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485 lines (324 loc) · 13.3 KB


File metadata and controls

485 lines (324 loc) · 13.3 KB


The python implementation of Credulous (

Essentially, it's a credential management program written with amazon credentials in mind. It uses your ssh key pairs to keep your credentials encrypted on disk until you need to use them.


Use pip!:

pip install credo_manager


Import some keys:

credo import

Export those keys to your environment:

`credo exports`
# Display prints out the required environment exports
# The backticks means your shell will run those exports

Or execute a command with those keys:

credo exec bash -c 'echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'

All credo commands take:

credo <credo_options> <|action|> <action_options>

Where <credo_options> help filter out the different keys you have stored.

Upon ambiguity credo will ask you questions and tries it's best to provide cli options to remove that ambiguity when you use the command.

For example, when importing keys, credo will look for environment variables, boto configuration, aws configuration or allow you to specify your own keys. It will only prompt you for the sources it finds, or you can say what source you want:

credo import --source environment

The <credo_options> filter can be:

-u/--user <user>

Where user is either the name of the user or user@account or user@account@repo. Account and repo specified here will override the other filters

-a/--account <account>

Where account is either the name of the account or account@repo. Repo specified here will override anything in the --repo filter.

-r/--repo <repo>

Where repo is the name of the repository.


Currently Credo seems to work fine.

Though, I haven't written tests for the majority of it, so I'll make no guarantees at the moment.

No tests means my implementation is a bit messier than I would like and it's likely there are hidden bugs in some of the code that handles the corner cases I don't see in my normal usage.

So until tests are written, this should be considered alpha quality.


Credo usage allows you to specify what you want to do via the cli and credo will ask questions for any ambiguity it comes across.

credo exports

Print out export lines for exporting the credentials

credo inject

An alias for credo exports

Credo inject will be registered as sourceable by the credo sourceable command

credo exec

Run a command with credentials in the environment of that command

credo import

Add credentials

credo rotate

Rotate credentials

credo show

Show what credentials credo is currently aware of

credo current

Display the username, account alias and account id of the amazon credentials you currently have in your environment.

credo synchronize

Make a repository synced with it's remote

credo capture

Capture environment variables

credo env

Display only environment variables that have been captured

credo unset

Reset any environment variables credo has changed to what they were before credo set them

credo remote

Allows you to edit the remote for some repository. All commands will add changes as they are made and will try to synchronise with any remote that is set.

Note that this functionality is extremely rudimentary

Versioning without a remote

Makes it a git repository without adding any remote

No versioning at all

Removes any .git folder in that repository

Versioning with some remote

If not already versioned, makes it a git folder, and makes sure we have the remote set as specified.

credo sourceable <argv>

Exits with 0 (yes) or 1 (no) to say whether the output of running credo with the specified arguments should be sourced into the running shell.

See the Advanced Usage section to see this in use.

Note that if you give "--no-sourcing" as an action option, then sourceable will say this command should not be sourced

credo register_saml

Used to register an idp provider so that when you do an inject it is available as a source of credentials

credo serve

Serve a fake metadata service. This needs to be run as root so that we can bind to port 80 on

<look further down for more instructions>

credo switch

Tell the fake metadata service which credentials to use. It behaves just like inject.

credo print_shell_function

Dump some helper shell functions that you can add into your shrc.

credo output_extension

Where to save your Chrome Extension.

credo create_launch_daemon

Task to generate a launchd.plist configuration.

It also does:

  • Stores your credentials so that you have repositories of users in particular accounts.
  • Import from environment, ~/.boto, ~/.aws/config or values you specify
  • Knows about profiles in ~/.boto and ~/.aws/config
  • Uses signatures to ensure that only you ever write encrypted credentials
  • Uses signatures to ensure that the credentials you load is for the account that you think it is for
  • Copes when keys are no longer usable.
  • Lets you specify urls or just pem_data for the public keys per repository and caches what it finds
  • Minimises the number of times you need to enter a password for your private keys
  • Tries it's best to find situations it can't handle and display nice error messages to the screen
  • Tries to be informative about what is happening
  • Rotate keys automatically
  • Can capture environment variables per repository, account and user
  • Retrieve credentials from a saml based identity provider


Credo will do key rotation similar to credulous.

It does this by recording a "half_life" for each key, which is the number of seconds since the creation of the key before it "rotates".

Rotation means the other key (amazon only allows you to have two keys) gets deleted and a new key is created.

Also, if a key is older than twice it's half life, it's deleted.

When credo chooses a key to use, it will always use the youngest key.

Credo also handles the following situations:

  • Both keys are no longer working
  • There is a key in amazon credo doesn't know about
    • Credo asks if you want to delete it or tell it the secret key
  • Both keys credo knows about are past their half life
  • Both keys credo knows about are both past twice their half life
  • The keys credo knows about don't need to be deleted or rotated


Credo will layout your credentials using the following folder structure:



Where config.json has some configuration for credo, account_id holds the id of the amazon account represented by that folder, and credentials.json has amazon credential for that user and account.

The keys file holds the pems you want credo to encrypt details with. It is signed by one of your private keys to ensure only your public keys are in this file.

The account_id is a file with one line containing "<account_id>,<fingerprint>,<signature>" where the fingerprint and signature is used to verify that one of your private keys recorded this account_id under this account and repository. This is to ensure that the credentials found in credentials.json do actually belong to this account and repo.

The username is a file like the account_id but holds the amazon username associated with this user, and a signature used to validate this name.

The credentials.json contains the credentials encrypted with each public key it knows about and a signature used to verify that the credentials were written using one of you private keys against a particular account and user.

This means you may only add credentials using one of your private keys.

The format of credentials.json includes the half_life of the key, the epoch signifying when that credential was created and for each key we use to decrypt the data, a secret that is encrypted with your ssh key, a signature saying your private key created that secret, and the credentials themselves encrypted with AES using that secret.

Each env.json file has a similar format to credentials.json but it has type of environment and includes environment variables that have been captured by the credo capture command.



Update requests for CVE-2018-18074


Update paramiko for CVE-2018-1000805


Update pycryptodome for CVE-2018-15560


Stop using pycrpto (it's unmaintained and has a cve)

Upgrade other dependencies


Some fixes


Python3 support

Some fixes

Readme improvement


Trying to fix the launchdaemon to use correct home directory


Fixed a bug with the chrome extension

Fixed a bug with generating the shell script

Added a --config option


Add more support for credo server.


Fixed the credo import function


Some fixes to credo serve


Doesn't ask for half_life multiple times

Has a don't rotate option

One less bug with saving keys on rotate

Fixed a bug with importing from a boto config


Added serve and switch to act as a fake metadata service


Some minor fixes


Added register_saml function

And the ability to get credentials from a saml identity provider


Pinning install_requires dependencies

Using delfick_error now


Fixed bug where credo would crash if your ~/.ssh folder had subfolders

Can now specify --half-life when you do a rotate, exec, inject or exports

You can now set a half_life option in ~/.credo/config


Made it so that --help when used with credo sourceable doesn't return exit code 0 because the bash helper would source --help output


Made pygit2 optional because compiling libgit2 is annoying

0.2.1 and 0.2.2

Tiny bug fixes I noticed after release


Initial version that is open-sourced

The Magic Metadata Server

The magic metadata server provides your local IAM tools with credentials needed to access your AWS account. It works the same way an ec2 instance is able to access it's role credentials (over

There are two parts of the server.

  • The credo shell function that is used as a wrapper to access the credo tool in your virtualenv.
  • The LaunchDaemon plist which defines how to start the magic metadata server.

Setting up the Magic Metadata Server

The magic metadata server listens at on your local machine.

Currently it only supports /latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials, thus allowing any amazon sdk to authenticate with Amazon.

Also, it only works with identity provider credentials (so it won't work with the user credentials you've imported into credo) but that restriction aside, it does work.

To setup it up on your computer, follow the following instructions:

First, let's choose where you're gonna create a virtualenv for credo.

Let's say ~/credo_venv, but you can change that to what you want:

  1. virtualenv ~/credo_venv
  2. source ~/credo_venv/bin/activate
  3. pip install credo_manager tornado flask
  4. credo create_launch_daemon

Finally, we shall import accounts:

  1. credo register_saml
  2. For each account run credo import --source saml_provider

Setting up Helpers

To help you use the credo, there are some CLI tools and Chrome Extension.

Install the CLI tools:

credo print_shell_function and follow instructions.

Install the Chrome Extensions:

credo output_extension --output ~/credo_venv/ext and follow instructions.

To quickly switch between environments, you can now run the command switch <environment>.

Enjoy your new Magic Metadata Server.


If you're developing it:

pip install -e .
pip install -e ".[tests]"

Run the helpful script:


Git Integration

** The Git integration doesn't really work. **

Install the dependencies:

Mac OSX:

brew install libgit2 gmp

For ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis/python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-crypto python-pygit2

For other systems, see the Compiled Python Dependencies section below

Compiled Python dependencies

If you don't want to use pre-built packages for pycrypto you could make sure you don't have that package installed, then install the python development libraries and the gmp development libraries (gmp is needed for crypto to be faster).


For Debian systems, something like

sudo apt-get install libpython-dev libgmp-dev

For those with yum

yum install python-devel gmp-devel

And then do pip install credo.

You can also compile libgit2 yourself if you want:

# sudo apt-get install cmake gcc
# or
# sudo yum install cmake make gcc

git clone -b master git://
mkdir libgit2/build
cd libgit2/build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install

pip install pygit2

Pygit2 is an optional dependency, and for now, git support is rather weak anyway.