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How to run

Start the docker containers

npm run docker:dev:build
npm run docker:dev:run

Setup the database (first time)

npm run docker:initdb


Initialization of state

  • Read a dump of address => Balance

  • Read a description of parcels to be auctioned

  • Read timestamp of start

  • Store initial states in database

Read state of a parcel

  • Input: x, y
  • Output: ParcelState

Upload a bid group

Input: signed message

  • recover address from signed message

Validation of bid group

  • uuid does not exist
  • prevhash/nonce accordingly
  • timestamp > prev user's bid timestamp

Validation of each bid

  • store temp variable with balance
  • fetch current state for all parcels involved
  • for each bid:
    • check validity:
      • x, y in range
      • enough balance
      • parcel autcion did not end
      • bid > 1.1 * current bid
    • if invalid, create receipt of error and return
    • Create new parcelstate:
      • current amount
      • current bidgroup+bidindex
      • current address
      • auction ends
    • Update in-memory state of the parcel
    • Update database
    • update temp balance
  • AddressState: decrease balance
  • AddressState: update latest bidgroup


  • Initialization: Same as setup
  • Bulk processing of all BidGroups received
    • For each BidReceipt: fetch BidGroup, apply state change
  • Dump Final state for each parcel


  • AddressState fetch by address

    • /simple (without all bidgroups, to sign with current last id)
    • /full contains all BidGroups
  • ParcelState fetch by id

    • history of bids
  • ParcelState group fetch

    • input: array of (x,y) o id (hash of x,y)
  • Parcel Range query:

    • input: min x, max x, min y, max y
  • Submit BidGroup

  • Get all BidReceipts

Closing notes

Remember that for the auction font to work, you need to have a wallet provider like MetaMask installed, and that your wallet address should be present on the address_states table (and by extension, on the terraform app). You can mock all of this by inserting the necessary row into that table (with an amount).


🌅 Source code for Decentraland's Terraform Auction







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