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Mlc 225 domain classifier (#245)
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Add WholeDatasetDrift check, using a Domain Classifier to measure the drift between to datasets as a whole.
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noamzbr committed Dec 16, 2021
1 parent c055096 commit 453b0d2
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,544 additions and 565 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions deepchecks/base/
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Expand Up @@ -341,6 +341,10 @@ def n_samples(self) -> int:

def __len__(self):
"""Return number of samples in the member dataframe."""
return self.n_samples

def infer_categorical_features(self) -> t.List[Hashable]:
"""Infers which features are categorical by checking types and number of unique values.
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion deepchecks/checks/distribution/
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"""Module containing all data distribution checks."""
from .trust_score_comparison import *
from .train_test_drift import *
from .train_test_feature_drift import *
from .whole_dataset_drift import *
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions deepchecks/checks/distribution/
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2021 Deepchecks (
# This file is part of Deepchecks.
# Deepchecks is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General
# Public License (version 3 or later).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Deepchecks. If not, see <>.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Common utilities for distribution checks."""

from typing import Tuple, List

from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer


__all__ = ['PandasSimpleImputer', 'preprocess_for_psi', 'psi', 'earth_movers_distance', 'drift_score_bar']

def drift_score_bar(axes, drift_score: float, drift_type: str):
"""Create a traffic light bar plot representing the drift score.
axes (): Matplotlib axes object
drift_score (float): Drift score
drift_type (str): The name of the drift metric used
stop = max(0.4, drift_score + 0.1)
traffic_light_colors = [((0, 0.1), '#01B8AA'),
((0.1, 0.2), '#F2C80F'),
((0.2, 0.3), '#FE9666'),
((0.3, 1), '#FD625E')

for range_tuple, color in traffic_light_colors:
if range_tuple[0] <= drift_score < range_tuple[1]:
axes.barh(0, drift_score - range_tuple[0], left=range_tuple[0], color=color)
elif drift_score >= range_tuple[1]:
axes.barh(0, range_tuple[1] - range_tuple[0], left=range_tuple[0], color=color)
axes.set_title('Drift Score - ' + drift_type)
axes.set_xlim([0, stop])

class PandasSimpleImputer(SimpleImputer):
"""A wrapper around `SimpleImputer` to return data frames with columns."""

def fit(self, X, y=None): # pylint: disable=C0103
"""Fit the imputer on X and return self."""
self.columns = X.columns # pylint: disable=C0103
return super().fit(X, y) # pylint: disable=C0103

def transform(self, X): # pylint: disable=C0103
"""Transform X using the imputer."""
return pd.DataFrame(super().transform(X), columns=self.columns) # pylint: disable=C0103

def preprocess_for_psi(dist1: np.ndarray, dist2: np.ndarray, max_num_categories) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List]:
Preprocess distributions in order to be able to be calculated by PSI.
Function returns the value counts for each distribution and the categories list. If there are more than
max_num_categories, it encodes rare categories into an "OTHER" category. This is done according to the values of
dist1, which is treated as the "expected" distribution.
Function is for categorical data only.
dist1: list of values from the first distribution, treated as the expected distribution
dist2: list of values from the second distribution, treated as the actual distribution
max_num_categories: max number of allowed categories. If there are more, they are binned into an "Other"
category. If max_num_categories=None, there is no limit.
expected_percents: array of percentages of each value in the expected distribution.
actual_percents: array of percentages of each value in the actual distribution.
categories_list: list of all categories that the percentages represent.
all_categories = list(set(dist1).union(set(dist2)))

if max_num_categories is not None and len(all_categories) > max_num_categories:
dist1_counter = dict(Counter(dist1).most_common(max_num_categories))
dist1_counter['Other rare categories'] = len(dist1) - sum(dist1_counter.values())
categories_list = list(dist1_counter.keys())

dist2_counter = Counter(dist2)
dist2_counter = {k: dist2_counter[k] for k in categories_list}
dist2_counter['Other rare categories'] = len(dist2) - sum(dist2_counter.values())

dist1_counter = Counter(dist1)
dist2_counter = Counter(dist2)
categories_list = all_categories

expected_percents = np.array([dist1_counter[k] for k in categories_list]) / len(dist1)
actual_percents = np.array([dist2_counter[k] for k in categories_list]) / len(dist2)

return expected_percents, actual_percents, categories_list

def psi(expected_percents: np.ndarray, actual_percents: np.ndarray):
Calculate the PSI (Population Stability Index).
expected_percents: array of percentages of each value in the expected distribution.
actual_percents: array of percentages of each value in the actual distribution.
psi: The PSI score
psi_value = 0
for i in range(len(expected_percents)):
# In order for the value not to diverge, we cap our min percentage value
e_perc = max(expected_percents[i], PSI_MIN_PERCENTAGE)
a_perc = max(actual_percents[i], PSI_MIN_PERCENTAGE)
value = (e_perc - a_perc) * np.log(e_perc / a_perc)
psi_value += value

return psi_value

def earth_movers_distance(dist1: np.ndarray, dist2: np.ndarray):
Calculate the Earth Movers Distance (Wasserstein distance).
Function is for numerical data only.
dist1: array of numberical values.
dist2: array of numberical values to compare dist1 to.
the Wasserstein distance between the two distributions.
unique1 = np.unique(dist1)
unique2 = np.unique(dist2)

sample_space = list(set(unique1).union(set(unique2)))

val_max = max(sample_space)
val_min = min(sample_space)

if val_max == val_min:
return 0

dist1 = (dist1 - val_min) / (val_max - val_min)
dist2 = (dist2 - val_min) / (val_max - val_min)

return wasserstein_distance(dist1, dist2)
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Expand Up @@ -10,131 +10,27 @@
"""Module contains Train Test Drift check."""

from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict, Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance

from deepchecks import Dataset, CheckResult, TrainTestBaseCheck, ConditionResult
from deepchecks.checks.distribution.plot import plot_density
from deepchecks.checks.distribution.dist_utils import preprocess_for_psi, earth_movers_distance, psi, drift_score_bar
from deepchecks.utils.features import calculate_feature_importance_or_null
from deepchecks.utils.plot import colors
from deepchecks.utils.typing import Hashable
from deepchecks.errors import DeepchecksValueError
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['TrainTestDrift']
__all__ = ['TrainTestFeatureDrift']


def preprocess_for_psi(dist1: np.ndarray, dist2: np.ndarray, max_num_categories) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List]:
Preprocess distributions in order to be able to be calculated by PSI.
Function returns the value counts for each distribution and the categories list. If there are more than
max_num_categories, it encodes rare categories into an "OTHER" category. This is done according to the values of
dist1, which is treated as the "expected" distribution.
Function is for categorical data only.
dist1: first distribution, treated as the expected distribution
dist2: second distribution, treated as the actual distribution
max_num_categories: max number of allowed categories. If there are more, they are binned into an "Other"
category. If max_num_categories=None, there is no limit.
expected_percents: array of percentages of each value in the expected distribution.
actual_percents: array of percentages of each value in the actual distribution.
categories_list: list of all categories that the percentages represent.
all_categories = list(set(np.unique(dist1)).union(set(dist2)))

if max_num_categories is not None and len(all_categories) > max_num_categories:
dist1_counter = dict(Counter(dist1).most_common(max_num_categories))
dist1_counter['Other rare categories'] = len(dist1) - sum(dist1_counter.values())
categories_list = list(dist1_counter.keys())

dist2_counter = Counter(dist2)
dist2_counter = {k: dist2_counter[k] for k in categories_list}
dist2_counter['Other rare categories'] = len(dist2) - sum(dist2_counter.values())

dist1_counter = Counter(dist1)
dist2_counter = Counter(dist2)
categories_list = all_categories

expected_percents = np.array([dist1_counter[k] for k in categories_list]) / len(dist1)
actual_percents = np.array([dist2_counter[k] for k in categories_list]) / len(dist2)

return expected_percents, actual_percents, categories_list

def psi(expected_percents: np.ndarray, actual_percents: np.ndarray):
Calculate the PSI (Population Stability Index).
expected_percents: array of percentages of each value in the expected distribution.
actual_percents: array of percentages of each value in the actual distribution.
psi: The PSI score
class TrainTestFeatureDrift(TrainTestBaseCheck):
psi_value = 0
for i in range(len(expected_percents)):
# In order for the value not to diverge, we cap our min percentage value
e_perc = max(expected_percents[i], PSI_MIN_PERCENTAGE)
a_perc = max(actual_percents[i], PSI_MIN_PERCENTAGE)
value = (e_perc - a_perc) * np.log(e_perc / a_perc)
psi_value += value

return psi_value

def earth_movers_distance(dist1: np.ndarray, dist2: np.ndarray):
Calculate the Earth Movers Distance (Wasserstein distance).
Function is for numerical data only.
dist1: array of numberical values.
dist2: array of numberical values to compare dist1 to.
the Wasserstein distance between the two distributions.
unique1 = np.unique(dist1)
unique2 = np.unique(dist2)

sample_space = list(set(unique1).union(set(unique2)))

val_max = max(sample_space)
val_min = min(sample_space)

if val_max == val_min:
return 0

dist1 = (dist1 - val_min) / (val_max - val_min)
dist2 = (dist2 - val_min) / (val_max - val_min)

return wasserstein_distance(dist1, dist2)

class TrainTestDrift(TrainTestBaseCheck):
Calculate drift between train dataset and test dataset.
Calculate drift between train dataset and test dataset per feature, using statistical measures.
Check calculates a drift score for each column in test dataset, by comparing its distribution to the train
Expand All @@ -158,7 +54,8 @@ class TrainTestDrift(TrainTestBaseCheck):
or "drift score"
max_num_categories (int):
Only for categorical columns. Max number of allowed categories. If there are more,
they are binned into an "Other" category. If max_num_categories=None, there is no limit.
they are binned into an "Other" category. If max_num_categories=None, there is no limit. This limit applies
for both drift calculation and for distribution plots.

def __init__(
Expand All @@ -183,8 +80,8 @@ def run(self, train_dataset, test_dataset, model=None) -> CheckResult:
"""Run check.
train_dataset (Dataset): The training dataset object. Must contain a label column.
test_dataset (Dataset): The test dataset object. Must contain a label column.
train_dataset (Dataset): The training dataset object.
test_dataset (Dataset): The test dataset object.
model: A scikit-learn-compatible fitted estimator instance
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,30 +174,6 @@ def _calc_drift_per_column(self, train_column: pd.Series, test_column: pd.Series
train_dist = train_column.dropna().values.reshape(-1)
test_dist = test_column.dropna().values.reshape(-1)

def drift_score_bar(axes, drift_score: float, drift_type: str):
"""Create a traffic light bar plot representing the drift score.
axes (): Matplotlib axes object
drift_score (float): Drift score
drift_type (str): The name of the drift metric used
stop = max(0.4, drift_score + 0.1)
traffic_light_colors = [((0, 0.1), '#01B8AA'),
((0.1, 0.2), '#F2C80F'),
((0.2, 0.3), '#FE9666'),
((0.3, 1), '#FD625E')

for range_tuple, color in traffic_light_colors:
if range_tuple[0] <= drift_score < range_tuple[1]:
axes.barh(0, drift_score - range_tuple[0], left=range_tuple[0], color=color)
elif drift_score >= range_tuple[1]:
axes.barh(0, range_tuple[1] - range_tuple[0], left=range_tuple[0], color=color)
axes.set_title('Drift Score - ' + drift_type)
axes.set_xlim([0, stop])

if feature_importances is not None:
fi_rank_series = feature_importances.rank(method='first', ascending=False)
fi_rank = fi_rank_series[column_name]
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