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#Cyber/Internet Cafe Management Software (Work in Progress)

Internet Cafes use external softwares to manage allotment of systems, accounting and various other purposes. The specifications of a general Internet cafe are as follows: There will be availability of different kind of systems in the cafe:

• Browsing Systems

• Gaming Systems

• Academics purpose Systems

There is availability of various types of printers and xerox machines for making hard copies of documents, examples:

• Plain Printer

• Colour Printer

• Simple Xerox Machine

Each system will be present at a terminal, which is represented by a unique terminal numbers. The software requires initial configuration i.e, setting up the software for management of the internet cafe. Those steps are:

• Taking as input total no. of various systems present at the cafe along with their specifications. Software should have proper input arrangements for taking total no. of various systems like Browsing Systems, Gaming Systems, Academic Systems along with their specifications.

• Similarly, taking in inputs total no. of various printers and xerox machines along with their specifications.

• Define rates for various activities that are available at the internet cafe. Example, cost of browsing internet, playing games, taking printouts from a fixed arrangement.

• Age limit for various activities available at the internet cafe(OPTIONAL). General Features expected from a finally Built software:

• Every customer must must submit their personal details like correct age, address, phone no., email address which will be saved in the database.

• Once, user mentions their System requirements and time needed(Gaming, Browsing, Printing etc..) software should allot him a Terminal where he/she may start a session.

• In case no terminal is idle, software should tell him the waiting time and terminal no. The only constraints is there shouldn’t be any clash between allotments.

• Software should notify when a particular session is completed or time expires.

• The above is not required for printing devices. It can be assumes to be instantaneous operations.

• After Every usage, software should provide him the Amount he/she need to provide. This includes using systems and printing both.

• All the System activity information need to be saved in database for conducting later enquires.

• All at the day end, The owner must be able see his/her total revenue. This must include division i,e. revenue by various systems, printing devices etc.


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