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A genome-scale, fast, and precise segmental duplications mapping tool


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ASGART: A Large Duplications Finder

ASGART is a multiplatform (GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows), efficient, tool designed to search for large (>1000bp) duplications amongst one or more DNA sequences, up to the genome scale.


Asgart is distributed under the GPLv3 license. Please see the LICENSE file.

How to cite?

Why Should I Use ASGART?

A map of the Human genome long segmental duplications

You should use ASGART if

  • you want to find segmental duplications in one or more DNA sequences;

  • you want to find highly similar parts between sequences up to the genome scale;

  • you want to map highly similar sequences amongst genomes;

  • you need an easy way to visualize the results.



Static binaries for Linux are available here for x86_64 platforms.


Binaries for macOS are available here.

From Sources

To build ASGART from sources, you need CMake, a C compiler and the Rust compiler.

Once these requirement are satisfied, clone the repository and its submodule

git clone
cd asgart
git submodule init
git submodule update

You can then build ASGART by running cargo, the Rust build tool

cargo build --release

Once the build is finished, you will find the binaries in target/release/asgart-*.


Simple Usage

First, let us take a look at a simple example:

asgart seq.fasta

This command will look for duplications in the seq.fasta file, then write them in a JSON file in the folder from which it was launched. ASGART will probe using 20-mers, and guarantee that no duplication will include gaps longer than 100bp in their arm-to-arm pairwise alignment.

If you wish to search reversed-complemented duplications, use the -R and -C options, that can be combined in -RC. And the -v option will give you more informations as the progress goes on.

asgart -RCv seq.fasta


As input(s), ASGART takes one or more FASTA files containing the sequences within which to look for duplications. They can be either in the FASTA (one sequence per file) or multiFASTA (multiple sequencesper file) format.


ASGART will write its result in a JSON file in the folder where it was launched, using the following structure:

        "strand": {
                "name":   the file(s) set by the user,
                "length": total length of the dataset,
                "map": [
                                "name":     FASTA fragment name,
                                "position": offset in the FASTA file,
                                "length":   FASTA fragment length

        "settings": {
                "probe_size":             probe size used,
                "max_gap_size":           maximal gap size used,
                "min_duplication_length": minimal length for a duplicon,
                "max_cardinality":        maximal size of a family,
                "skip_masked":            were masked nucleotides skipped?,
                "trim":                   the start and end position in the dataset if it was trimmed,

        "families": [            # all families
                        [        # one of these families
                            {    # a duplicon in this family
                                    "global_left_position":  position of the left arm in the input sequences,
                                    "global_right_position": position of the right arm in the input sequences,

                                    "chr_left":              fragment in the input containing the left arm,
                                    "chr_right":             fragment in the input containing the right arm,

                                    "chr_left_position":     position of the left arm relative to the start of its fragment,
                                    "chr_right_position":    position of the right arm relative to the start of its fragment,

                                    "left_length":           length of the left arm of the duplicon (bp),
                                    "right_length":          length of the right arm of the duplicon (bp),

                                    "reversed":              true if the duplication is reversed, false otherwise,
                                    "complemented":          true if the duplication is complemented, false otherwise,
                                    "identity":              the distance between the two duplicons (0.0 if not computed)

You can use the companion program asgart-slice to convert JSON files to another format.



  • --probe-size/-k set the probing k-mers length (default: 20)

  • --gap-size/-g set the maximal gap length in a duplicon (default: 100)

  • --min-length SIZE specifies the minimal length (in bp) over which a duplication is kept in the final result and not discarded (default: 1000)

  • --reverse/-R look for reverse duplications

  • --complement/-C look for complemented duplications

  • --skip-masked/-S skip soft-masked zones, i.e. lowercased parts of the input files (default: no)

  • --max-cardinality specifies the maximal count of members in a duplication family (default: 500)


  • -h, --help display an help screen

  • -v, -vv, -vvv increase verbosity level

  • --out FILENAME specifies the file in which to write the results

  • --prefix NAME defines a prefix to prepend to the standard output file name

  • --threads COUNT set the numbers of thread to use. Defaults to the number of cores abailable on the CPU

  • --trim START END run ASGART only on the specified area (in bp) of the dataset


ASGART comes with a plotting tool, producing a visual overview of the duplications. Currently, four types of plots are available: chord plots, flat plots, genome plots and Circos plots.

Quick Start

asgart-plot chr22.json chr22_RC.json flat


asgart-plot takes two mandatory arguments:

  1. one or more JSON-files containing results from ASGART runs;

  2. the type of plot to generate.


Common options

These options are common to all the plot types.

  • -h, --help display an help screen

  • --out FILENAME set output file name

  • --min-length set the minimal length (in bp) for a duplication to be plotted (default: 5000bp)

  • --min-identity set the minimal identity rate (in %) for a duplication to be plotted (default: 0%).

  • --no-direct do not plot direct duplications

  • --no-reversed do not plot reversed duplications

  • --no-uncomplemented do not plot non-complemented duplications

  • --no-complemented do not plot complemented duplications

  • --no-intra do not plot intra-fragment duplications

  • --no-inter do not plot inter-fragments duplications

  • --features FILE add an additional track containing features to plot alongside the duplications.

  • --restrict-fragments A B ... only plots fragments whose names are given

  • --exclude-fragments A B ... do not plot fragments whose names are given

  • --filter-features DISTANCE don't plot duplications that are farther away then DISTANCE bp from the features in the track.

  • --min-thickness set the minimal graphical width of a duplicon (default: 0.1)

  • --colorize TYPE set the method used to colorize the duplicons. Options are by-type (different colors for direct and palindromic duplications); by-position (color depends on the duplication position within the input file(s)); by-fragment (each duplication is colorized according to its left-most duplicons); none (all are drawn in medium grey).

Specific options

Some plotting formats present options that are specific to them. They can be listed with asgart-plot [PLOT_TYPE] --help, e.g. asgart-plot rosary --help.

Features File Format

Features files can be provided in two formats, either in GFF3 files, or using a custom, denser format described below.

The custom format features file format is made of a list of lines, one per feature, with three semi-colons-separated values for each:

  1. The label of the feature;
  2. the start of the feature. It may either be a single integer representing its absolute coordinate, or be of the form NAME+OFFSET, defining a start position at OFFSET from the start of NAME chromosomes (from the input FASTA file);
  3. The length of the feature in base pairs.

Comment lines starts with a #.


# This is a comment line
# This is a feature named MYH14, 122358bp long, and starting at the 50,188,186th base of the chromosome 19
# This is a feature named Foo, starting on the 123,456,789th base of the input FASTA file and 1250bp long

Chord Plots

A chord plot represents duplications amongst a DNA fragment as arcs linking point on a circle figuring a fragment. Their width is directly proportional to the length of the duplicons they represent.


asgart-plot human_genome.json --out=chord.svg --min-length 20000 chord

Chord plot example

Flat Plot

Flat plots are made of two superposed horizontal bars, representing the concatenated fragments analyzed by ASGART, with lines linking left and right parts of the duplicons found, their width being proportional to the length of the duplicaton.


asgart-plot human_Y.json --out=flat.svg --no-direct --no-uncomplemented --min-length 2000 flat

Chord plot example

Genome Plot

Genome plots draw one bar split in four lanes per fragment. The two leftmost lanes represente respectively the intrachromosomal direct and palindromic duplications families, and the two rightmost respectively the interchromosomal direct and palindromic duplications families.


asgart-plot chr10-chrY.json --min-length 10000 genome

Genome plot example

Circos Plots

ASGART can generate files that can be used as in input for the Circos plotting tool. Although the most important files is arguably the <out>.links file (containing the duplicons to plot), ASGART also generates minimal <out>.conf and <out>.karyotype files, as to ensure a minimal working example to be later expanded and/or customized according to your needs.

asgart-plot needs to refer to files found in the Circos distribution. Thus, the CIRCOS_ROOT environment variable should be set to point at the root of the Circos distribution. Otherwise, ASGART will generate an <out>.conf file containing {circos_root} placeholders to be manually replaced.


asgart-plot human_Y.json human_Y_RC.json --min-length 10000 circos

Rosary plots

Rosary plots are non-linear plots designed for large scale visualization. They represent every duplication-rich or duplication-devoid regions as a “bead”, whose dimension is

  • directly proportional to its length if it is enriched in duplicons

  • proportional to the square root of its length if it is devoid of duplications.

Therefore, areas enriched in large duplicons cluster are immediately obvious.

Areas devoid of duplications will be represented as gray circles. Clusters of duplications will be represented as circles, with orange indicating clusters of direct duplicons, teal clusters of palindromic ones, and purple mixed clusters.


asgart-plot 20-21-Y_RC.json --min-length 10000 rosary --clustering 10000

Rosary plot example

Change Log

Please note that ASGART follows the semver versioning scheme, where an increase in the major version number reflects a non backward-compatible update.


  • Fix Levenshtein distance being not correctly computed for non-direct duplications


  • Rosary plots now feature a scale
  • Genome plots now feature a scale
  • Fix a regression in asgart-slice


  • Fix a regression in asgart-slice


  • Fix OoB


  • Add an option (-E) to asgart-slice to filter fragments per regexp rather than per name
  • asgart-plot now uses subcommands for more flexibility. WARNING arguments order may have to be reordered
  • asgart-plot and asgart-slice now both accepts data either from files or from STDIN. This way, pipelines combining one or more steps of slicing before plotting do not need intermediate files anymore.
  • A new plotting scheme, rosary, has been added.


  • asgart-cat has been renamed to asgart-slice
  • asgart does not feature multiple output formats anymore; asgart-slice is to to be used instead.


  • Various minor refactoring & bug-fixes


  • asgart-concat has been renamed to asgart-cat
  • asgart-cat now offers filtering options
  • asgart-cat now takes advantage of multi-cores CPU when possible
  • asgart-plot now offers more filtering options
  • asgart-plot now let the user customizes the minimal graphical width of a duplicon with --min-thickness
  • asgart-plot now offer several algorithms to set duplicons colors
  • Various bug-fixes


  • Fix manifest file


  • Ensure that multiple fragments in a mFASTA file are processed separately
  • Add a flag to specify the minimum width of a chord
  • Add filtering options
  • Add tooltips to chord graphs
  • Fix output files naming scheme


  • Fix a bound-checking bug where the last chunk would not be processed.


  • Fix a bug where a strand void of large N swaths would not be processed.


  • ASGART does not differentiate anymore between strand A and strand B, but simply works on an arbitrarily large set of files. Thus, the user SHOULD PROVIDE EACH FILE ONLY ONCE. Moreover, it is not necessarily to concatenate multiple input files in a single one anymore. This breaking change should give more flexibility to the users and potentially simplifies pipeline design.
  • The ASGART automaton has been redesigned from scratch to take into account interlaced SDs at nearly no cost in computation time. For this reason, interlaced duplication families research is now the only and default mode.
  • ASGART will now ignore large expanses of nucleotides to ignore (Ns and/or masked ones) in processed strands, thus slightly improving performances.
  • Taking advantage of these new features, the parallelization system has been rewritten to (i) introduce parallelism at the scale of the automaton; and (ii) make use of the “natural” aforementioned breakpoints as delimiters for chunks to process in parallel. By doing so, it is guaranteed (i) that no duplication families that would be situated between two chunks will be missed; (ii) that ASGART will make use of available cores even when processing less chunks than authorized threads.
  • ASGART will now make use of the trimming feature to reduce memory consumption. The suffix array will be built only for the trimmed part, instead than for the whole input. The whole input will then be compared to the trimmed part, contrary to what happened in version 1.x. Such an arrangement sacrifice some CPU power in exchange of a strongly reduced memory consumption when processing trimmed inputs. It can be used to process large sequences by trimming them in several consecutive subsequences, then merging the results later on.
  • The JSON and GFF3 output formats have been modified to reflect the duplication families clustering. Please note that they are thus incompatible with previous versions JSON files.
  • A new tool asgart-concat has been added to safely concatenate JSON files resulting from partial runs on the same dataset. Its intended use is to easily merge the results from multiple runs on the same dataset with different settings, e.g. direct & palindromic duplications or if the workload was divided in multiple sub-jobs using trimming.
  • Plotting utilities have been modified to reflect these changes.
  • The automaton will progressively grow the maximal gap size when extending large duplications, thus letting larger duplications arms be found in a less fragmented way.
  • The logging system has been improved to be more detailed and more coherent in its way to present informations.
  • Minor technical issues have been resolved: ASGART will correctly only use the ID field of FASTA files and not the subsequent informations; the progress bar does not glitch anymore.


  • New, non-retrocompatible JSON output format containing positions of the duplicons both globally in the strand and relative to the fragment they are situated on
  • asgart-plot can now superpose several files in a single plot
  • ASGART can optionally compute the Levenshtein distance between duplicons
  • User can set the chunking size for parallel processing (defaults to 1,000,000bp)
  • Improve output files naming
  • Fix a bug in post-processing
  • Fix several minor bugs in logging system
  • Minor under-the-hood refactoring and improvements


  • Add Jaccard distance computation to estimate identity between duplicons
  • Increase font size for feature plotting


  • Fix regression


  • Fix arg name runtime error


  • Fix erroneous GFF3 output: seq names are now corrent, no superfluous underscore and correct, relative positions instead of absolute ones.


  • Add a new plot format, genome
  • Relabel “translate” to “complement”
  • Fix the lack of color in SVG export
  • asgart-plot can now read features tracks, either in custom or GFF3 format
  • Add a setting to skip soft-masked zones
  • Update dependencies


  • Deep refactoring of the plotting system


  • Add GFF2 & GFF3 export formats
  • Improve build system
  • Refactoring
  • Fix various small bugs


  • First published version


A genome-scale, fast, and precise segmental duplications mapping tool





