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Bunch of small components to make one's development life eaiser

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Bunch of small components to make one's yii2 api development life eaiser


composer require ddruganov/yii2-api-essentials


This package contains useful classes (filters, behaviors, helpers, etc) for api development:

  • behaviors\TimestampBehavior: provides basic timestamping of an active record model with fields being 'created_at' and 'updated_at' (detects their existence automatically)
  • collectors\AbstractDataCollector: a convient way to collect data for an api call
  • exceptions\ModelNotFoundException: when a search for a model in database fails
  • exceptions\NotImplementedException: when you need to write an implementation for a method but... later :D
  • forms\Form: a container that performs validation of data and manipulates in a certain way; super useful for creating models without directly using an ActiveRecord; also used as a base for data collectors
  • http\actions\ApiAction: base class for all api actions that provides a way to get all incoming data as one array; returns an ExecutionResult and a status code appropriate for that execution result;
  • http\actions\ClosureAction: when the ApiModelAction is too overkill
  • http\actions\FormAction: provides a way to separate validation and saving of data to reduce class bloat; uses Form
  • http\controllers\ApiController: returns everything as json, measures every request timing and makes all api calls transactional
  • http\filters\TimerFilter: measures the time that an action takes and dumps into the debug log
  • http\filters\TransactionFilter: starts transaction before action, ends it after action; depends on ExecutionResult being successful
  • testing\UnitTest: base unit test class; provides a convenient way to assert ExecutionResult state and a customizable faker generator
  • traits\Activity: used in ActiveQuery to only get active models
  • traits\Pagination: used in ActiveQuery to set a page in a list query and to get a page count
  • traits\Sorting: used in ActiveQuery to sort models; deafult field is created_at
  • traits\SoftDelete: used in ActiveRecord, when a model is deleted the deleted_at field is filled with date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
  • DateHelper: bunch of useful methods for date manipulation
  • ExecutionResult: basically a statically typed version of an array with a specific structure to ensure that all methods working with data return the same structure, but not limited to that

ApiController example

class TestController extends ApiController
    public function actions()
        return [
            'test1' => [
                'class' => ClosureAction::class,
                'closure' => function () {
                    Yii::debug('this is a closure action');
                    return ExecutionResult::success();
            'test2' => [
                'class' => FormAction::class,
                'formClass' => TestCollector::class
            'test3' => [
                'class' => FormAction::class,
                'formClass' => TestForm::class

TestCollector and TestForm extend the forms\Form

ActiveQuery traits example

class SomeModelQuery extends ActiveQuery {
    use Activity, Pagination, Sorting;

ActiveRecord-related components example

class SomeActiveRecord extends ActiveRecord {

    use SoftDelete;

    public function behaviors() {
        return [TimestampBehavior::class];

Form example

class SomeModelCreationForm extends Form {
    public ?string $name = null;
    public ?array $someRelatedModelIds = null;

    public function rules() {
        return [
            [['someRelatedModelIds'],'each', 'rule' => ['integer']]

    protected function _run(): ExecutionResult {
        $model = new SomeModel();
        $model->setAttributes(['name' => $this->name]);
        if (!$model->save()) {
            return ExecutionResult::exception('Error saving model');

        $result = $this->saveRelatedModelIds($model);
        if (!$result->isSuccessful()){
            return $result;

        return ExecutionResult::success([
            'id' => $model->getId()

    private function saveRelatedModelIds(SomeModel $model) {
        ... bind related model ids here


Bunch of small components to make one's development life eaiser






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