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Slack Event Listener and Webhook Handler for the Deepgram Slack Support Bot.


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Slack Event Listener and Webhook Handler for the Deepgram Support Bot!

Development and Contributing

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Table of Contents:

Quick Look

  • Ticket creation from bot @mentions and reactions
  • Bidirectional reply connection (from Slack and Zendesk conversation threads)
  • Customer Support Channel tracking and mass updates
  • Event logging in #zendesk-slack-bot-logs channel


Ticket Creation from app_mention Events

Data Shape (list)

client_msg_id:     # Root element in the message event data
type: app_mention  # The type of event that was triggered
text:              # The text of the message the bot was mentioned in
user:              # User Mentioned (should be the bot user)
ts:                # Epoch timestamp for the message event (high-precision)
team:              # Team associated with the mentioned user
blocks:            # Block (message sub-object) keys
1: type
2: block_id
3: elements
channel:           # ID of the channel that the mention was invoked in
event_ts:          # Epoch timestamp for the mention event (high-precision)
querystring:       # Request query string, if applicable

Associated Zap

Zapier Link: Create Zendesk Ticket from Slack Bot Mention

Ticket Creation from 🔗 reaction_added Events

Data Shape (list)

type:	message   # The type of event that was triggered
channel:	      # ID for the channel the reaction was invoked in
ts:	              # Epoch timestamp (high-precision)
reaction:	link  # The emoji reaction that was added to the message
item_user:	      # ID for the user that initially submitted the message
user:	          # ID for the user that applied the reaction to the message

Associated Zap

Zapier Link: Create Tickets from Support Team Reactions

Bidirectional Reply Connection

Data Shape (From ZD > Slack)

slack_message_id:   # Epoch timestamp of the threaded Zendesk reply in Slack (high-precision)
slack_channel_id:   # ID of the Slack channel that the Zendesk update was posted in
ticket_text:        # Text of the Zendesk update, posted in the Slack thread 
querystring:        # Request query string, if applicable

Associated Zap

Zapier Links:

Channel Tracking and Delivery of Mass Updates (Megaphone)

Data Shape

type:	message   # The type of event that was triggered
channel:	      # ID for the channel the reaction was invoked in
ts:	              # Epoch timestamp (high-precision)
reaction:	mega  # The emoji reaction that was added to the message
item_user:	      # ID for the user that initially submitted the message
user:	          # ID for the user that applied the reaction to the message

Associated Zap

Zapier Links:

Event Logging in the #zendesk-slack-bot-logs Channel

Data Shape

channel: C035B4153N0     # ID of the logging channel in Slack
ts:                      # Epoch timestamp of the message posted in the logging channel (high-precision)
message:                 # Message details
    type: message      
    subtype: bot_message 
    text:               # Text of the message posted in the logging channel  
ts:                     # Timestamp of the message posted in the logging channel
username: DG Support    # Username of the bot posting the message
bot_id: B035B17QWUU     # ID of the bot posting the message
permalink:              # Permalink of the Zap run
ts_time:            # UTC Timestamp of the message posted in the logging channel

Associated Zap

Logging events are included as the final step executed for the zap associated with the feature being logged -- for example: Create Zendesk Ticket from Slack Bot Mention Logging

Coming soon!

  • Configuration Steps for the app in Slack workspaces
  • Upgrade to the new Bolt Slack SDK for Python
  • Zapier Automation Review
  • Feature Request Process

Getting Help

We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either:

Further Reading

Check out the Developer Documentation at


Slack Event Listener and Webhook Handler for the Deepgram Slack Support Bot.



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