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Conversion Guide

This guide explains how to convert a project using .coffee files to JavaScript using decaffeinate.


This guide assumes a few things:

  1. You have Node v4 or higher installed.
  2. You have a project or set of files that currently compile using the official CoffeeScript compiler.
  3. Your project is able to run ES2016 code. In particular, depending on what browsers/runtimes you need to support, you may need to set up Babel, including standard library polyfills like Array.prototype.includes.
  4. You understand CoffeeScript, ES6, and the files being converted reasonably well.
  5. You are using Linux, Mac OS X, or a compatible OS and are comfortable using the command line. This may work on Windows with some adjustments.

Note that if you cannot or prefer not to install Node, or otherwise cannot or prefer not to run commands on the command line, you can use the decaffeinate repl to do the conversion.

Getting Started

First, install decaffeinate (skip if using the online repl):

$ npm install -g decaffeinate

Test it out to make sure everything is working for you:

$ echo "a = if b then c else d" | decaffeinate
let a = b ? c : d;

If you're using the online repl instead, ensure that pasting a = if b then c else d into the left-side editor produces let a = b ? c : d; in the right-side editor.

Converting one file

Pick a file to convert first. Ideally it should be simple, and one that you understand. If you're using the command-line, run this:

$ decaffeinate path/to/your/
path/to/your/ → path/to/your/file.js

This will put the converted JavaScript into a .js file alongside the original .coffee file.

If you're using the online repl, copy the contents of the file to be converted and paste it into the left-side editor. You'll see the converted output in the right-side editor. Copy the JavaScript and paste it into a new file, ideally next to the original .coffee file but with a .js extension.

Dealing with errors

It's possible your conversion will not succeed. In that case, you'll get an error message. That message may be about an unsupported feature, or it may indicate that the .coffee file has invalid syntax, or it may indicate that the JavaScript generated by decaffeinate is itself invalid. In any case, check the issues and file a new one if none match the message you're seeing.

If decaffeinate tells you that you're using a feature that is not yet supported, try editing the original .coffee file to work around that feature and try again.

Sanity-check the JavaScript

Compare your new .js file against your .coffee file. Does the conversion seem correct? Is there anything that was done incorrectly? Or perhaps there are simply a few things that worked well in CoffeeScript but don't work as well in JavaScript. For example, watch out for:

  • CoffeeScript has implicit returns in all functions. Ensure that all the return statements in the generated JavaScript are intentional.
  • You may be using a linter that disallows the use of double-equal, which will flag anything that looked like a.b? in CoffeeScript as lint in JavaScript since it converts to a.b != null. In such cases, it may be that all you really wanted was a truthy check (i.e. a.b) or a strict comparison to null. If you want the equivalent to a?.b in a linter-friendly way, use typeof a.b !== 'undefined' && a.b !== null.
  • decaffeinate sometimes has to create temporary variables for you. Ensure that the variable names generated make sense in context, or re-write the JavaScript to avoid the use of temporary variables.

Run your tests

You have tests, right? The best way to ensure that the conversion went smoothly is to run your test suite. Since decaffeinate generates code with syntax from future versions of JavaScript, you may need to use a tool like babel to compile the code for use in the environments you care about (i.e. Node, browsers, etc). If so, set up your build system to convert the new .js file to runnable JavaScript.

Hopefully, running your tests will show that everything works as expected. If not, consider creating a new issue if you believe that decaffeinate is generating incorrect code.

Converting a whole project

While it's possible to run decaffeinate in batch mode, I recommend only doing so to get a sense of how much of your project can be automatically converted.

$ decaffeinate path/to/project

Instead, you should follow the steps outlined under "Converting one file" for each file in your project, keeping in mind that most projects can contain both .coffee and .js files. Doing it that way will allow you to avoid regressions and spread the work over time.

Note that there is no way to convert a whole project at once using the online repl.

A note about file history

You're probably using a version control system like git, and you may have noticed that if you simply delete the .coffee file and add the generated .js then your version control system may not realize that the history of the .js version should continue to the .coffee version. With git, you can help it along by doing this before converting:

$ git mv path/to/ path/to/file.js
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m 'Move file to prepare for conversion to JavaScript.'

Once you've converted your file, you can run git log --follow -- path/to/file.js and see the history of the .coffee file too.