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fees: add feesim tool
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This is based on the original dcrfeesim repo by matheusd, developed to
prototype the fee estimation package.

In order to use simplify the construction of the simulator, some of the
unexported functions need to be provided, therefore a special function
ExposeInternalFunctions is provided.
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matheusd committed Sep 13, 2018
1 parent e803f3b commit 4264608
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Showing 4 changed files with 690 additions and 0 deletions.
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions fees/cmd/feesim/feesim.go
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Decred developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (


type testCase struct {
simCfg simulatorConfig
estCfg fees.EstimatorConfig
testTargetConfs []int32

type estimatorUnexportedFuncs interface {
ProcessMinedTransaction(blockHeight int64, txh *chainhash.Hash)
UpdateMovingAverages(newHeight int64)
UpdateDatabase() error

var (
sim *simulator
feesLog = slog.Disabled

testCases = []testCase{
// Test Case 01: test scenario where blocks still aren't that filled and
// all transactions are published with a minimum fee rate of 0.0001
// dcr/KB
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 250.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 1e4,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 32},

// TestCase 02 test scenario where mempool is filled 99% of the time
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 320.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 1e4,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, 32},

// TestCase 03 test scenario where there are no minimum relay fees
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 250.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 0,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 100,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 32},

// TestCase 04 test scenario where there are no minimum relay fees and
// transactions are generated at a higher rate and using a higher
// confirmation window
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 320.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 0,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 100,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 32},

// TestCase 05: Same as test 01, with lower contention rate
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 105.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 1e4,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16},

// TestCase 06: Same as test 01, with lower contention rate and lower
// fee spread distribution. Max fee bucket and FeeRateStep are adjusted
// to improve estimates.
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 105.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 1e4,
feeRateCoef: 1e2,
feeRateHistReportValues: []uint32{9999, 10000, 10001, 10070, 10250, 10500, 11000, 15000},
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 25000,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16},

// TestCase 07: Same as test 01 but with slighly higher contention rate
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 125.0,
txSizeCoef: 1000.0,
minimumFeeRate: 1e4,
feeRateCoef: 2.5e4,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 32},

// testcase 08: similar to what was found to be the current load as of
// 2018-08
simCfg: simulatorConfig{
nbTxsCoef: 20.0,
txSizeCoef: 500.0,
minimumFeeRate: 100000,
feeRateCoef: 1e3,
estCfg: fees.EstimatorConfig{
MaxConfirms: 32,
MinBucketFee: 1e4,
MaxBucketFee: 4e5,
FeeRateStep: 1.1,
testTargetConfs: []int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 32},

func main() {

useFeesFile := flag.Bool("usefeesfile", false, "Use fees file")
lenSimulation := flag.Int("lensimulation", 288*30, "Number of blocks to run the simulation for")

if len(flag.Args()) < 1 {
fmt.Println("Please specify the test number")

testNb, err := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Please specify a number as test case")
if testNb-1 > len(testCases) {
fmt.Printf("Please specify a test in the range of 1-%d\n", len(testCases))
actualTest := testCases[testNb-1]

if *useFeesFile {
actualTest.estCfg.DatabaseFile = "fees.db"

sim := newSimulator(&actualTest.simCfg)
var newTxs, minedTxs []*simTx
memPool := make(txPool, 0)

estimator, err := fees.NewEstimator(&actualTest.estCfg)
if err != nil {

start := time.Now()

estimatorFuncs := fees.ExposeInternalFunctions(estimator).(estimatorUnexportedFuncs)

// simulate a bunch of blocks. At every iteration, this simulates:
// - a miner generating a new block from the current memPool
// - some new transactions appearing in the network and being added to the
// outstanding mempool
startHeight := uint32(1)
endHeight := startHeight + uint32(*lenSimulation) - 1
reportedPerc := uint32(0)
for h := startHeight; h < endHeight; h++ {
minedTxs = sim.mineTransactions(h, &memPool)
newTxs = sim.genTransactions(h, &memPool)
sim.trackHistograms(minedTxs, newTxs, h)

// Update the estimator (this is thing that would actually run in the
// mempool of a full node once a new block has been fonud)
for _, tx := range minedTxs {
estimatorFuncs.ProcessMinedTransaction(int64(h), &tx.txHash)

// This would happen as new transactions are entering the memPool
for _, tx := range newTxs {
estimator.AddMemPoolTransaction(&tx.txHash, int64(tx.fee), int64(tx.size))

if *useFeesFile {

perc := (h - startHeight) * 100 / uint32(*lenSimulation)
if perc-reportedPerc >= 10 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d%% ", perc)
reportedPerc = perc
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n\n")


end := time.Now()
diff := time.Duration(end.UnixNano() - start.UnixNano())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Total time: %s\n", diff.String())

// Simulation has ended (eg: full node has synced)
// Let's now try to estimate the fees.

fmt.Println("=== Test Case Setup ===")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n\n", actualTest)

// Let's try generating fee rate estimates for a number of different target
// ranges at the same success pct (this is roughly what bitcoin core does)
fmt.Println("=== Fees to use for target confirmations ===")
l1 := ""
l2 := ""
for _, t := range actualTest.testTargetConfs {
l1 += fmt.Sprintf("%12d", t)
fee, err := estimator.EstimateFee(t)
if err != nil {
if err == fees.ErrNoSuccessPctBucketFound {
l2 += " noSuccBkt"
} else if err == fees.ErrNotEnoughTxsForEstimate {
l2 += " notEnghTx"
} else if _, is := err.(fees.ErrTargetConfTooLarge); is {
l2 += " cftTooLarge"
} else {
l2 += " err"
} else {
l2 += fmt.Sprintf("%12.8f", float64(fee)/1e8)
fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n\n", l1, l2)

// report the histogram of the simulated transactions to see if they are
// reasonable
fmt.Println("=== Histograms for simulated data ===")

// Let's see the internal state of the estimator
fmt.Println("=== Internal Estimator State ===")

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