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Cucumber datatable to bean mapping

The goal of this lib is to perform automatic mapping between gherkins datatable and Java bean. It provides some annotations to describe the mapping.

Two main features are provided:

  • validate the datatable (validate that all headers are defined on bean)
  • perform the mapping


It's available on maven central repository. You can find it here io.github.deblockt:cucumber-datatable-to-bean-mapping

This lib support only java 17+.


Using this bean:

@DataTableWithHeader // this annotation is used to register this class as a Datatable
class Bean {
    @Column("column 1") // this annotation register this var as a column of the datatable
    public String column1;

    @Column(mandatory = false) // the column value is optional. If not specified the field name will be used
    public String column2;

// compatible with records
@DataTableWithHeader // this annotation is used to register this class as a Datatable
record Bean(
    @Column("column 1") // this annotation register this var as a column of the datatable
    String column1,
    @Column(mandatory = false) // the column value is optional. If not specified the field name will be used
    String column2
) { }

And this step definition:

// java style
@Given("a step with a datatable")
public void stepWithList(List<Bean> beans) {
    System.out.println("read: " + beans);

// java-8 style
    "a step with a datatable", 
    (DataTable datatable) -> System.out.println("read: " + datatable.asList(Bean.class))

You can write this step:

Then a step with a datatable
  | column 1 | column2 |
  | value1   | value2  |
  | value3   |         | 

And That's all. The mapping is performed automatically.

Annotation usage

The following parameters are available on the @Column annotation. The @Column annotation can be omitted, see the field resolution chapter.

name type description
value string[] the column name. You can specify multiple name for the same column. The default value is builded from the field name. see name resolution chapter
description string the column description. The description is displayed when a datatable is malformed to show a helper message.
mandatory boolean default true. Can be set to false to set the column to optional
defaultValue string the default value used if the column is not specified

Java type support

The following types can be auto mapped:

  • int, long, short, float, double, BigDecimal, BigInteger: decimal separator can be . or ,. Example 10.05

  • boolean: true/false

  • string: trim the string from the datatable

  • enum: the enum name can be used on datatable

  • List, Set, Collection: the generic can be a type managed by the mapping. Item on datatable are split using a ,

  • OffsetDateTime, LocalDateTime, LocalDate: date time. Can be ISO formatted date or relative date.

    Relative date can be specified using now keyword.

    You can add or subtract amount of time from now. now + 1 day, now - 3 weeks.

    now will return the same date at each step of the test.

Custom type support

If you want to use a custom type on datatable, you can write custom mapper. It can be useful when you want to convert id to object.

For example, If you have an object Customer:

record Customer(
        String code,
        @Column("first name")
        String firstName,
        @Column("last name")
        String lastName
) {

And you want map a datatable to the following bean:

record Bean(
    @Column("customer code")
    Customer customer
) { }

If you want this steps to work

Given the following customer exists
| code     | first name | last name |
| deblockt | Thomas     | Deblock   |
When I want to do something with a customer
| customer code |
| deblockt      |

You need to write a function to map a string to a Customer. The function should be provided on your steps package.

@CustomDatatableFieldMapper(sample = "cucumberCode", typeDescription = "Customer")
public static Customer customerMapper(String customerCode) {
    return TestContext.getCustomer(customerCode);

Nested Datatable object support

If you have big datatable, you can organize your objects using nested object. For example, if you have a Customer object, you can have a PersonalInformation Object.

record Customer(
        String id,
        PersonalInformation personalInformation
) {

record PersonalInformation(
        String firstName,
        String lastName
) {

Using these objects, the datatable will look like

| id | first name | last name |
| 10 | Thomas     | Deblock   |

Now If you have another object Conversation with two customer, like that:

record Conversation(
        Customer customer1,
        Customer customer2
) {

If you write a datatable, you can not know if first name column is the first name of the customer1 or the customer2. To fix this issue, you can override the fields name using <parent_name>, see this example:

record Conversation(
        @Column(value = "customer1", mandatory = false)
        Customer customer1,
        @Column(value = "customer2", mandatory = false)
        Customer customer2
) {

// parent_name will be replaced by customer1 or customer2
record Customer(
        @Column("<parent_name> id")
        String id,
        PersonalInformation personalInformation
) {

// parent_name will be replaced by customer1 or customer2 coming from personalInformation annotation
record PersonalInformation(
        @Column("<parent_name> first name")
        String firstName,
        @Column("<parent_name> last name")
        String lastName
) {

Using these objects, the following datatable will works:

# generate a Conversation object with only a customer1, and null for customer2
| customer1 id | customer1 first name | customer1 last name |
| 10           | Thomas               | Deblock             |

# generate a Conversation object with only a customer2, and null for customer1
| customer2 id | customer2 first name | customer2 last name |
| 10           | Thomas               | Deblock             |

# generate a Conversation object with a customer2, and a customer1
| customer2 id | customer2 first name | customer2 last name | customer2 id | customer2 first name | customer2 last name |
| 10           | Thomas               | Deblock             | 11           | Nicolas              | Deblock             |

Name resolution

When the column name is not explicitly specified using the @Column annotation, the name is derived from the field name. Three naming strategies are available:

  1. Human Readable (default): Converts camel case field names to human-readable names by replacing camel case with spaces.
    • Example: myFieldName becomes my field name.
  2. Field Name: Keeps the original field name as the column name.
    • Example: myFieldName becomes myFieldName.
  3. Multi Name: Combines the previous two strategies, allowing either the original field name or the human-readable name.
    • Example: myFieldName becomes myFieldName or my field name.

See the configuration section to learn how to select a naming strategy.

Field resolution

By default, only fields with @Column annotation are used as Datatable column. If you don't want to need to add @Column to all your fields, you can set the configuration cucumber.datatable.mapper.field-resolver-class with the value com.deblock.cucumber.datatable.mapper.datatable.fieldresolvers.ImplicitFieldResolver. In this case all fields of your class will be mapped as optional column.

With this configuration this class will be valid:

class Bean {
    public String firstColumn;
    public String secondColumn;

If you want to ignore a field, you can use the @Ignore annotation.

class Bean {
    public String firstColumn;
    public String secondColumn;
    public ComplexType fieldToIgnore;


You can configure some feature of this library to suit your coding preferences. The configuration work as the same way as default configuration

The following properties are available on, or using env var or system properties.

# The property cucumber.datatable.mapper.nameBuilderClass accepts these values: 
# -- The field name is used and write using human-readable name. Example "first name"
# -- The field name is used without any transformation. Example "firstName"
# -- You can use human-readable name and fieldName.
# The property cucumber.datatable.mapper.field-resolver-class accepts these values: 
# com.deblock.cucumber.datatable.mapper.datatable.fieldresolvers.DeclarativeFieldResolver -- Only fields with @Column annotation will be mapped
# com.deblock.cucumber.datatable.mapper.datatable.fieldresolvers.ImplicitFieldResolver -- All fields of your class will be mapped

Usage on a fat/uber jar

If you need to build an executable fat jar to run your cucumber, you should add some configuration to work with this library.

This library use the java SPI definition to inject some class on cucumber runtime.

When you build a fat jar, this configuration can be override by cucumber definition, so we need to merge configuration files.


Using gradle you can use the shadow plugin to solve this issue. You can read this chapter to see how to merge configuration files.

example of task configuration:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2'

shadowJar {
    // specify jar name informations

    // add main and tests sources on jar
    from sourceSets.main.output
    from sourceSets.test.output
    configurations = [
    // specify the cucumber Main class
    manifest {
        attributes "Main-Class": "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"

    // merge service files. Need to work with this lib.


Using maven you can use the maven-shade-plugin to solve this issue. You can use this plugin configuration:



lib to map cucumber datatable to java bean using annotation




