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Zarf GA

Closed Dec 8, 2022 100% complete

Zarf GA (v.1.x) release:

  • Multi-distro support, including cloud K8s distributions
  • Runtime-based image and git url mutation using the Zarf Agent
  • [X ] HA Docker Registry and Git server
  • Public zarf github pages / website for user-facing docs
  • Fully updated github docs for devs / nerds
  • E2E coverage of all Zarf features
  • Complete release workflow on Github…

Zarf GA (v.1.x) release:

  • Multi-distro support, including cloud K8s distributions
  • Runtime-based image and git url mutation using the Zarf Agent
  • [X ] HA Docker Registry and Git server
  • Public zarf github pages / website for user-facing docs
  • Fully updated github docs for devs / nerds
  • E2E coverage of all Zarf features
  • Complete release workflow on Github with proper signatures / release artifacts

This milestone is closed.

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