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touch with templates

Creating new files is easy, but entering the same boilerplate content into everyone is tedious. When creating a new file would it not be great if the shebang would already be there?

That is what ttouch does for you and much more.


$ npm install -g ttouch

What if I do not want to install it

If you do not want to pollute your global namespace then ttouch can be use npx. But more on that in the usage section.


$ ttouch <filePath> [options]

or if you do not want to install it globally

$ npx ttouch <filePath> [options]


Short Long Description
-d --destination The destination folder for the desired file(s)
-g --gist The public gist ID to use as the template
-f --file The local file used as the template
-v --verbose Provides additional error information. Does not add additional output statements under normal operation!

Environment variables

ttouch uses the TTOUCH_HOME environment variable to determine the default location for file templates. If this environment variable is present then the absolute path to the provided template file will be assumed to the ````$TTTOUCH_HOME/{templateName}```.


$ ttouch user.js -f js_class

Given that TTOUCH_HOME = /var/ttouch

Then the template used will be assumed to be at /var/ttouch/js_template


$ ttouch

Will create an empty file names in the current directory.

$ ttouch -g 37bcbb7217d26c2dd3e5f4cee9fd6e37

Will create a file in the current directory using the public gist 37bcbb7217d26c2dd3e5f4cee9fd6e37

$ ttouch -f bash

Will create a file using a file named bash located in the current folder or specified by TTOUCH_HOME.

/home/me $ ttouch /dir1/dir2/ -f bash

Will create a file named in the directory /home/me/dir1/dir2/ and apply the ttt-bash template to the created file.

NOTE: If and part of the destination path does not exist then the directories will be created

The same could be achieved with:

/home/me $ ttouch -f bash -d dir1/dir2

Multiple files

Want to create more than just one file? No problem. Just list them and provide an optional template.

$ ttouch student.js teacher.js -t jsclass

Will create two files student.js and teacher.js in the current folder applying the ttt-jsclass template to both!


ttouch does not come with any templates out of the box. All templates are external to the program, files and gists. So one of the first tasks will be to start a template or two.

Next steps

Try it

Give the thing a try to see if you like it or if there is something missing

Get in touch

If you have any feedback do not hesitate to utter it. Use any of the following channels to do so:

Create a template

There is a list of my template -> HERE

If you would like to create your own -> HERE