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fidelity: add causal fidelity tabular
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DavidPetiteau committed Jan 25, 2022
1 parent e4afe76 commit 318a019
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Showing 2 changed files with 245 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion xplique/metrics/
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Explanations Metrics module

from .fidelity import MuFidelity, Deletion, Insertion, DeletionTS, InsertionTS
from .fidelity import MuFidelity, Deletion, Insertion, DeletionTS, InsertionTS, \
DeletionTab, InsertionTab
from .stability import AverageStability
from .representativity import MeGe
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions xplique/metrics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -625,3 +625,246 @@ def __init__(self,
): # pylint: disable=R0913
super().__init__(model, inputs, targets, metric, batch_size,
"insertion", baseline_mode, steps, max_percentage_perturbed)

class CausalFidelityTab(ExplanationMetric):
Used to compute the insertion and deletion metrics for tabular data explanations.
Model used for computing metric.
Input samples under study. (n*t*d)
One-hot encoded labels or regression target (e.g {+1, -1}), one for each sample.
The metric used to evaluate the model performance. One of the model metric keys when calling
the evaluate function (e.g 'loss', 'accuracy'...). Default to loss.
Number of samples to explain at once, if None compute all at once.
If 'insertion', the path is baseline to original tabular data,
for 'deletion' the path is original tabular data to baseline.
Value of the baseline state, associated perturbation for strings.
Number of steps between the start and the end state.
Can be set to -1 for all possible steps to be computed.
Maximum percentage of the input perturbed.

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

def __init__(self,
model: tf.keras.Model,
inputs: Union[, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray],
targets: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray]] = None,
metric: str = "loss",
batch_size: Optional[int] = 64,
causal_mode: str = "deletion",
baseline_mode: Union[float, Callable] = 0.0,
steps: int = 10,
max_percentage_perturbed: float = 1.0,
): # pylint: disable=R0913
super().__init__(model, inputs, targets, batch_size)

self.baseline_mode = baseline_mode
self.causal_mode = causal_mode
assert metric == "loss" or metric in self.model.metrics_names
self.metric = metric

self.nb_samples = inputs.shape[0]
self.nb_features =[1:])
self.inputs_flatten = inputs.reshape(
(self.nb_samples, self.nb_features, 1)

assert 0 < max_percentage_perturbed <= 1, \
"max_percentage_perturbed should be between 0 and 1"
self.max_nb_perturbed = int(self.nb_features * max_percentage_perturbed)

if steps == -1:
steps = self.max_nb_perturbed
self.steps = steps

def evaluate(self,
explanations: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> float:
Evaluate the causal score for tabular data explanations.
Explanation for the inputs, labels to evaluate.
Metric score (for interpretation, see score interpretation in the documentation).
scores_dict = self.detailed_evaluate(explanations)

# compute auc with trapeze
np_scores = np.array(list(scores_dict.values()))
auc = np.mean(np_scores[:-1] + np_scores[1:]) * 0.5

return auc

def detailed_evaluate(self,
explanations: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> Dict[int, float]:
Evaluate model performance for successive perturbations of an input.
Used to compute causal score for tabular data explanations.
The successive perturbations in the Insertion and Deletion metrics create a list of scores.
This list of scores make a score evolution curve.
The AUC of such curve is used as an explanation metric.
However, the curve in itself is rich in information,
its visualization and interpretation can bring further comprehension
on the explanation and the model.
Therefore this method was added so that it is possible to construct such curves.
Explanation for the inputs, labels to evaluate.
Dictionary of scores obtain for different perturbations
Keys are the steps, i.e the number of features perturbed
Values are the scores, the score of the model
on the inputs with the corresponding number of features perturbed
explanations = np.array(explanations)
assert explanations.shape == self.inputs.shape, "The number of explanations must be the " \
"same as the number of inputs"

explanations_flatten = explanations.reshape((len(explanations), -1))

# for each sample, sort by most important features according to the explanation
most_important_features = np.argsort(explanations_flatten, axis=-1)[:, ::-1]

baselines = self.baseline_mode(self.inputs) if isfunction(self.baseline_mode) else \
np.ones_like(self.inputs, dtype=np.float32) * self.baseline_mode
baselines_flatten = baselines.reshape(self.inputs_flatten.shape)

steps = np.linspace(0, self.max_nb_perturbed, self.steps+1, dtype=np.int32)

if self.causal_mode == "deletion":
start = self.inputs_flatten
end = baselines_flatten
elif self.causal_mode == "insertion":
start = baselines_flatten
end = self.inputs_flatten
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown causal mode `{self.causal_mode}`.')

scores_dict = {}
for step in steps:
ids_to_flip = most_important_features[:, :step]
perturbed_inputs = start.copy()

for i, ids in enumerate(ids_to_flip):
perturbed_inputs[i, ids] = end[i, ids]

perturbed_inputs = perturbed_inputs.reshape((-1, *self.inputs.shape[1:]))

score = self.model.evaluate(perturbed_inputs, self.targets,
self.batch_size, verbose=0,
scores_dict[step] = score[self.metric]

return scores_dict

class DeletionTab(CausalFidelityTab):
Adaptation of the insertion metric for tabular data.
Ref. Petsiuk & al., RISE: Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box Models (2018).
Ref. Schlegel et al., Towards a Rigorous Evaluation of XAI Methods (2019).
Model used for computing metric.
Input samples under study.
One-hot encoded labels or regression target (e.g {+1, -1}), one for each sample.
The metric used to evaluate the model performance. One of the model metric keys when calling
the evaluate function (e.g 'loss', 'accuracy'...). Default to loss.
Number of samples to explain at once, if None compute all at once.
Value of the baseline state, will be called with the inputs if it is a function.
Number of steps between the start and the end state.
Can be set to -1 for all possible steps to be computed.
Maximum percentage of the input perturbed.
""" # pylint: disable=R0913

def __init__(self,
model: tf.keras.Model,
inputs: Union[, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray],
targets: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray]] = None,
metric: str = "loss",
batch_size: Optional[int] = 64,
baseline_mode: Union[float, str] = 0.0,
steps: int = 10,
max_percentage_perturbed: float = 1.0,
super().__init__(model, inputs, targets, metric, batch_size,
"deletion", baseline_mode, steps, max_percentage_perturbed)

class InsertionTab(CausalFidelityTab):
Adaptation of the insertion metric for tabular data.
Ref. Petsiuk & al., RISE: Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box Models (2018).
Ref. Schlegel et al., Towards a Rigorous Evaluation of XAI Methods (2019).
Model used for computing metric.
Input samples under study.
One-hot encoded labels or regression target (e.g {+1, -1}), one for each sample.
The metric used to evaluate the model performance. One of the model metric keys when calling
the evaluate function (e.g 'loss', 'accuracy'...). Default to loss.
Number of samples to explain at once, if None compute all at once.
Value of the baseline state, will be called with the inputs if it is a function.
Number of steps between the start and the end state.
Can be set to -1 for all possible steps to be computed.
Maximum percentage of the input perturbed.
""" # pylint: disable=R0913

def __init__(self,
model: tf.keras.Model,
inputs: Union[, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray],
targets: Optional[Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray]] = None,
metric: str = "loss",
batch_size: Optional[int] = 64,
baseline_mode: Union[float, str] = 0.0,
steps: int = 10,
max_percentage_perturbed: float = 1.0,
super().__init__(model, inputs, targets, metric, batch_size,
"insertion", baseline_mode, steps, max_percentage_perturbed)

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