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Laravel Course

Course Overview

In this course, I learn how to build robust and scalable web applications with the Laravel framework. The course covers fundamental concepts, best practices, and advanced techniques that will enable to create professional Laravel projects.

Course Contents

  1. Class 1, 2, 3: Introduction to Laravel

    • Laravel installation and project setup
    • Understanding the Laravel directory structure
    • Usage of the CLI artisan commands
  2. Class 4: Routes

    • Basic usage of routes(get, post, delete, put)
  3. Class 5: Views

    • Basic usage of views
  4. Class 6: Templates

    • How to implement templates to make short pieces of code
  5. Class 7: Controllers

    • Basic usage of controllers
  6. Class 8: Migrations

    • Basic usage of migrations
  7. Class 9: Models and Seeders

    • Basic usage of models(create a model using the command make:model)
    • How to seed the database with fake data(migrate:refresh --seed)
  8. Class 10: Eloquent

    • How to use Eloquent(ORM) to make queries without use SQL language
  9. Class 11: Reationships

    • How to implement relationships using eloquent
  10. Class 13: Login

  • How to use breeze to create a login
    • composer require laravel/breeze --dev
    • php artisan breeze:install (caution with the routes cause the file get overwrite)
  1. Class 15: Admin panel
  • Creating an admin panel to the users
  1. Class 16: Publication's list
  • Creating a publication's list interface
  1. Class 17: Delete
  • How to create a delete functionality using Laravel
  1. Class 18: Create and Update
  • How to make a CRUD
  1. Class 20: Store functionality
  • How to store a record on the DB
  1. Class 21: Updating functionality
  • How to update a record
  1. Class 22, 23: Validations
  • How to implement validations on a form
  • How to validate duplicate records
  1. Class 24, 25: Adding some style to lading page
  • How to add some style using vite and tailwind
    • @vite(['...','...'])
  1. Class 26, 27, 28: Showing the posts in home page
  • How to show the posts in the home page
  • Adding some styles to the head of home page
  • Adding style to the post view page
  1. Class 29: Search functionality
  • Adding functionality to the search bar
  1. Class 30: Optimize querys
  • Optimizing queries in the home page using barryvdh third-party package
  1. Class 31: Finishing the project
  • Setting the remaining routes of home->post and vice versa


In this course I learn the basics of Laravel, how to use the artisan CLI, how too use Blade and tailwind to develop a front-end faster and how to use Eloquent; We never stop to learn!!


Some exercises from the Laravel course






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