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Point Cloud Manager

deempalme edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 1 revision


The section called core is "a must to have" if you want to use any of the other sections. It creates a GUI window and handles all events suchlike, mouse, keyboard and touch. Inside this class you will find a Camera object which you can handle and perform movements in the screen.

Type Code
Header #include "core.h"

List of all public members

Returns Member
void camera_isometric_view()
const Algebraica::mat4f& camera_matrix_perspective()
const Algebraica::mat4f& camera_matrix_perspective_view()
const Algebraica::mat4f& camera_matrix_static_perspective_view()
const Algebraica::mat4f& camera_matrix_view()
const Algebraica::vec3f& camera_position(const float pitch = 0.0f, const float yaw = 0.0f, const float roll = 0.0f)
void camera_rotate(const float pitch = 0.0f, const float yaw = 0.0f, const float roll = 0.0f)
void camera_set_position(const float x = -12.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 5.0f)
void camera_set_target(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 0.0f)
void camera_set_up(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 1.0f)
void camera_set_zoom(const float zoom = 1.0f)
void camera_top_view()
void camera_translate(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 0.0f)
int execute(const bool infinite_loop = true)
int execute(const bool infinite_loop = true, const int width, const int height, const std::string title = "Torero", const bool full_screen = true, const bool maximized = false)
const Algebraica::mat4f* fixed_frame()
void full_screen(const bool make_full = true)
const GLfloat max_anisotropic_filtering()
void maximize_window(const bool maximized = true)
void message_handler(const std::string text, const Visualizer::Message message_type)
void minimize_window(const bool minimized = true)
const Algebraica::mat4f* navigation_frame()
void process_pending_events()
void redraw_screen()
void restart_viewport()
void set_window_position(const int x, const int y)
void set_window_size(const int width, const int height)
void set_window_title(const std::string title)
void swap_buffers()
const Algebraica::mat4f* vehicle_frame()
void wait_for_events()
void wait_for_events(const double timeout)
bool window_closing()
bool window_visibility()

List of all public signals

Type Name
boost::signals2::signal* signal_updated_camera()
boost::signals2::signal* signal_updated_screen()
boost::signals2::signal* syncronize(Visualizer::Order object)

Window management

Window title

To change the window title (which appears at the bar in the top side of the window) use:

void set_window_title(const std::string title);


Type Name Description
[std::string] title The UTF-8 encoded window title.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Window size

This function changes the size of the window, use negative values to equalize window and monitor width or/and height. For full screen windows, the specified size becomes the new resolution of the window. The window is resized to fit the resolution of the set video mode.

void set_window_size(const int width, const int height);


Type Name Description
[const int] width Size in pixels of the window. Use any negative value to set the window's width equal to the monitor's resolution.
[const int] height Size in pixels of the window. Use any negative value to set the window's height equal to the monitor's resolution.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Window position

Changes the window's position in screen, The origin of the coordinate system is at the top-left corner of the monitor.

void set_window_position(const int x, const int y);


Type Name Description
[const int] x Position from the left side of the monitor in pixels.
[const int] y Position from the top side of the monitor in pixels

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Maximize window

Maximizes to fit all the monitor or resizes back the window to its defined width and height.

void maximize_window(const bool maximized = true);


Type Name Description
[const bool] maximized Set this to true to maximize or false to restore the window size back to width and height.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Minimize window

Minimizes the window or resizes it back to its defined width and height.

void minimize_window(const bool minimized = true);


Type Name Description
[const bool] minimized Set this to true to minimize or false to restore the window size back to width and height.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Full screen window

Makes the window full screen or resizes back the window to its defined width and height. This will hide the title and launcher bar.

void full_screen(const bool make_full = true);


Type Name Description
[const bool] make_full Set this to true to make full screen or false to restore the window size back to width and height.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Redrawing the window's screen

Redraws the whole window's screen, if you have updated data that have not been drawn in screen you could call this function. *Note: try to call this function only when is really needed because is a big performance consumer, a better practice is to draw every element separately.

void redraw_screen();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Restarting the screen viewport

This function restarts the screen viewport to its original aspect radio; defined when you defined the window's width and height or uses its pre-defined values.

void restart_viewport();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Giving time to OpenGL to draw into the screen

The next four functions are very useful and give the program enough time to redraw the screen, if you are using an infinite loop to execute your program, then, you will need to call swap_buffers() and one of other functions at least 30 times per second to have a fluid animation.

Changing between framebuffers (OpenGL)

This function restarts the screen viewport to its original aspect radio; defined when you defined the window's width and height or uses its pre-defined values.

void swap_buffers();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Waiting for triggering events

Waits until an event is triggered (mouse, keyboard, etc). This will pause the program's execution until an event is triggered.

void wait_for_events();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Waiting for triggering events or until time runs out

Waits until an event is triggered (mouse, keyboard, etc) or until the timeout (in seconds) has passed. This will pause the program's execution until an event is triggered or the time is over.

void wait_for_events(const double timeout);


Type Name Description
[const double] timeout Waiting time in seconds, use decimals for more precision.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Processing pending events

This function processes all pending events suchlike screen drawing without any waiting.

void process_pending_events();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Checking window's visibility

This function returns the window's visibility; true if is not minimized or false if is minimized.

void window_visibility();

    [bool]   |   true if is not minimized or false if is minimized.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Checking if window is closing

This function returns if the window is closing (which may not close the program execution), if you are utilizing an infinite loop, this function will be very useful to break that loop and also close the program.

void window_closing();

    [bool]   |   Returns true if is closed/closing or false if is open.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Execute window

This is the main function; it will open a new window with predefined properties or properties defined by the user suchlike, width, height, title, etc. If infinite_loop = true then, it will maintain the window open until a close event is triggered.

int execute(const bool infinite_loop = true);


Type Name Description
[const bool] infinite_loop if set to true it will maintain the window open until close event.

    This will return the type of error if the window was not created properly; EXIT_SUCCESS, GLFW_NOT_LOADED, WINDOW_NOT_LOADED, GLAD_NOT_LOADED or EXISTING_WINDOW.

Execute window with extra parameters

Width and height represent the window resolution, if full_screen is true then, your screen resolution will change, to have the native resolution of your system, set width and height to zero, also, if width and height is equal to zero and full_screen is false then, width and height will change to initial values: 1500 and 800 respectively.

int execute(const bool infinite_loop = true, const int width, const int height,
            const std::string title = "Torero", const bool full_screen = true,
            const bool maximized = false


Type Name Description
[const bool] infinite_loop if set to true it will maintain the window open until close event.
[const int] width Window's width in pixels.
[const int] height Window's height in pixels.
[const std::string] title The UTF-8 encoded window's title.
[const bool] full_screen if set to true it will make the window full screen.
[const bool] maximized if set to true it will maximize the window, ignored if full_screen = true.

    This will return the type of error if the window was not created properly; EXIT_SUCCESS, GLFW_NOT_LOADED, WINDOW_NOT_LOADED, GLAD_NOT_LOADED or EXISTING_WINDOW.

Maximum anisotropic filtering

This functions return the maximum anisotropic filtering than your computer could handle, it is very useful when defining your own textures.

int max_anisotropic_filtering();

    [const bool]   |   Returns the maximum anisotropic filtering value or 8.0f if is bigger.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Camera management

Setting camera position

Changes the position of the camera, note that is only the location of the camera, the point that the camera is aiming will not be modified.

void camera_set_position(const float x = -12.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 5.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] x Position in meters in the X axis.
[const float] y Position in meters in the Y axis.
[const float] z Position in meters in the Z axis.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Setting camera target position

This specifies the point which the camera is looking.

void camera_set_target(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 0.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] x Position in meters in the X axis.
[const float] y Position in meters in the Y axis.
[const float] z Position in meters in the Z axis.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Setting camera upwards direction

Changes the rotation of the camera, changes the upward side of the camera. You must introduce the coordinates of a normalized vector, this vector represents the camera orientation, by default is pointing up parallel to Y axis.

void camera_set_up(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 1.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] x Position in meters in the X axis, must be normalized.
[const float] y Position in meters in the Y axis, must be normalized.
[const float] z Position in meters in the Z axis, must be normalized.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Rotating the camera

Multiplies the Camera position by a rotation matrix using euler angles (the center is the camera target's position), the angles are in RADIANS.

void camera_rotate(const float pitch = 0.0f, const float yaw = 0.0f, const float roll = 0.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] pitch Pitch angle in radians.
[const float] yaw Yaw angle in radians.
[const float] roll Roll angle in radians.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Translating the camera

Multiplies the Camera position by a translation matrix (the center is the camera target's position).

void camera_translate(const float x = 0.0f, const float y = 0.0f, const float z = 0.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] x Distance in X axis to translate.
[const float] y Distance in Y axis to translate.
[const float] z Distance in Z axis to translate.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Setting camera's zoom

This changes the scenary zoom, maximum = 0.05 : minimum = 15. The smaller the zoom factor is, the closer to the target the camera position becomes.

void camera_set_zoom(const float zoom = 1.0f);


Type Name Description
[const float] zoom Zoom factor, if zoom = 0.05 then, the camera position vector is multiplied for 0.05

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Change view to top view

Changes the view to Top view.

void camera_top_view();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Change view to isometric view

Changes the view to Isometric view.

void camera_isometric_view();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the view transformation matrix

Returns the view transformation matrix, this matrix is calculated using look at matrix transformation with the camera as parameter.

const Algebraica::mat4f &camera_matrix_view();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f&]   |   Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix of the camera.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the perspective transformation matrix

Returns the perspective transformation matrix, this matrix is calculated using perspective matrix transformation with window's width and height as parameters to get the aspect radio. A near plane with value NEAR_PLANE, far plane with value FAR_PLANE and field of view with value FIELD_OF_VIEW.

const Algebraica::mat4f &camera_matrix_perspective();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f&]   |   Returns the 4x4 view projection matrix (perspective view).

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the multiplied matrix between perspective and view matrices

Returns the multiplied matrix between perspective and view transformation matrices.

const Algebraica::mat4f &camera_matrix_perspective_view();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f&]   |   Returns the resulting 4x4 matrix of the projection and camera matrices multiplication.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the non-translated multiplied matrix between perspective and view matrices

Returns the non-translated multiplied matrix between perspective and view transformation matrices. *Note: this matrix only contains the rotations of pv_matrix and not translations.

const Algebraica::mat4f &camera_matrix_static_perspective_view();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f&]   |   Returns the resulting 4x4 matrix of the projection and camera matrices multiplication WITHOUT translation (only rotation).

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the camera position

This function returns a 3D vector with the camera position in X, Y and Z.

const Algebraica::vec3f &camera_position();

    [const Algebraica::vec3f&]   |   3D vector with camera position.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Scene's frame matrices

Obtaining the "fixed frame" transformation matrix

This function returns the address to the fixed frame transformation matrix, its origins is the Latitude and Longitude 0° (see coordinate system for more information).

const Algebraica::mat4f *fixed_frame();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f *const]   |   Address to the fixed frame transformation matrix.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the "vehicle frame" transformation matrix

This function returns the address to the vehicle frame transformation matrix, its origins is at the center of the rear wheel axis (see coordinate system for more information).

const Algebraica::mat4f *vehicle_frame();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f *const]   |   Address to the vehicle frame transformation matrix.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Obtaining the "navigation frame" transformation matrix

This function returns the address to the navigation frame transformation matrix, its origins is at the center of the rear wheel axis but it does NOT rotate (see coordinate system for more information).

const Algebraica::mat4f *navigation_frame();

    [const Algebraica::mat4f *const]   |   Address to the navigation frame transformation matrix.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Public signals

Signal triggered by camera changes

This signal is triggered every time the camera is modified, for example: rotation, translation, zoom, etc. You can obtain the address to this signal by using the following function, to manage such connection is recommended to use boost::signals2::connection to connect or disconnect it from your own functions.

boost::signals2::signal<void ()> *signal_updated_camera();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Signal triggered when the OpenGL's screen is redrawn

This signal is triggered every time the OpenGL screen is redrawn; every time you see a change in the window's screen this signal will be triggered. You can obtain the address to this signal by using the following function, to manage such connection is recommended to use boost::signals2::connection to connect or disconnect it from your own functions.

boost::signals2::signal<void ()> *signal_updated_screen();

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

Sincronizing your code with custom signals

This functions returns a signal using the enumerator Visualizer::Order, use it to connect it to your own functions. This signal is triggered when the class manager with name equal to this enumerator is drawn in screen.

boost::signals2::signal<void ()> *signal_updated_camera();


Type Name Description
[enum Visualizer::Order] object Class manager name.

    This will return error if the window was not created properly.

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