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Dog Breed Classification Project

(Udacity DSND Project: Capstone Project)

This project is intended to perform image classification on pictures of dogs and humans.

Given an image of a dog, the algorithm will identify an estimate of the canine’s breed. If supplied an image of a human, the code will identify the resembling dog breed.

Table of Contents

  1. Instructions
  2. Results
  3. Project Organisation
  4. Licensing, Authors, and Acknowledgements


This project requires Python 3 and the libraries found in the requirements.txt.

There are various ways to install and run the machine learning pipeline - Mac or Linux or Windows, local or AWS, CPU or GPU supported. For detailed instructions please see After installation configure the following in your environment/session...

set KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow
python -c "from keras import backend"
python -m ipykernel install --user --name dog-project --display-name "dog-project"

Once your environment is setup and configured, the whole pipeline can be run from the dog_app.ipynb notebook.

Run the following command to launch the (local) web app...

python app/


Machine Learning Pipeline

At each stage Accuracy was used to measure performance of the model. Also Categorical Cross-Entropy was used during training of the Dog breed classifiers.

  1. Face detector: I used a pre-trained Haar feature-based cascade classifier for this. It was 99% accurate at identifying a sample of 13,233 human faces, but also identified 11% of 6,680 dog faces as human - so is not perfect! Note also it requires clearly presented faces to work. There is room for improvement here - either by tuning this model or using an alternative.

  2. Dog detector: Here, I used a pre-trained ResNet-50 model to identify dogs. In this case, the model was 99% accurate with samples of both 13,233 human faces and 6,680 dogs.

  3. Dog breed classification: For the final model I experimated with a scratch CNN (4% accuracy), VGG-16 bottleneck features (42% accuracy) and ResNet-50 bottleneck features (81% accuracy). ResNet-50 was the clear winner so that formed part of the final algrothim. I would still like to look at tuning this model further though.

  4. Final Algorithm: This was the final stage of my pipeline which combined the 3 models above to output the prediction for any given image. Knowing the accuracy we achieved with each of the 3 models, I only performed some sanity checks on a handful of images at this point. The results were looking good enough to implement within an application :)

Web Application

The web app displays all images included in the app/static folder and predictions are calculated by clicking on the image...

Web app in action

The app could be improved in a number of ways, e.g.

  • Speed it up - the prediction algorithm is a little slow currently
  • More input options - image upload or even web urls
  • More detail on confidence of prediction - probabilities

Project Organisation

├── app                   
│   ├── static                              <- Images for use in web app
│   ├── templates                            
│   │   └── master.html                     <- HTML template for main page
│   └──                              <- Script to launch app, make predictions, etc
├── bottleneck_features
│   ├── DogResnet50Data.npz                 <- Pre-trained ResNet-50 model (excluded from repo)
│   └── DogVGG16Data.npz                    <- Pre-trained VGG-50 model (excluded from repo)
├── haarcascades                             
│   └── haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml     <- Pre-trained Haar cascade face detector
├── images                                  <- Images used in ML pipeline
├── saved_models
│   ├──                    <- Final CNN model
│   ├──      <- Weights for scratch CNN (excluded from repo)
│   ├──          <- Weights for ResNet-50 CNN
│   └──             <- Weights for VGG-50 CNN (excluded from repo)
├── LICENSE.txt                             <- Software licence
├──                               <- The top-level README for developers using this project
├── Procfile                                <- Heroku config file
├── app_screenshot.png                      <- Screenshot of web app
├── dog_app.ipynb                           <- Pipeline for creating, training and testing model
├──          <- Helper functions for predictions on pre-trained models
├── report.html                             <- Static export of dog_app.ipynb
└── requirements.txt                        <- Required Python packages

Licensing, Authors, Acknowledgements

Acknowledgement to Udacity for the starter code on this project and a big thankyou to my course mentor NicoEssi for his advice and support.

Additional images are sourced from Wikimedia Commons and (with permission) Doggos Doggy Day Care.


Image classification project







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  • HTML 55.2%
  • Jupyter Notebook 44.5%
  • Python 0.3%