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An Energy Reporter Plugin for pytest

The pytest_energy_reporter is a pytest plugin can be used to report on energy and power consumption usage of code, by easily integrating in existing test suites.

It relies on the Energy Consumption Reporter to get approximations for energy measurements.


To install pytest energy reporter, simply run:

pip install pytest_energy_reporter


The package is automatically enabled in pytest. If it is not, make sure to read the documentation on how to enable plugins in pytest. To start measuring energy consumption, mark tests as energy test using:

import pytest
def test_fn():

# Or define the exact number of iterations to measure
def test_fn():

# Or use the measurement directly
from pytest_energy_reporter.measurement import measure_energy

def test_fn():
  measure = measure_energy(fn)
  assert measure.energy_j < 200

# Or use the measurement and the result of the method
from pytest_energy_reporter.measurement import measure

def test_fn():
  measure, result, error = measure(fn, n=2)
  assert result == # ...
  assert error == None
  assert result.energy_j < 200

The plugin exposes a few flags in pytest

Flag Argument Default Meaning
--energy-iterations int 3 Specify the number of iterations for the energy measurement.
--save-energy-report <none> False Feature flag to save the energy report.
--energy-report-path str 'reports/energy' The path to save the energy report in.
--energy-offset-zero <none> False Feature flag to compensate the power measurement by the power draw of zero utilization.



Make sure you have poetry installed.


To install the pytest energy reporter repository, run:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
poetry install


To develop the plugin, use:

poetry shell

And run the example test suite:

pytest --log-cli-level=DEBUG


  1. Build the project:
poetry build
  1. Publish to pip (make sure you have credentials setup):
poetry publish