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IENPCs catalogue and portraits

Infinity Engine NPC catalogue and portraits.


This Django app serves as a character management system, featuring a gallery of NPCs, each with unique attributes and portraits. It functions as a character browser, portrait gallery, and adventuring party organizer.

As anonymous user you can:

  • browse games
  • browse Non-Player Characters (NPCs) per game
  • browse characters, related NPC and portraits
  • see linked sites
  • use contact form to reach site admin
  • toggle the theme between Dark and Light
  • register a user account

As a registered user you can do all of the above and:

  • add NPCs to party roster from game page or character page
  • create/update/delete custom Player Characters (PCs)
  • upload portraits for the PCs and modify their attributes
  • manage a custom party selection list of up to 20 NPCs and 10 PCs
  • manage a party of up to six slots, persistent between logins
  • assign to the slots NPCs and PCs from the list
  • clear slots or swap with adjacent slots
  • change the size of the party, ranging from 1 to 6 slots

As an admin you can do all of the above and:

  • manage users, invitation codes
  • add/update/remove games, NPCs, characters, portraits, links
  • create and manage links between NPCs, characters, games, portraits

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Screenshots
  4. Technologies Used
  5. Contact Information


To run the project locally:

# 1. Clone the repo
git clone

# 2. Set up virtual environment and activate it
python -m venv .venv

.venv\Scripts\activate     # Windows
# or
source .venv/bin/activate  # Unix/MacOS

# 3. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# 4. Setup the Django database
# navigate to
python makemigrations
python migrate

# 5. Run the development server
python runserver

# 6. The application should be now accessible at

# 7. See below for creating superuser and loading data into the site

Note: Web server file upload size limit needs to be set due to forms processing user-uploaded images for player characters. There is a check for maximum 100KB size, but Django can only check after completed upload.


Instructions on how to use your project, including any necessary commands to run the server, create a superuser, etc.

There are three use levels for the site: as Admin, as a registered user and as anonymous/guest user.

First, you need to create the superuser account:

# After you have installed the app navigate to and type
python createsuperuser

# Enter username and password, the email is optional

# Start the website
python runserver

Navigate to the Admin site at

Log in as the superuser. Add an invitation code to enable users to register via the site. Go to Invitation Codes -> Add, the users will need to add the code exactly as written. Optionally increase the Max uses. Now users can register at

The Admin can add Games, NPCs, Characters, Portraits. Other registered users can manage a party and browse, anonymous users can browse.

There is very little on the website, unless the aforementioned data has been populated. To load data from fixtures:

python loaddata TODO:FIXTURE


Game list (Home page)

Game List A Light theme screenshot of the game list page. Here users can see a list of games and all associated NPCs.

Game detail page

Game detail A Dark theme screenshot of the game detail page, with the NPCs in three groups: original, added by Beamdog in Enhanced Editions, created by modders.

Party management page

Party management A screenshot of the party management page, as it works for registered users.

Party management as guest The party management page when not logged in.

Registered users can add NPCs and create, modify and delete custom PCs: Add PC

Character list page

Character list At the character list page are all characters from all games.

Character detail page

Character detail At the character detail page are all portraits for the character and their appearances in games as slightly different NPCs.

About/Contact page

About The About page explains in more detail the structure of the site, how it works, and provides a form to send a message to the site Admin.

Links page

Links The links page contains links to relevant websites.

Technologies Used

The project uses Django and Bootstrap.

Contact Information

Please feel free to reach out with comments:


IENPC gallery and party manager







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