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Explainable Chess Engine

A minimalist DL chess engine with explainability.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

This project aim to build a minimalist Deep Learning chess engine with explainability. The goal is to create a chess engine that can explain its decisions in a human-readable way. This project will be a great way to learn about chess engines, deep learning, and explainability in AI.


  • Build a Deep Learning framework optimized for training with chess data.
  • Monitor the performance of the training framework to optimize training time, CPU/GPU usage, and memory usage.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras and Jax.
  • Build the best model with the minimal number of parameters for several ELO levels.
  • Create a human-readable explanation of the model's decisions.
  • Implement a chess engine that can play against human or AI players using the model.


  • Create the project structure
  • Pytorch Framework
    • Custom pytorch dataset for chess data
      • Read any board state at any game number in a PGN file
      • Convert board, moves and game result to tensor
      • Batch all operations
      • Tests
    • Training loop & utilities for training
      • Training loop
      • Logging & Tensorboard
      • Evaluation
      • Save & Load model
      • Tests for training framework
  • Tensorflow Framework
    • Custom TFRecords for chess data
      • Read any board state at any game number in a PGN file
      • Convert board, moves and game result to tensor
      • Batch all operations
      • Tests
  • Chess Engine
    • Beam Search using the DL models
    • Implement matches
    • Evaluate against Stockfish
    • Tests for the chess engine
  • Explainability
    • Beam Search visualization
    • Board evaluation visualization
  • Deployment
    • Dockerize the project
    • Deploy on Lichess
    • Deploy on HuggingFace

Getting Started


You need to have Python 3.11 installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install the project dependencies using Poetry.
    poetry install

Test package

Run unit tests

poetry run python -m pytest

Run performance tests

poetry run python -m profiling.profile dataset --n_test=10 --data_dir=data --save_dir=profile
poetry run python -m profiling.profile match --n_test=10 --save_dir=profile --max_workers=8

Visualize performance tests

poetry run snakeviz profile/


Train a model

poetry run python -m src.train.train rl --run_name=run_name --dataset_num_workers=8 --dataloaders_num_workers=2 --train_size=0.9 --n_epochs=20 --batch_size=64 --lr=0.1 --gamma=0.99 --log_sampling=0.05 --eval_sampling=1.0 --checkpoint_dir=checkpoints --log_dir=logdir

Launch Tensorboard

poetry run tensorboard --logdir=logdir

Launch Gradio demo

poetry run python -m


Deploy on HuggingFace Spaces

poetry run python -m scripts.deploy_space


@dechantoine -


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