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@deividAlfa deividAlfa released this 08 Dec 00:54
· 323 commits to master since this release

Add a new advanced display menu to tweak some low-level settings:

- CLK:      Cmd 0xD5    "Display Clock Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency".
- PRE:      Cmd 0xD9    "Set Pre-charge Period".
- VCOM:     Cmd 0xDB    "Set VCOMH Deselect Level".

Refer to SH1106, SSD1306 and SSD1309 Datasheets for more information about these commands.
Correctly tweaking might increase brightness and readability.

Default settings: (Needs to be like this to ensure compatibility with any oled display)

- CLK:   0xF0
- PRE:   0x44
- VCOM:  0x3C

Original KSGER settings:

- CLK:   0x80
- PRE:   0x1F
- VCOM:  0x40

My personal settings:

- CLK:   0xF0
- PRE:   0x0F
- VCOM:  0xFF