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Getting started

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   .. contents:: Sections

Support for backported Java versions

The role will install OpenJDK 8 environment on Debian Jessie by default, using the backported packages from the jessie-backports repository. Backports are configured using :ref:`debops.apt` Ansible role; if the does not detect the :ref:`debops.apt` configuration, it will switch to the default JRE packages available for a given release. Remember to use the provided example playbook, which will configure APT preferences for the ca-certificates-java package.

Support for Oracle Java packages

To use the non-free Oracle Java packages, check the JavaPackage page on Debian Wiki to see how to build the proper APT packages with non-free Java. You will need to publish them in a local APT repository. After that, you can change the default Java package in :envvar:`java__base_packages` list to your preferred version.

Conditional installation of Java Development Kit (JDK)

Some environments might require a full Java Development Kit to work correctly, however by default the role installs only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To install the full JDK in a compatible version, you can set the :envvar:`java__install_jdk` boolean variable to True, either via Ansible inventory variables or via role dependent variables.

Example inventory

To configure a Java environment on a specific host, it needs to be added to the [debops_service_java] host group in Ansible inventory:


Example playbook

If you are using this role without DebOps, here's an example Ansible playbook that uses the role:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../ansible/playbooks/service/java.yml
   :language: yaml
   :lines: 1,6-