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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 27, 2022. It is now read-only.


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This project has been merged with TOMLDecoder, and will not receive further updates.*


Turn TOML data into Swift objects.

try TOMLDeserializer.tomlTable(with: data) // [String: Any]

Compatible with TOML v0.5.0

Unless you have a good reason not to, TOMLDecoder is probably a better choice for your TOML needs.



pod "TOMLDeserializer"

With SwiftPM

.package(url: "", from: "0.2.5")
github "dduan/TOMLDeserializer"


In addition to Swift types from the standard library, date and time are represeted with types from the NetTime library. The following is a mapping from types defined in the TOML spec to Swift types.

TOML Swift
String Swift.String
Integer Swift.Int64
Float Swift.Double
Boolean Swift.Bool
Local Time NetTime.LocalTime
Local Date NetTime.LocalDate
Local Date-Time NetTime.LocalDateTime
Offset Date-Time NetTime.DateTime
Array Swift.[Any]
Table Swift.[String: Any]


MIT. See