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Loading and Preparing Audio with Tensorflow 2.4

Different ways to load and prepare audio with Tensorflow that I understood and found neat.
I've put this together to hopefully help out others using tf for audio and for my future self who will probably forget all of it...
This is by no means a golden standard and if you know a different much better way of loading and processing audio with tf please branch away and pull request! thank you <3

Bias Warning: I mainly work with music audio files

To the point - what can you find here?

  • Two different ways to handle audio data:

    • tfio : "on-the-fly" audio loading and pre-processing with tensorflow
    • tfds : create a custom audio tf dataset, build it (TFRecords) and benefit from the tfds methods, e.g. simply load it using tfds.load(yourdataset)
  • A tf pipeline following the awesome OCD pleasing template from Deep Learning in Production with a dummy model for audio classification to see the different techniques in action.

How to use it?

This is meant as an example/guide/reminder not as a package. If you do however want to test some of it with your data, you need to modify the paths and parameters in:

  • configs/
  • dataloaders/my_tdfs/

What I found : tfio and tfds


+ No waiting time as no "feature" pre computing required, just plug and train
+ Very flexible, good to try out different audio preprocessing approaches

- Memory intensive
- Longer epochs than tfds


+ Type checked -> less unwanted surprises while training
+ TFRecords -> quicker epochs, less memory required while training

- Need to specify the shape of your data before hand
- Initial computation of TFRecords -> not that flexible if you're not sure about your preprocessing
- Not that intuitive to use

Questions to ask yourself before starting:

  • Is my dataset supported by tfds or mirdata?
  • How big is my dataset? (is it worth the optimising effort? if so, is it so big that I might encounter memory issues? if so, is TFRecords my only option then?)
  • Do I want to load audio "on-the-fly" (get flexibility for slower epochs) or ...
  • pre-process the whole dataset before hand, trade flexibility and a big once-off waiting time for the flashing quick TFRecords?

Folder Structure

  • configs : file with all the configuration info mainly for the tfio approach and for the model
  • dataloaders:
    • : all the code to load and prep your data with tfio
    • my_tfds : you don't need to define a loader because tfds gives you one, but you do need to define and build your TFRecords dataset:
      • the code to define your custom dataset that you then need to build, for example by typing in your terminal tfds build
        warning: The config paths for this are hardcoded in the script and not in config because it's just much easier to read in this case
      • some prints to check the custom tfds dataset
  • models:
    • : abstract class defining how a model should look like
    • : inherits from the base_model and explicitly calls the loading for tfio or tfds given in as parameter; see that's the only difference between the two mains. Change the build method for a fancier model!
  • utils:
    • : json parser to read the configuration info in configs
  • : what you need to run to load the data using tfds and feed/train your model with it.
  • : what you need to run to load the data using tfio and feed/train your model with it.

My motivation: how to make the most out of Tensorflow when handling audio?

You have your audio dataset, now you need to load it and do some pre-processing before feeding it to your fancy model. If your dataset is not supported by the amazing mirdata or tf you have to code up your data loader.
The most straightforward way: to use python+librosa combo, run your data through that, save your input features in memory and pass them on to tf using something like:
This is all very good if your dataset is small and you are patient. Not my case; so I looked into different ways of letting tf do the data handling, a.k.a : use the optimised code produced by people much more skilled than myself.


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