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Merge 91ffeab into 4cbaac0
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rbharath committed Jun 1, 2020
2 parents 4cbaac0 + 91ffeab commit f6848dc
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Showing 24 changed files with 3,323 additions and 1,184 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions deepchem/dock/
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,5 @@
from deepchem.dock.pose_generation import PoseGenerator
from deepchem.dock.pose_generation import VinaPoseGenerator
from deepchem.dock.pose_scoring import PoseScorer
from deepchem.dock.pose_scoring import GridPoseScorer
from deepchem.dock.docking import Docker
from deepchem.dock.docking import VinaGridRFDocker
from deepchem.dock.binding_pocket import ConvexHullPocketFinder
from deepchem.dock.binding_pocket import RFConvexHullPocketFinder
343 changes: 87 additions & 256 deletions deepchem/dock/
@@ -1,179 +1,79 @@
Computes putative binding pockets on protein.
__author__ = "Bharath Ramsundar"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Stanford University"
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
import logging
import tempfile
import numpy as np
from subprocess import call
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from deepchem.feat.binding_pocket_features import BindingPocketFeaturizer
from deepchem.feat.fingerprints import CircularFingerprint
from deepchem.models.sklearn_models import SklearnModel
from deepchem.utils import rdkit_util
from deepchem.utils import coordinate_box_utils as box_utils
from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import get_contact_atom_indices

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def extract_active_site(protein_file, ligand_file, cutoff=4):
"""Extracts a box for the active site."""
protein_coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
protein_file, add_hydrogens=False)[0]
ligand_coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
ligand_file, add_hydrogens=True, calc_charges=True)[0]
num_ligand_atoms = len(ligand_coords)
num_protein_atoms = len(protein_coords)
pocket_inds = []
pocket_atoms = set([])
for lig_atom_ind in range(num_ligand_atoms):
lig_atom = ligand_coords[lig_atom_ind]
for protein_atom_ind in range(num_protein_atoms):
protein_atom = protein_coords[protein_atom_ind]
if np.linalg.norm(lig_atom - protein_atom) < cutoff:
if protein_atom_ind not in pocket_atoms:
pocket_atoms = pocket_atoms.union(set([protein_atom_ind]))
# Should be an array of size (n_pocket_atoms, 3)
pocket_atoms = list(pocket_atoms)
n_pocket_atoms = len(pocket_atoms)
pocket_coords = np.zeros((n_pocket_atoms, 3))
for ind, pocket_ind in enumerate(pocket_atoms):
pocket_coords[ind] = protein_coords[pocket_ind]
"""Extracts a box for the active site.
protein_file: str
Location of protein PDB
ligand_file: str
Location of ligand input file
cutoff: int, optional
The distance in angstroms from the protein pocket to
consider for featurization.
A tuple of `(CoordinateBox, np.ndarray)` where the second entry is
of shape `(N, 3)` with `N` the number of atoms in the active site.
protein = rdkit_util.load_molecule(protein_file, add_hydrogens=False)
ligand = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
ligand_file, add_hydrogens=True, calc_charges=True)
protein_contacts, ligand_contacts = get_contact_atom_indices(
[protein, ligand], cutoff=cutoff)
protein_coords = protein[0]
pocket_coords = protein_coords[protein_contacts]

x_min = int(np.floor(np.amin(pocket_coords[:, 0])))
x_max = int(np.ceil(np.amax(pocket_coords[:, 0])))
y_min = int(np.floor(np.amin(pocket_coords[:, 1])))
y_max = int(np.ceil(np.amax(pocket_coords[:, 1])))
z_min = int(np.floor(np.amin(pocket_coords[:, 2])))
z_max = int(np.ceil(np.amax(pocket_coords[:, 2])))
return (((x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max)), pocket_atoms,

def compute_overlap(mapping, box1, box2):
"""Computes overlap between the two boxes.
Overlap is defined as % atoms of box1 in box2. Note that
overlap is not a symmetric measurement.
atom1 = set(mapping[box1])
atom2 = set(mapping[box2])
return len(atom1.intersection(atom2)) / float(len(atom1))

def get_all_boxes(coords, pad=5):
"""Get all pocket boxes for protein coords.
We pad all boxes the prescribed number of angstroms.
TODO(rbharath): It looks like this may perhaps be non-deterministic?
hull = ConvexHull(coords)
boxes = []
for triangle in hull.simplices:
# coords[triangle, 0] gives the x-dimension of all triangle points
# Take transpose to make sure rows correspond to atoms.
points = np.array(
[coords[triangle, 0], coords[triangle, 1], coords[triangle, 2]]).T
# We voxelize so all grids have integral coordinates (convenience)
x_min, x_max = np.amin(points[:, 0]), np.amax(points[:, 0])
x_min, x_max = int(np.floor(x_min)) - pad, int(np.ceil(x_max)) + pad
y_min, y_max = np.amin(points[:, 1]), np.amax(points[:, 1])
y_min, y_max = int(np.floor(y_min)) - pad, int(np.ceil(y_max)) + pad
z_min, z_max = np.amin(points[:, 2]), np.amax(points[:, 2])
z_min, z_max = int(np.floor(z_min)) - pad, int(np.ceil(z_max)) + pad
boxes.append(((x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max)))
return boxes

def boxes_to_atoms(atom_coords, boxes):
"""Maps each box to a list of atoms in that box.
TODO(rbharath): This does a num_atoms x num_boxes computations. Is
there a reasonable heuristic we can use to speed this up?
mapping = {}
for box_ind, box in enumerate(boxes):
box_atoms = []
(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max) = box"Handing box %d/%d" % (box_ind, len(boxes)))
for atom_ind in range(len(atom_coords)):
atom = atom_coords[atom_ind]
x_cont = x_min <= atom[0] and atom[0] <= x_max
y_cont = y_min <= atom[1] and atom[1] <= y_max
z_cont = z_min <= atom[2] and atom[2] <= z_max
if x_cont and y_cont and z_cont:
mapping[box] = box_atoms
return mapping

box = box_utils.CoordinateBox((x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max))
return (box, pocket_coords)

def merge_boxes(box1, box2):
"""Merges two boxes."""
(x_min1, x_max1), (y_min1, y_max1), (z_min1, z_max1) = box1
(x_min2, x_max2), (y_min2, y_max2), (z_min2, z_max2) = box2
x_min = min(x_min1, x_min2)
y_min = min(y_min1, y_min2)
z_min = min(z_min1, z_min2)
x_max = max(x_max1, x_max2)
y_max = max(y_max1, y_max2)
z_max = max(z_max1, z_max2)
return ((x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max))

def merge_overlapping_boxes(mapping, boxes, threshold=.8):
"""Merge boxes which have an overlap greater than threshold.
TODO(rbharath): This merge code is terribly inelegant. It's also quadratic
in number of boxes. It feels like there ought to be an elegant divide and
conquer approach here. Figure out later...
class BindingPocketFinder(object):
"""Abstract superclass for binding pocket detectors
Many times when working with a new protein or other macromolecule,
it's not clear what zones of the macromolecule may be good targets
for potential ligands or other molecules to interact with. This
abstract class provides a template for child classes that
algorithmically locate potential binding pockets that are good
potential interaction sites.
Note that potential interactions sites can be found by many
different methods, and that this abstract class doesn't specify the
technique to be used.
num_boxes = len(boxes)
outputs = []
for i in range(num_boxes):
box = boxes[0]
new_boxes = []
new_mapping = {}
# If overlap of box with previously generated output boxes, return
contained = False
for output_box in outputs:
# Carry forward mappings
new_mapping[output_box] = mapping[output_box]
if compute_overlap(mapping, box, output_box) == 1:
contained = True
if contained:
# We know that box has at least one atom not in outputs
unique_box = True
for merge_box in boxes[1:]:
overlap = compute_overlap(mapping, box, merge_box)
if overlap < threshold:
new_mapping[merge_box] = mapping[merge_box]
# Current box has been merged into box further down list.
# No need to output current box
unique_box = False
merged = merge_boxes(box, merge_box)
new_mapping[merged] = list(
if unique_box:
new_mapping[box] = mapping[box]
boxes = new_boxes
mapping = new_mapping
return outputs, mapping

class BindingPocketFinder(object):
"""Abstract superclass for binding pocket detectors"""
def find_pockets(self, molecule):
"""Finds potential binding pockets in proteins.
def find_pockets(self, protein_file, ligand_file):
"""Finds potential binding pockets in proteins."""
molecule: object
Some representation of a molecule.
raise NotImplementedError

Expand All @@ -183,119 +83,50 @@ class ConvexHullPocketFinder(BindingPocketFinder):
Based on

def __init__(self, pad=5):
self.pad = pad
def __init__(self, scoring_model=None, pad=5):
"""Initialize the pocket finder.
def find_all_pockets(self, protein_file):
"""Find list of binding pockets on protein."""
# protein_coords is (N, 3) tensor
coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(protein_file)[0]
return get_all_boxes(coords, self.pad)

def find_pockets(self, protein_file, ligand_file):
"""Find list of suitable binding pockets on protein."""
protein_coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
protein_file, add_hydrogens=False, calc_charges=False)[0]
ligand_coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
ligand_file, add_hydrogens=False, calc_charges=False)[0]
boxes = get_all_boxes(protein_coords, self.pad)
mapping = boxes_to_atoms(protein_coords, boxes)
pockets, pocket_atoms_map = merge_overlapping_boxes(mapping, boxes)
pocket_coords = []
for pocket in pockets:
atoms = pocket_atoms_map[pocket]
coords = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3))
for ind, atom in enumerate(atoms):
coords[ind] = protein_coords[atom]
return pockets, pocket_atoms_map, pocket_coords

class RFConvexHullPocketFinder(BindingPocketFinder):
"""Uses pre-trained RF model + ConvexHulPocketFinder to select pockets."""

def __init__(self, pad=5):
scoring_model: `dc.models.Model`, optional
If specified, use this model to prune pockets.
pad: float, optional
The number of angstroms to pad around a binding pocket's atoms
to get a binding pocket box.
self.scoring_model = scoring_model
self.pad = pad
self.convex_finder = ConvexHullPocketFinder(pad)

# Load binding pocket model
self.base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()"About to download trained model.")
# TODO(rbharath): Shift refined to full once trained.
"wget -nv -c"
call(("tar -zxvf pocket_random_refined_RF.tar.gz").split())
call(("mv pocket_random_refined_RF %s" % (self.base_dir)).split())
self.model_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "pocket_random_refined_RF")
def find_all_pockets(self, protein_file):
"""Find list of binding pockets on protein.
protein_file: str
Protein to load in.
coords, _ = rdkit_util.load_molecule(protein_file)
return box_utils.get_face_boxes(coords, self.pad)

# Fit model on dataset
self.model = SklearnModel(model_dir=self.model_dir)
def find_pockets(self, macromolecule_file):
"""Find list of suitable binding pockets on protein.
# Create featurizers
self.pocket_featurizer = BindingPocketFeaturizer()
self.ligand_featurizer = CircularFingerprint(size=1024)
This function computes putative binding pockets on this protein.
This class uses the `ConvexHull` to compute binding pockets. Each
face of the hull is converted into a coordinate box used for
def find_pockets(self, protein_file, ligand_file):
"""Compute features for a given complex
macromolecule_file: str
Location of the macromolecule file to load
TODO(rbharath): This has a log of code overlap with
compute_binding_pocket_features in
examples/binding_pockets/ Find way to refactor
to avoid code duplication.
List of pockets. Each pocket is a `CoordinateBox`
# if not ligand_file.endswith(".sdf"):
# raise ValueError("Only .sdf ligand files can be featurized.")
# ligand_basename = os.path.basename(ligand_file).split(".")[0]
# ligand_mol2 = os.path.join(
# self.base_dir, ligand_basename + ".mol2")
# # Write mol2 file for ligand
# obConversion = ob.OBConversion()
# conv_out = obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats(str("sdf"), str("mol2"))
# ob_mol = ob.OBMol()
# obConversion.ReadFile(ob_mol, str(ligand_file))
# obConversion.WriteFile(ob_mol, str(ligand_mol2))
# # Featurize ligand
# mol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(str(ligand_mol2), removeHs=False)
# if mol is None:
# return None, None
# # Default for CircularFingerprint
# n_ligand_features = 1024
# ligand_features = self.ligand_featurizer.featurize([mol])
# # Featurize pocket
# pockets, pocket_atoms_map, pocket_coords = self.convex_finder.find_pockets(
# protein_file, ligand_file)
# n_pockets = len(pockets)
# n_pocket_features = BindingPocketFeaturizer.n_features
# features = np.zeros((n_pockets, n_pocket_features+n_ligand_features))
# pocket_features = self.pocket_featurizer.featurize(
# protein_file, pockets, pocket_atoms_map, pocket_coords)
# # Note broadcast operation
# features[:, :n_pocket_features] = pocket_features
# features[:, n_pocket_features:] = ligand_features
# dataset = NumpyDataset(X=features)
# pocket_preds = self.model.predict(dataset)
# pocket_pred_proba = np.squeeze(self.model.predict_proba(dataset))
# # Find pockets which are active
# active_pockets = []
# active_pocket_atoms_map = {}
# active_pocket_coords = []
# for pocket_ind in range(len(pockets)):
# #################################################### DEBUG
# # TODO(rbharath): For now, using a weak cutoff. Fix later.
# #if pocket_preds[pocket_ind] == 1:
# if pocket_pred_proba[pocket_ind][1] > .15:
# #################################################### DEBUG
# pocket = pockets[pocket_ind]
# active_pockets.append(pocket)
# active_pocket_atoms_map[pocket] = pocket_atoms_map[pocket]
# active_pocket_coords.append(pocket_coords[pocket_ind])
# return active_pockets, active_pocket_atoms_map, active_pocket_coords
raise ValueError("Karl Implement")
coords = rdkit_util.load_molecule(
macromolecule_file, add_hydrogens=False, calc_charges=False)[0]
boxes = box_utils.get_face_boxes(coords, self.pad)
boxes = box_utils.merge_overlapping_boxes(boxes)
return boxes

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