Many thanks for your interest in Humm PHP. This is a PHP framework designed to be fast, server independent and friendly for developers and final users. You can use Humm PHP to setup a website in seconds (literally the seconds you can expend uploading the Humm PHP files into your web server). Humm PHP run out of the box and do not need any configuration nor installation process.
Works without any configuration nor installation process.
Humm works in any webserver which run PHP 5.6 or later.
Use the same Humm PHP base code to run various sites.
Reuse between sites views, helpers, scripts, styles, etc.
Translate your sites using standard GetText and PO files.
Site views as simple and powerfull PHP/HTML templates.
Optionally connect and work with databases is supereasy.
User friendly URLs without requires any REWRITE MODE.
Download or write your own plugins to enhance Humm PHP.
Discover how Humm PHP can be useful to you! Download now!