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sail composer require deegitalbe/laravel-trustup-io-audit

.env (non-mandatory)


🙇 Acknowledgements

Please add this column to your migration/model. It represent your relation.

Feel free to overide it's name if it enter in conflict with your project.


🛠️ Default utilisation


class TicketExample extends AbstractModel implements TrustupIoAuditRelatedModelContract
    use IsDefaultTrustupIoAuditRelatedModel;

    // The trait define already all necessary methods you will need to make your logs
    // By default it will take all attributes on your model like below 
        # public function getTrustupIoAuditPayload(): array
        # {
        #     return $this->getAttributes();
        # }

🛠️ You can also set your custom attributes


class TicketExample extends AbstractModel implements TrustupIoAuditRelatedModelContract

    use IsTrustupIoAuditRelatedModel;

    public function getTrustupIoAuditPayload(): array
        // this will add your custom_attributes in your log payload for your current model.
        // It needs to return en array as the return type specify.
        return [

🛠️ Default implementation with relation

Refer to laravel-trustup-io-external-model-relation if you need more documentation on how relations work. Here You will have to define Necessary methods to retrieve your logs.


class TicketExample extends AbstractModel implements TrustupIoAuditRelatedModelWithRelationsContract
    use IsTrustupIoAuditRelatedModelWithRelations, IsExternalModelRelatedModel;

    // By default the relation name is set to trustupIoAuditLogs.

    public function getTrustupIoAuditPayload(): array
        // here you can set all attributes that you want to log for your model
        // It needs to return en array as the return type specify.
        return $this->getAttributes();

🛠️ Custom implementation with relation

Refer to laravel-trustup-io-external-model-relation if you need more documentation on how relations work.

Preparing your model.


class TicketExample extends AbstractModel implements TrustupIoAuditRelatedModelContract
    use IsTrustupIoAuditRelatedModel, IsExternalModelRelatedModel;

     * Getting external relation names.
     * @return array<int, string>
    public function getExternalRelationNames(): array
        return [

    public function getTrustupIoAuditLogColumn(): string
        return 'trustup_io_audit_log_uuids';

    public function trustupIoAuditLogs(): ExternalModelRelationContract
        return $this->hasManyExternalModels(app()->make(TrustupIoLogLoadingCallback::class), $this->getTrustupIoAuditLogColumn());

    /** @return Collection<int, ExternalModelContract> */
    public function getTrustupIoAuditLogs(): Collection
        return $this->getExternalModels('trustupIoAuditLogs');

    public function getTrustupIoAuditPayload(): array
        // here you can set all attributes that you want to log for your model
        // It needs to return en array as the return type specify.
        return $this->getAttributes();

🛠️ Exposing your models by creating a resource

You can use a predefined ressource within the package for your logs.


namespace App\Http\Resources;

use Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Resources\LogResource;
use Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoExternalModelRelations\Traits\Resources\IsExternalModelRelatedResource;

class TicketExampleResource
    use IsExternalModelRelatedResource;

     * Transform the resource into an array.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\JsonSerializable
    public function toArray($request)
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            'title' => $this->title,
            'text' => $this->text,
            'created_at' => $this->created_at,
            'logs' => LogResource::collection($this->whenExternalRelationLoaded('trustupIoAuditLogs')),

🙇 🛠️ Adapter config publish.

Overide it if necessary as said below

sail artisan vendor:publish --provider="Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Providers\LaravelTrustupIoAuditServiceProvider" --tag="config"

🛠️ Default Adapter config.

By default the config use the package Adapter to set some attributes.

If you wish to make your own adapter you can overide it in the config and you should implements the LogServiceAdapterContract.


namespace Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Services\Logs\Adapters;

use Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Contracts\Services\Logs\Adapters\LogServiceAdapterContract;
use Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Facades\TrustupIoAudit;

class LogServiceAdapter implements LogServiceAdapterContract
    /** Application key */
    public function getAppKey(): string
        return TrustupIoAudit::getConfig("app_key");

    /** Responsible identifier */
    public function getResponsibleId(): string
        return auth()->id();

    /** type of the responsible */
    public function getResponsibleType(): string
        return 'user';

    /** account identifier */
    public function getAccountUuid(): ?string
        return null;
    /** Case the log was impersonated by */
    public function getImpersonatedBy(): ?string
        return null;

⚡ Eager load collections

Only one request will be performed even if you load multiple relations

use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;

class PostController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return TicketExampleResource::collection(TicketExample::all()->loadExternalRelations('trustupIoAuditLogs'));

⚡⚡ Migration relation trait.

By default the column is set to trustup_io_audit_log_uuids but feel free to overide it.


namespace Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Tests\Unit\database\migrations;

use Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit\Services\Logs\Traits\TrustupioAuditRelatedMigrations;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
    use TrustupioAuditRelatedMigrations;
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $this->addAUditLogColumn('users', 'trustup_io_audit_log_uuids');

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        // $this->removeAuditLogColumn('users', 'trustup_io_audit_log_uuids');

⚡⚡⚡ TrustupIoAudit facade for.

Available methods on the facade.

    public static function prefix(): string
        return "laravel-trustup-io-audit";

    * Mock laravel audit log.
    * Enabling logging during tests.
    public function mock(): MockInterface
        return $this->logStatus->mock();

     * Disable Logging
    public function disable(): void

     * Enable Logging
    public function enable(): void

     * Store given attributes as log manually.
    public function storeAttributes(string $eventName, array $attributes): ?string
        return $this->logService->storeAttributes($eventName, $attributes);

     * Store given requests as log manually.
    public function storeRequest(StoreLogRequestContract $request): ?string
        return $this->logService->storeRequest($request);

⚡⚡⚡⚡ Note by default the package can guess on wich API it need to make request.

So you don't need to specify any url but just your environement.


namespace Deegitalbe\LaravelTrustupIoAudit;


    public function getUrl(): string
        if ($environmentUrl = env("TRUSTUP_IO_AUDIT_URL")) return $environmentUrl;
        if (app()->environment("staging")) return "";
        if (app()->environment("production")) return "";

        return "trustup-io-audit";


Our package handling audit log creation






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