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SubVT Telegram Bot

A telegram bot for the validators of the Polkadot and Kusama. You may find Polkadot bot available for chat at, and the Kusama bot at

This bot is an upgrade of the deprecated 1KV Telegram Bot, rewritten in Rust, an effort proudly supported by the Web3 Foundation Grants Program, and has many new commands, notifications and reports as documented below.


  • /about - View version and developer information.
  • /add - Add a new validator to the chat, optionally followed by the stash address.
  • /contact - Send a bug report or feature request to the dev team.
  • /democracy - View the referenda being voted and your validators' votes.
  • /help - View the list of all commands.
  • /networkstatus - View the current network status information, alias /network.
  • /nfts - View the NFTs owned by a validator's stash account.
  • /nominations - View a summary of nominations, alias /n.
  • /nominationdetails - View nomination details, alias /nd.
  • /payouts - View monthly nominator payouts report.
  • /remove - Remove a validator from the chat.
  • /removeall - Remove all validators from the chat.
  • /rewards - View monthly validator rewards (ie income) report.
  • /settings - Configure notifications.
  • /summary - View a summary of all your validators.
  • /validatorinfo - View detailed validator information, alias /vi.


All notifications are configurable through the /settings command.

  • Validator On-Chain Activity
    • 🆘 Offline offence
    • ⭐ New nomination
    • ⬇️ Lost nomination
    • 🥶 Chilled
    • 🚀 Active
    • ⏩🚀 Active next session
    • ⏸ Inactive
    • ⏩⏸ Inactive next session
    • 🥁 Validate intention
    • 💰 Unclaimed payouts
    • ⛓ Block authorship
    • ⚓️ Controller changed
    • 🔑️ Session keys changed
    • 👤 Identity changed
    • 💰 Payout submitted for era
  • 1KV (Thousand Validator Programme)
    • 🧬 Binary version change
    • 📈 Rank change
    • 🌏 Location change
    • ✅ Validity change
    • 🟢 Online 🔴 offline status
  • Democracy
    • 🗳❌ Cancelled
    • 🗳🔗️ Delegated
    • 🗳🚫 Not passed
    • 🗳✅ Passed
    • 🗳📢 Proposed
    • 🗳✋ Seconded
    • 🗳️▶️ Started
    • 🗳🔗️⏹ Undelegated
    • 🗳 Voted