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BSI TR-ESOR-C.2-Testbed


Notice the used test material is dealing with cryptographic functions such electronig signatures timstamps etc. Therefore this is important, that the checked out/cloned sources must not be altered in any way. This refer also to the CR and CRLF issue. Before clone the repository, please make sure the original allignment of the end lines, especially of xml- and txt-based files will not be changed. You can do that e.g. by switching off this transformation global in your git environment: git config --global core.autocrlf false.


TR-ESOR tesbed according to [TR-ESOR-C.2] supporting the mandatory functions:

and the following Archive Information Packages (AIP):

Directory structure

  • ERVT-UPLOADs - contains the test data files to be copied into the ERVerifyTool (short ERVT) LXAIP data directory. (Apply only in case the LXAIP should be supported.)
  • LXAIP-UPLOADs - contains all the test data files to be uploaded in advance into TOE in order to be used while testing the LXAIP funtionality. The obtained references have to be inserted into the property list (see below). (Apply only if LXAIP should be supported.)
  • PROPERTIES - contains an EXCEL-file with all the properties needed by SoapUI-Project (props-file).
  • TESTDATA - contains the test data files used while executing the tests.
  • XSVT-UPLOADs - contains the test data files to be copied into the tr-esor-AIP-eIDAS-SigValidator (short XSVT) LXAIP data directory. (Apply only in case the LXAIP should be supported.)
  • TR-ESOR-1.3.0-S4-Testbed-soapui-project.xml - the main project file to be loaded into SoapUI-Tool
  • BSI TR-03125_C.2_V1.3.pdf - the current version of [TR-ESOR-C.2]



Following tasks have to be executed as a preparation for the tests execution.

Notice 1, support of XAIP is mandatory, LXAIP is optional. The parts of preperation dealing with LXAIP will be marked by [LXAIP] at the begining of the line.

Notice 2, please refer to the "Introduction" tab in the props-file in order to get more information how to dela with property values properly.

Notice 3, the current version of the testbed is still working with mock implementation of the both verification tools: XSVT and ERVT. The execution of the steps 14, 15, 16 and 17 is not necessary and can be omitted.

  1. Do create a test tenant in the TOT with client-id "Bsi" (cf. <xaip:submissionInfoType> in TR-ESOR-F, page 17).
  2. Do insert the TOT endpoint address of the S.4 interface into the corresponding property TOE_S4_ENDPOINT in the props-file.
    Please notice the C.2-Testbed does support the http communication as default one. Anything more has to be configured according to the SoapUI documentation.
  3. Do check and adjust the value of the ERVT_ENDPOINT property in the props-file, as needed.
  4. Do check and adjust the value of the XSVT_ENDPOINT property in the props-file, as needed.
  5. Do configure the behaviour of TOT in case of signature verification errors by enabling one (the other one has to be disabled - set to NO) of the following properties:
    • set value of OPT_VERIFY_VR_STANDALONE property to YES, if only verification report used to be returned,
    • set value of OPT_VERIFY_VR_EMB_IN_CONTAINER property to YES, if the verification report embedded into a given XAIP or LXAIP used to be returned.
  6. Do configure the behaviour of the TOT in case an invalid XML structure is used at S.4 by enabling one of the following properties (the other one has to be set to NO):
    • set value of OPT_INVALID_XML_AS_SOAP_FAULT to YES in case a soap fault used to be returend,
    • set value of OPT_INVALID_XML_AS_S4_ERROR to YES in case an application level status code used to be returend.
  7. Do check and adjust as needed the value of SUBMISSION_TIME_RANGE_IN_DAYS proeprty (in days), which does describe the maximal deviation of the given <xaip:submissionTime> and the current time.
  8. Do configure the supported hash algorithms by checking and adjusting (as needed) the properties {SHA1,SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512}_SUPPORTED (enabled = YES, disabled - NO)
  9. Do configure the acceptable hash algorithms for hash tree verification in the evidence records by checking and adjusting (as needed) the properties {SHA1,SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512}_TREE_ACCEPTABLE (enabled = YES, disabled = NO)
  10. Do configure an inactive profile in the TOE and set the value of the URI_PROFILE_V1.3_S.4_V1.0-inactive as the corresponding profile id.
  11. Do define the support of LXAIP by proper setting the value of property CONFIG_LXAIP (possible values are ENABLED or DISABLED)
  12. Do define the not existed AOIDs for the XAIP test cases by setting a value of AOID-03 and AOID-06 properties.
  13. Do submit an XAIP in order to have the belonging retention period expired at the time of test execution and document the corresponding AOID in the property AOID-00, as well as used version id in the property AOID-00.V01.
  14. [LXAIP]: Do check and adjust (as needed) the location for the referenced data objects for XSVT, property XSV_LXAIP_DIR_URI.
  15. [LXAIP]: Do check and adjust (as needed) the location for the referenced data objects for ERVT, property ERVT_LXAIP_DIR_URI.
  16. [LXAIP]: Do copy all the files from directory XSVT-UPLOADs into kocation specified in step 14.
  17. [LXAIP]: Do copy all the files from directory ERVT-UPLOADs into the location specified in step 15.
  18. [LXAIP]: Do submit an LXAIP in order to have the belonging retention period expired at the time of test execution and document the corresponding AOID in the property AOID-00a, as well as used version id in the property AOID-00a.V01.
  19. [LXAIP]: Do upload all the files from LXAIP-UPLOADs directory into TOE by using the Upload/Download-Interface and document the given references in the corresponding property in the props-file.
    • example: uploading of PDF_DATA_50.pdf file did produce **uuid:1122-2343-5634-4545" as reference, than set the test value of REF_PDF_DATA_50 property to uuid:1122-2343-5634-4545.
  20. Do generate the property file used by the testbed SoapUI project by pressing the Generate SoapUI props button placed in the "Introduction" tab of the props-file.
    • Do provide the path an name of the SoapUI project property file and confirm the export


  1. Do start SoapUI application
    Notice, the provided project has been created with the open source version of the SoapUI tool and hasn't been tested with the commercial version "ReadyAPI" of the software.
  2. Do load the SoapUI project a. Do chose "File->Import Project" or use the shortcut "STRG+I" b. Do chose the file TR-ESOR-1.3.0-S4-Testbed-soapui-project.xml from the root directory of this project and press the "Open" button. The Project with name TR-S4-1.3.0-Beta will appear in the "Navigator" panel of SoapUI. The project consits of 8 test suites with 62 test cases, 656 test steps and 2118 assertons in total.
  3. Do load the generated SoapUI project property file a. Do double click on the TR-S4-1.3.0-Beta project in the "Navigator" panel. b. Do make sure, the "Overview" tab at the top and the "Properties" tab at the bottom of the project configuration dialog are activated. c. Do click the forelast icon in the icon bar of the "Properties" tab -> the "Load Properties"-Dialog will appear d. Do browse to the generated SoapUI project property file, as result of step 20 in the Preparations and do activate both checkboxes Creates Missing Properties as well as Deletes properties not in file. Do press "OK" button
  4. Do execute the test suites
    • Notice, depending of your test strategy you can try to perform all the tests at once, doing it suite by suite, execute them test case by test case or even execute the single steps in the particular test cases manually. It ist important to keep the execution, which is top-down, begining by 3.4.1 and ending by 3.4.8, to preserve the interdependencies of the partiular tests cases.


  • The testbed does implement only the mandatory tests at the moment. In order to get the [TR-ESOR-C.2] passed, all the tests have to be successfully performed.


This software is underlying the rules of the following license: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004. The software was created by:

Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
Digital Public Services (DPS)

on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security.


Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Godesberger Allee 185-189
53175 Bonn, Germany
phone: +49 228 99 9582-0
fax: +49 228 99 9582-5400


Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
Digital Public Services (DPS)
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49(0)30/3463-7115