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Using Graph Databases to Investigate Trends in Structure-Activity Relationship Networks

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Using Graph Databases to Investigate Trends in Structure-Activity Relationship Networks

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2020); DOI:

Hans Matter*, Christian Buning, Dan Dragos Stefanescu, Sven Ruf, Gerhard Hessler

Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, R&D, Integrated Drug Discovery, Industriepark Höchst, D-65926 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

This Neo4j graph database uses hERG data from the publicly available ChEMBL 23 database:

A.P. Bento, A. Gaulton, A. Hersey, L.J. Bellis, J. Chambers, M. Davies, F.A. Krüger, Y. Light, L. Mak, S. McGlinchey, M. Nowotka, G. Papadatos, R. Santos & J.P. Overington (2014) 'The ChEMBL bioactivity database: an update' Nucl. Acids Res. Database Issue. 42 D1083-D1090 DOI:10.1093/nar/gkt1031 PMID:24214965

The original ChEMBL data and license information are available under the following link:

Installation steps for the graph database:

Download Neo4j 3.4.4 community edition, APOC plugin and graph-algorithms plugin:

Download neo4j.conf template and graph_db.dump data dump from Github:

Extract Neo4j:

tar zxvf neo4j-community-3.4.4-unix.tar.gz

Note: adjust neo4j.conf according to your hardware specs! (The one provided uses 32 GB for heap and 11 GB for page cache.)

cp neo4j.conf neo4j-community-3.4.4/conf/

cp apoc- neo4j-community-3.4.4/plugins/

cp graph-algorithms-algo- neo4j-community-3.4.4/plugins/

cp graph_db.dump neo4j-community-3.4.4/import

cd neo4j-community-3.4.4/bin

./neo4j-admin load --from=../import/graph_db.dump --database=graph.db --force

./neo4j start

Open Neo4j Browser to access the imported graph database (Replace hostname by your server name or localhost):


login/passwd: neo4j/neo4j

You are supposed to change the password of the graph database user "neo4j" at your first login.

We do recommend disabling “connect result nodes” in Neo4j Browser. Now you can copy and paste the Cypher queries from the supporting information into the top pane of the Neo4j Browser and execute them by pressing CTRL+Enter or clicking on the arrow (>) right next to this pane.

You will find the chemical structure pictures in the PNG folder. We used 7zip to split the zip archives due to Github's file size limitations. In Neo4j, you can set the "image" property for each node as follows to point to your location (e.g. Apache) of the pictures:

MATCH (n) WHERE n:G OR n:Transformation OR n:Substituent OR n:Core AND EXISTS(n.image) SET n.image = REPLACE(n.image,"your_path","my_server_and_port/path");


MATCH (n) WHERE n:G OR n:Transformation OR n:Substituent OR n:Core AND EXISTS(n.image) SET n.image = REPLACE(n.image,"your_path","");

Apache http server download:

Apache installation instructions:

Please be aware that Neo4j Browser cannot display node pictures. Hence, a tool like Graphileon PE or Tom Sawyer Graph Database Browser is needed for this task.

Download free Graphileon PE from here:

Follow the installation steps for Graphileon PE:

We do recommend disabling "Auto-complete relations" in Graphileon PE. Styles for nodes and relathionships are provided in the Graphileon_PE_styles folder.

Some of the Cypher query results may come back slowly, which is caused by Neo4j Browser. These queries are actually fast when execution and data consumption take place in Neo4j's cypher-shell or graph visualization tools such as Graphileon PE or Tom Sawyer Graph Database Browser. We highly recommend having the Neo4j graph database and the visualization tool collocated on the same machine for best performance.



Using Graph Databases to Investigate Trends in Structure-Activity Relationship Networks






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