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Magento Decred Payments

Magento module, integrates Decred autonomous currency into magento payments.


To install package extend your composer.json with new module:

composer require decred/decred-magento-plugin

Enable new extension:

php bin/magento module:enable Decred_Payments --clear-static-content

Then run next commands to setup new module:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade 
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Read more about how to install magento extensions here


Decred payment method settings located at Stores -> Configurations -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> Decred Payments


Enables decred payment method. New payment method available on checkout.

Ensure to set "Master public key" before setting this config to "Yes".

Master public key

In order to receive payments extension need to know your extended public key, from this key new payment addresses will be generated. Master public key derived from HD chain by path m/44'/42'/0'. Payment address will be derived by for branch 0 with and index is order id: m/44'/42'/0'/0/{incremental_order_id} see BIP44.

Example: dpubZH8DiRuE9MyB5rBGmoz3UuQSmTHWKGCQWDs9Jkx73FZuQr1QLTdU9uuwPRbEgEnMYriY9SUr4XshamuoXZC121HVqPXBSFvE57gG9pZd2Ts

To get it from command line:

dcrctl --wallet getmasterpubkey [default]

If you activate plugin for old store you should make sure your wallet software can find payment addresses.

In dcrwallet command you can increase addresses index gap with --addridxscanlen option.

So for old store this address index can be big as first Decred payment incremental_order_id.

dcrwallet --addridxscanlen {first_incremental_order_id}


Title displayed on checkout payment method select. Default: Decred

Confirmations to wait

How many confirmations should be on transaction to make it success. Default: 3

Show refund address?

You can hide refund address input on checkout by setting "No". Default: "Yes"

Make refund address optional?

By changing setting to "No" you require your customers to fill in refund address. Default: "Yes"