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Releases: decenomy/DSW

Kyanite (Testnet) Version - Beta Test

23 Mar 18:00
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We are excited to announce the beta release of Kyanite (Testnet) Version This version introduces a major update called dynamic rewards that is aimed at refining our network's block reward mechanism and supply calculations to enhance stability and sustainability. As this is a beta test, we strongly encourage community involvement and feedback to ensure a successful transition to our mainnet.

Key Features:
Dynamic Block Reward Adjustment: Aligns the block reward with the network's total and circulating supply, promoting economic stability.

Advanced Circulating Supply Algorithm: Implements a refined algorithm for more accurate supply calculations, excluding burn addresses and adjusting for UTXO age.

Enhanced Supply and Emission Metrics: Introduces sophisticated metrics for monitoring supply dynamics and adjusting emission rates accordingly.

Smooth Reward Adjustment: Incorporates a damping function to moderate reward adjustments, ensuring gradual and predictable changes.

Transition to DAO Governance: Lays the groundwork for transitioning governance to a DAO model, empowering masternode owners.

Frequent Testnet Adjustments: Enables hourly adjustments on the testnet to facilitate thorough testing and optimization.

Installation and Testing:
Please note that this version is intended for testnet use only. To participate in the beta test:

Download the Kyanite (Testnet) Version from the releases page.
Follow the installation instructions to set up your testnet node.
Join the testing process and provide feedback through our GitHub issues.
Your feedback is crucial to the success of this beta test. Please report any bugs, issues, or suggestions through our GitHub issues page or our community channels. Your input will help us refine and perfect the release before its mainnet deployment.

A huge thank you to our developers, testers, and community members for your dedication and hard work. This release represents a significant step forward in our journey towards a more transparent, fair, and sustainable blockchain ecosystem.

Let's continue to collaborate and drive innovation together!

This is a beta release for testing purposes only and should not be used in production environments.

UPDATE: Install the version before block 1300000