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Repository files navigation


In this weekly challenge I am tasked with making a portfolio with the Bootstrap framework.

Tasks in This Project

Using Bootstrap, I'll recreate my portfolio site with the following items:

  • A navigation bar
  • A navigation menu at the top. Feel free to use Bootstrap's navbar or create your own.
  • Include links that are applicable to your portfolio.
  • Links should navigate to the appropriate sections
  • A hero section
  • A jumbotron featuring your picture, your name, and any other information you'd like to include.

A work section

  • A section displaying your work in grid.
  • If you need to use placeholder image use placehold.coLinks to an external site.
  • Use Bootstrap cards for each project.
  • The description should give a brief overview of the work.
  • Each project will eventually link to your class project work!

A skills section

  • List out the skills you expect to learn from the bootcamp.
  • An about/contact section
Other requirements
  • An About Me section in the same row.
  • A footer section
  • All hyperlinks should have a hover effect.
  • All buttons should display a box shadow upon hover.
  • Your Bootstrap solution should minimize use of media queries.
  • Deploy your new Bootstrap-powered portfolio to GitHub Pages.
Grading Requirements
This homework is graded based on the following criteria:

Technical Acceptance Criteria: 40% Satisfies all of the above acceptance criteria.

Deployment: 32%

Application deployed at live URL.

Application loads with no errors.

Application GitHub URL submitted.

GitHub repository contains application code.

Application Quality: 15%

Application resembles the functionality of their previous portfolio.

Repository Quality: 12%

Repository has a unique name.

Repository follows best practices for file structure and naming conventions.

Repository follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.

Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.

Repository contains quality readme with description, screenshot, link to deployed application.


You are required to submit BOTH of the following for review:

The URL of the deployed application.

The URL of the GitHub repository that contains your code. Give the repository a unique name and include a README file that describes the project.

Screenshot & link to deployed application

Here is the link to the deployed application:


A Portfolio project built from the Bootstrap Framework








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