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Update the Dataset Object Documentation (#500)
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benisraeldan authored and ItayGabbay committed Jan 7, 2022
1 parent 2051d65 commit dfa08fa
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Showing 3 changed files with 160 additions and 109 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions README.rst
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Expand Up @@ -307,6 +307,16 @@ of checks and optional conditions.
What Do You Need in Order to Start Validating?


- The deepchecks package installed

- JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook

Data / Model

Depending on your phase and what you wish to validate, you'll need a
subset of the following:

Expand All @@ -328,6 +338,7 @@ phase requires different assets for the validation.
See more about typical usage scenarios and the built-in suites in the
`docs <>`__.


Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions docs/source/index.rst
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Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ Head over to our :doc:`/examples/guides/quickstart_in_5_minutes` tutorial,
and click on |binder badge| or on |colab badge| to launch it and see it in action,
or see our :doc:`/getting-started/index` to install it locally and continue from there.

.. note:: The package's output is suited for running in a jupyter environment.
HTML and PDF reports for the graphs may be added in the near future.

When Should You Use Deepchecks?

While you're in the research phase, and want to validate your data, find potential methodological
problems, and/or validate your model and evaluate it.
See the :doc:`Section in the User Guide </user-guide/when_should_you_use>` for an elaborate explanation of the typical scenarios.
See the :doc:`When Should You Use Section in the User Guide </user-guide/when_should_you_use>` for an elaborate explanation of the typical scenarios.

Example - Validating a Model that Classifies Malicious URLs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,4 +98,4 @@ as this package is in active development!
:target: /examples/guides/quickstart_in_5_minutes.html

.. |colab badge| image:: /_static/colab-badge.svg
:target: /examples/guides/quickstart_in_5_minutes.html
:target: /examples/guides/quickstart_in_5_minutes.html
251 changes: 145 additions & 106 deletions docs/source/user-guide/dataset_object.rst
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Expand Up @@ -3,126 +3,165 @@
The Dataset Object
The dataset is one of the basic blocks of deepchecks. It is a container for the data and its relevant metadata, like special column names (label, date, index, etc).
Some of the checks allows to use a dataframe directly, but some others requires the metadata in order to run, so they are limited to working only with Datasets.

Class Parameters
All of the parameters are optional.

.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 50 10
:header-rows: 1

* - Name
- Type
- Description
- Default
* - label
- pandas.Series
- Data of labels as separate series from the data
- None
* - features
- List[Hashable]
- Names of the features in the data
- None
* - cat_features
- List[Hashable]
- Names of the categorical features in the data. Must be subset of `features`
- None
* - label_name
- Hashable
- Name of label column in the data
- None
* - use_index
- bool
- If data is dataframe, whether to use the dataframe index as index column for index related checks
- False
* - index_name
- Hashable
- Name of index column in the data
- None
* - date_name
- Hashable
- Name of date column in the data
- None
* - date_unit_type
- str
- Unit to convert date column if it's numeric. using `pandas.Timestamp <>`__ to convert
- None
* - max_categorical_ratio
- float
- Used to infer which columns are categorical (if `cat_features` isn't explicitly passed).
Set maximum ratio of unique values in a column in order for it to be categorical.
The higher the value, the chance of column inferred as categorical is higher
- 0.01
* - max_categories
- int
- Used to infer which columns are categorical (if `cat_features` isn't explicitly passed).
Set maximum number of unique values in a column in order for it to be categorical.
The higher the value, the chance of column inferred as categorical is higher
- 30
* - max_float_categories
- int
- Same as `max_categories` but for columns of type float
- 5
* - convert_date
- bool
- Whether to convert date column if it's numeric to date
- True

Inferring Features And Categorical Features
Dataset defines which columns of the data are features and of them which are categorical features.
For features, if parameter `features` not passed explicitly, all will be considered features apart from the label, index and date.
For categorical features, if parameter `cat_features` not passed explicitly, the following logic runs on every column to determine
whether the column is categorical or not:

* if columns is float type:
* number of unique < `max_float_categories`
* else:
* number of unique < `max_categories` AND (number of unique / number of samples) < `max_categorical_ratio`
The ``Dataset`` is a container for the data and the relevant ML metadata such as special column roles (e.g. label, index, categorical columns).
It enables to take into account the relevant context during validation,
and to save it in a convenient manner, and is a basic building block in deepchecks.

Class Properties

The common properties are:

- **label** - The target values that the model is trying to predict.
- **cat_features** - List of features that should be treated as categorical. If not specified explicitly, they will be :ref:`inferred automatically <dataset_object__inferring_categorical_features>`.
- **index_name** - If the dataset has a meaningful unique index, defining it as such will enable more validations to run.
- **date_name** - A date column representing the sample.
- **features** - Specifies the columns used by model for training.
Used for defining only a subset of the columns in the data as features. If not supplied then
all of the columns that aren't explicitly specified as ``label``, ``date``, or ``index`` are considered to be features.

The Dataset's metadata properties are all optional. Check out the API Reference for more details.

Dataset API Reference

.. currentmodule:: deepchecks.base.dataset

.. autosummary::


Creating a Dataset

From a Pandas DataFrame

From a DataFrame
The default dataset constructor is expecting to get a dataframe. the rest of the properties
are optional, but if your data have date/index/label you would want to define them.
The default ``Dataset`` constructor expects to get a ``pd.DataFrame``
The rest of the properties are optional, but if your data has ``date``/``index``/``label``
columns you would want to define them for more possible validation checks.

.. code-block:: python
>>> d = {"id": [1,2,3,4],
... "feature1": [0.1,0.3,0.2,0.6],
... "feature2": [4,5,6,7],
... "categorical_feature": [0,0,0,1],
... "class": [1,2,1,2]}
... df = pd.DataFrame(d)
... ds = Dataset(df, label="class", index_name="id", cat_features=["categorical_feature"])

Dataset(my_dataframe, features=['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat3'], label='target', index='id', date='timestamp')

From Numpy Arrays
A Dataset can be created using a 2D numpy array for features and 1D numpy array for the labels. The features array is mandatory, and the labels array is optional.

.. code-block:: python
A Dataset can be created using a 2D numpy array for features and 1D numpy array for the labels.
The features array is mandatory, and the labels array is optional.

features = np.array([[0.25, 0.3, 0.3], [0.14, 0.75, 0.3], [0.23, 0.39, 0.1]])
labels = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7])
dataset_with_labels = Dataset.from_numpy(features, labels)
dataset_without_labels = Dataset.from_numpy(features)
>>> features = np.array([[0.25, 0.3, 0.3], [0.14, 0.75, 0.3], [0.23, 0.39, 0.1]])
>>> labels = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.7])
>>> ds_with_labels = Dataset.from_numpy(features, labels)
>>> ds_without_labels = Dataset.from_numpy(features)

Also, it's possible to assign names to the features and label:

.. code-block:: python
>>> Dataset.from_numpy(
... features, labels,
... columns=['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat3'],
... label_name='target'
... )

All the rest of the Dataset's properties can be passed also as regular keyword arguments:

>>> Dataset.from_numpy(
... features, labels,
... columns=['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat3'],
... label_name='target',
... max_float_categories=10
... )

Useful Functions

Train Test Split

Uses internally `sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split <>`_
(so the same arguments can be passed) and also copies the metadata to each instance of the split and returns two ``Datasets``.

>>> train_ds, test_ds = ds.train_test_split(stratify=True)


Copy enables to copy the metadata from an existing ``Dataset`` instance, for creating a new ``Dataset`` from a new ``pd.DataFrame``'s data.
This can be useful for implementing data splits independentaly or for comparing datasets, when receiving new data (of the same known format of existing data).

>>> new_ds = ds.copy(new_df)

Working with Class Parameters

We can work directly with the ``Dataset`` object, to inspect its defined features and label:

>>> ds.features
['feature1', 'feature2', 'category']
>>> ds.label_name

Get its internal ``pd.DataFrame``:

feature1 feature2 categorical_feature class
0 0.1 4 0 1
1 0.3 5 0 2
2 0.2 6 0 1
3 0.6 7 1 2

Or extract directly only the feature columns or only the label column from within it:

>>> ds.features_columns
feature1 feature2 categorical_feature
0 0.1 4 0
1 0.3 5 0
2 0.2 6 0
3 0.6 7 1

>>> ds.label_col
0 1
1 2
2 1
3 2

.. _dataset_object__inferring_categorical_features:

Inferring Categorical Features

.. warning::
It is highly recommended to explicitly state the categorical features or define their column type to be ``category``.
Otherwise, the inherent limitations of the automatic, and may cause inconsistencies (misdetection, different detection between
train and test, etc.), and required tuning and adaptions.

If the parameter ``cat_features`` was not passed explicitly, the following inference logic
will run on the columns to determine which are classified as categorical:

features, labels,
feature_names=['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat3',],
#. If the ``pd.dtypes`` of any of the existing columns is ``category`` then all of the columns that are of type ``category``
will be considered categorical (and only them).

All the rest of the Dataset's properties can be passed also as a regular keyword arguments:
#. Otherwise, a heuristic is used for deducting the type. Each column for which at least one of the following conditions is met is considered categorical:

.. code-block:: python
- If (`number of unique values in column` <= `max_float_categories`)
**AND** (`column type` is `float`)

features, labels,
feature_names=['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat3',],
- If (`number of unique values in column` <= ``max_categories`)
**AND** ((the ratio between the `number of unique values` and the `number of samples`) < `max_categorical_ratio`)
Check the API Reference for :doc:`infer_categorical_features </api/utils/generated/deepchecks.utils.features.infer_categorical_features>`
for more details.

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