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Cli utility that allows you to export links from your deep.

Table Of Contents


See Documentation for examples and API


Cli Usage


  --version         Show version number                                [boolean]
  --url             The url of graphql to export data from   [string] [required]
  --jwt             The JWT token for authentication to the graphql server
                                                             [string] [required]
  --directory-name  The directory name to save data to                  [string]
  --help            Show help                                          [boolean]

Cli Usage Ways

If you are going to use this package in a project - it is recommended to install it is Locally
If you are going to use this package for yourself - it is recommended to install it Globally or run it directly using npx

Directly running using npx

npx --yes deep-export

Global Installation

Global installation and running using binary name

npm install --global deep-export

Global installation and running using npx

npm install --global deep-export
npx /home/runner/work/deep-export/deep-export/dist/cli/deep-export

Local installation

Local installation and running using npx

npm install deep-export
npx /home/runner/work/deep-export/deep-export/dist/cli/deep-export

Local installation and running using npm script

npm install deep-export

Add npm script to package.json. Note that you can name your script as you want but it must call binary file provided by the package

  "scripts": {
    "/home/runner/work/deep-export/deep-export/dist/cli/deep-export": "/home/runner/work/deep-export/deep-export/dist/cli/deep-export"

and run

npm run /home/runner/work/deep-export/deep-export/dist/cli/deep-export