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Internal Document for Developers

Get Started

I personally recommend using JetBrains' Goland IDE for the project.
We have free educational licenses to the JetBrains' IDEs as Yale students.
After Goland is installed, open this project in Goland and it will automatically install the necessary dependencies.

Start Development

1. Create .env files

Create three files: .env, .env.local, and environments.
The content of these files are in this google doc
Please request access to the document if you are a developer of the project.

2. Install MySQL

Install a version no older than 8.0.

3. Install Redis (Optional)

You don't need to install Redis if you don't need to work with the log-in/sign-up workflows.

4. Create the Database and the User

Refer to .env file for the database name (DB_NAME) and the user name (BD_USERNAME).
You'll need to manually create the database and the user in MySQL.
Remember to grant the user all privileges to the database. (GRANT ALL ON DB_NAME.* TO 'DB_USERNAME'@'localhost';)

5. Start the Application

Local environment:

Run the main.go program.

Dev environment:

Specify the environment variable GIN_ENV_MODE=dev.
You can do this in Goland as: image


View logs of backend application

Download the full_stack_project.pem file and find the ip address of the AWS EC2 instance from our internal document provided at the top.
SSH into the EC2 server:

ssh -i full_stack_project.pem ec2-user@OUR_SERVER_IP

View the logs:

sudo less /var/log/web.stdout.log

How to create new tables

I would strongly recommend starting the application in local mode first if you are creating new tables.

  1. Create a new file and a new struct in the models package. (Refer to the existing files for the format)
  2. Add the new struct to models/setup.go after the block in around line 27, so that the new table will be created and migrated automatically.