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This repo contains my submission for the exercises given to me in the cloud track of ALTSCHOOL

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Exercise 1: Install virtualbox and initialize a vagrant virtual machine running ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Task: Setup Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on your local machine using Vagrant


Customize your Vagrantfile as necessary with private_network set to dhcp Once the machine is up, run ifconfig and share the output in your submission along with your Vagrantfile in a folder for this exercise.

Exercise 2: Write a short article describing 10 linux commands

Task: Research online for 10 more linux commands aside the ones already mentioned in this module. Submit using your altschool-cloud-exercises project, explaining what each command is used for with examples of how to use each and example screenshots of using each of them.


Submit your work in a folder for this exercise in your altschool-cloud-exercises project. You will need to learn how to embed images in markdown files.

Exercise 3: Understanding users, Groups, permissions and ssh

Task: Create 3 groups – admin, support & engineering and add the admin group to sudoers. Create a user in each of the groups. Generate SSH keys for the user in the admin group


Submit the contents of /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/sudoers

Exercise 4:


Install PHP 7.4 on your local linux machine using the ppa:ondrej/php package repo.


Learn how to use the add-apt-repository command Submit the content of /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of php -v command.

Exercise 6:


You already have Github account, also setup a GitLab account if you don’t have one already You already have a altschool-cloud-exercises project, clone the project to your local system Setup your name and email in Git’s global config


Submit the output of: git config -l git remote -v git log

Exercise 8


Create a bash script to run at every hour, saving system memory (RAM) usage to a specified file and at midnight it sends the content of the file to a specified email address, then starts over for the new day.


Submit the content of your script, cronjob and a sample of the email sent, all in the folder for this exercise.

Exercise 9


Create an Ansible Playbook to setup a server with Apache The server should be set to the Africa/Lagos Timezone Host an index.php file with the following content, as the main file on the server:

date("F d, Y h:i:s A e", time());

Instruction: Submit the Ansible playbook, the output of systemctl status apache2 after deploying the playbook and a screenshot of the rendered page

Exercise 10


What is the Network IP, number of hosts, range of IP addresses and broadcast IP from this subnet?


Submit all your answer as a markdown file in the folder for this exercise.

2nd Semester Mini-project

Task Deploy a real life application


  • Setup Debian 11 on a virtual machine instance with a cloud provider or as instructed
  • Setup Apache with every dependency the application needs to run
  • Don't use Laravel Sail or Docker as suggested in the project README file, simply clone the project with Git and deploy with Apache
  • Setup MySQL with credentials and a database for your application to use
  • Configure a subdomain if you have a domain name to point to the VM instance or speak to an instructor for further guide
  • You have completed the project if you are able to view the application according to the specifications in the project from your Host browser

2nd Semester Examination Project


(Deploy Laravel and Set up Postgresql)


You are required to deploy the same Laravel application from your mini project. This time, the entire deployment steps including installation of packages and dependencies, configuring your apache webserver etc, will be defined in an ansible playbook and deployed to atleast one ansible slave. You should also write a bash script that would install and set up postgresql. This bash script would be run on your ansible slaves using an ansible playbook.


  • We should be able to access your deployment using a domain name of your choice(not an IP address).
  • We should be able to test all the endpoints without errors.
  • Your base url may or may not display the default Laravel page.
  • These must be done on virtual machines on any cloud provider of your choice(any Linux distro of your choice).
  • Your application must be encrypted with TLS/SSL.
  • You may or may not define a logical network on the cloud, but extra efforts would be rewarded.


  • Push your code to GitHub
  • Share your github link on the shared document.
  • Share your cloud credentials.

Note: you can create IAM users for your instructors with the least privilege but enough to view your instances, the firewall rules set on your instance and any logical network if set. If this would require sharing your ssh keys, please do so privately.

Helpful links __

Best of luck!

3rd Semester Holiday Project


Setup and automate the provisioning and configuration of a load balancer


Setup a logical Network and load balancer within it to route traffic to two replicas which show the hostname of the individual replicas


  • We should be able to access your deployment using a domain name of your choice or the load balancers URL(not an IP address).
  • We should not be able to reach your replicas from outside your network
  • Your base url must show the replicas hostname
  • Your application must be encrypted with TLS/SSL.
  • You may or may not define a autoscaling rules.


  • Push your code to GitHub (for those that automated)
  • Share your github link on the shared document.
  • Share your cloud credentials.
  • Submit the load balancer URL

Best of luck!


This repo contains my submission for the exercises given to me in the cloud track of ALTSCHOOL






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