environment Preparation

The following environment variables must be added to the **org context** named [ddev-local in CircleCI](

* AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: The private ssh key for the ddev-releaser user. This must be processed into a single line, for example, `perl -p -e 's/\n/<SPLIT>/' ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ddev_releaser| pbcopy`.

* CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY: API key for chocolatey.

* DDEV_GITHUB_TOKEN: The github token that gives access to create releases and push to the homebrew repositories.

* DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD: The password used for notarization, see [signing_tools](

* DDEV_MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD: The password the access the signing key on macOS, see [signing_tools](

* DDEV_WINDOWS_SIGNING_PASSWORD: The windows signing password.

* HOMEBREW_EDGE_REPOSITORY: The name of the github repo used for the edge channel on homebrew, drud/homebrew-ddev-ege

* HOMEBREW_STABLE_REPOSITORY: The name of the github repo used for the stable channel on homebrew/ drud/homebrew-ddev

* SegmentKey: The key that enabled the Segment reporting

## Creating a release (almost everything should be automated)

1. Create provisional tagged images. `git fetch upstream && git checkout upstream/master && cd containers` and `for item in *; do pushd $item; make push VERSION=<release_version> DOCKER_ARGS=--no-cache ; popd; done`
2. Update the default container versions in `pkg/version/version.go` and create a pull request
3. Ensure all updates have been merged into the master branch
4. Create a release for the new version using the github UI. It should be "prerelease" if it's only an edge release.
5. Add the commit list (`git log vXXX..vYYY --oneline --decorate=no`) to the release page
6. Update the `ddev` homebrew formulas (ddev-edge and ddev) as necessary, <> and <,> with the source .tar.gz and SHA checksum of the tarball and the bottle builds and tarballs. The bottles and checksums for macOS (sierra) and x86_64_linux are built and pushed to the release page automatically by the CircleCI release build process. Test `brew upgrade ddev` both on macOS and Linux and make sure ddev is the right version and behaves well.
7. Download the ddev_chocolatey tarball and extract it. It should be available on a Windows machine or VM. (It can be network-mounted into a Windows VM). cd into the extraction directory and push it to chocolatey with `choco push -s --api-key=choco-apikey-a720-asome-api-key` This can also be done from macOS or Linux using mono-choco, `docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp/chocolatey -w /tmp/chocolatey linuturk/mono-choco push -s --api-key=<apikey>`. After the push responses have come back, install with `choco install -y --pre ddev --version <version>` and verify correct behavior.
8. Publish the release to the ddev [AUR repository]( The in the AUR git repo (`ssh://` or ``) has instructions on how to update, including how to do it with a Docker container, so it doesn't have to be done on an ArchLinux or Manjaro VM.
9. Update the release page with full details about the current release
10. Publish the release (unmark it as "prerelease") if it's a normal (non-edge) release
11. On [ReadTheDocs]( click the button to "build version" "latest". Then on [versions]( page make sure that "stable" reflects the hash of the new version.
3. Create a release for the new version using the github UI. It should be "prerelease" if it's only an edge release.
4. Add the commit list (`git log vXXX..vYYY --oneline --decorate=no`) to the release page.
5. Update the release page with full details about the current release
6. Verify that homebrew (linux and macOS) and Chocolatey and AUR are working correctly with the right versions

## Manually updating homebrew formulas

* Update the `ddev` homebrew formulas (ddev-edge and ddev) as necessary, <> and <,> with the source .tar.gz and SHA checksum of the tarball and the bottle builds and tarballs. The bottles and checksums for macOS (sierra) and x86_64_linux are built and pushed to the release page automatically by the CircleCI release build process. Test `brew upgrade ddev` both on macOS and Linux and make sure ddev is the right version and behaves well.

## Manually updating Chocolatey

* Download the ddev_chocolatey tarball and extract it. It should be available on a Windows machine or VM. (It can be network-mounted into a Windows VM). cd into the extraction directory and push it to chocolatey with `choco push -s --api-key=choco-apikey-a720-asome-api-key` This can also be done from macOS or Linux using mono-choco, `docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp/chocolatey -w /tmp/chocolatey linuturk/mono-choco push -s --api-key=<apikey>`. After the push responses have come back, install with `choco install -y --pre ddev --version <version>` and verify correct behavior.

## Manually updating AUR repository

* Publish the release to the ddev [AUR repository]( The in the AUR git repo (`ssh://` or ``) has instructions on how to update, including how to do it with a Docker container, so it doesn't have to be done on an ArchLinux or Manjaro VM.

## Manually Signing with Windows installer

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