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Repository files navigation

Markdown File Generator

Setup and Run project locally


  • Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it here.
  • Git installed on your machine. You can download it here.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Open your terminal and run the following command to clone the repository:

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

Navigate into the cloned repository(use two different terminal window):

cd markdown2html/frontend
cd markdown2html/backend

Step 3: Install Dependencies

Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install (for both backend & frontend)

Step 4: Start the Development Server

Start the Vite development server:

npm run dev
nodemon server

Step 5: Access the Application

Once the server has started, you can access the application in your web browser.

Step 6: Explore and Modify

You can now explore the project code and make modifications as needed. Any changes you make will be automatically reflected in the browser.

Step 7: Build for Production (Optional)

If you want to build the project for production, you can run:

npm run build

This command will create an optimized build of the application in the dist directory.

Tech stacks

Frontend Backend Deployment
ReactJs NodeJs Render

Important Links

Known Issues

  • Typing first time creates little flickering but works fine lateron.